Transformation Flashcards
(ch.1+2)initially, transformation is presented..
through hyde
finish the quote: ‘murderous..
finish the quote: ‘stumping…
finish the quote: ‘Satan’s signature…
..upon a face’
finish the quote: ‘trampled…
finish the quote: ‘black sneering..
finish the quote: ‘hiss…
finish the quote: ‘savage..
finish the quote: ‘snarl…
(ch.5,6+7)throughout the course of the novel, transformation is presented…
as shocking and blasphemous
finish the quote: ‘I swear to…
finish the quote: ‘god forgive us.god..
..forgive us’
finish the quote: ‘i shall…
..never recover’
finish the quote: ‘i have…
..had a shock’
finish the quote: ‘abject..
..terror and despair’
finish the quote: ‘smile was struck..
..out of his face’
finish the quote: ‘froze the..
..very blood’
finish the quote: ‘they were both…
finish the quote: ‘answering…
…horror in their eyes’
(ch.8)finally, transformation is presented…
through fear
finish the quote: ‘felt in your..
…marrow kind of cold and thin’
finish the quote: ‘that thing…
…in the mask was never dr. jekyll’
finish the quote: ‘went down.. spine like ice’
(ch.10) finally, transformation is presented..
as freeing
finish the quote: ‘younger,
…lighter, happier’
finish the quote: ‘sea..
..of liberty’
finish the quote: ‘for his..
finish the quote: ‘like a..
finish the quote: ‘strip off..
…these lendings and spring headlong into a sea of liberty’
(ch.10) finally, transformation is presented..
as dangerous
finish the quote: ‘the most..
..racking pangs succeeded’
finish the quote: ‘a horror..
…of the spirit that cannot be exceeded at the hour of birth or death’
finish the quote: ‘should the throes..
..of change take me in the act of writing it, Hyde will tear it into pieces
finish the quote: ‘the doom that is…
…closing on us both’