Appearances and Reality Flashcards
(ch.1)initially, appearance and reality is presented…
through enfield
finish the quote: ‘well-
..known man about town’
finish the quote: ‘by-
finish the quote: ‘about three…
..o’clock of a black winter morning’
(ch.1,2+3) initially, appearance and reality is presented..
through the duality of jekyll and hyde
finish the quote: ‘trampled…
finish the quote: ‘damned..
finish the quote: like..
finish the quote: ‘down-right…
finish the quote: ‘pale and..
finish the quote: ‘something..
finish the quote: ‘shrank back with..
…a hissing intake of the breath’
finish the quote: ‘snarled aloud..
..into a savage laugh’
finish the quote: ‘satan’s..
..signature upon a face’
finish the quote: ‘a large, well-
…made man of fifty’
finish the quote: ‘every mark of..
..capacity and kindness’
finish the quote: ‘you could..
…see by his looks’
finish the quote: ‘the large handsome face…
..of dr jekyll’
finish the quote: ‘grew pale to the..
..very lips and there came a blackness about his eyes’
(ch.4)throughout the course of the novel, appearance and reality is presented…
through setting of soho - dichotomy of london
finish the quote: ‘dismal..
..quarter of soho’
finish the quote: ‘muddy..
finish the quote: ‘slatternly…
finish the quote: ‘like the district..
..of some city in a nightmare’
finish the quote: ‘many women of different..
…nationalities passing out’
finish the quote: ‘blackguardly..
(ch.5)throughout the course of the novel, appearance and reality is presented..
through handwriting
finish the quote: ‘differently..
finish the quote: ‘odd upright..
finish the quote: ‘many points..
finish the quote: ‘henry jekyll..
..forge for a murderer’
(ch.8) finally, appearances and reality is presented..
through the revelation of jekyll’s alter ego
finish the quote: ‘the writer’s…
..emotion had broken loose’
finish the quote: ‘mere animal..
finish the quote: ‘sorely contorted..
..and still twitching’
finish the quote: ‘beheld the face..
..of edward hyde’
finish the quote: ‘clothes..
..far too large for him’
finish the quote: ‘clothes of..
..the doctor’s bigness’
finish the quote: ‘self-
finish the quote: ‘a copy of..
…pious work’
finish the quote: ‘for which jekyll had several..
..times expressed a great esteem’
finish the quote: ‘annotated, in his own..
..hand with startling blaspehmies’
(ch.10) finally, appearance and reality is presented…
through jekyll’s perspective
finish the quote: ‘concealed my..
finish the quote: ‘carry my head high…
..and wear a more commonly grave countenance before the public’
finish the quote: ‘man is not truly..
one but truly two’
finish the quote: ‘of this seemingly so..
..solid body in which we walk attired’
‘of this seemingly so solid body in which we walk attired’
- the image of humans being ‘attired’ has dramatic associations - we wear costumes to hide vulnerabilities and our ‘walk’ is simply a performance
finish the quote: ‘plod in the public eye with a load..
..of genial respectability’
finish the quote: ‘and in a moment, like a ….
..schoolboy, strip off these lendings and spring headlong into a sea of liberty’