Immorality Flashcards
(ch.1) initially, immorality is presented…
through enfield
finish the quote: ‘nut to crack…
…for many’
finish the quote: ‘well known… about town’
finish the quote: ‘by…
finish the quote: ‘sunday..
finish the quote: ‘they might…
..enjoy them uninterrupted’
finish the quote: ‘three o’clock…
…of a black winter’s morning’
(ch.1 and 2) initially, immorality is presented…
through hyde
(ch.1)finish the quote: ‘the man…
…trampled calmly over the child’s body’
(ch.1)finish the quote: ‘left her…
…screaming on the ground’
(ch.1)finish the quote: ‘hellish…
…to see’
(ch.1)finish the quote: ‘damned…
(ch.1)finish the quote: ‘scandal…
…out of this’
(ch.1)finish the quote: ‘his name stink…
..from one end of London to the other’
(ch.1)finish the quote: ‘really… Satan’
(ch.2)finish the quote: ‘hissing…
…intake of the breath’
(ch.2)finish the quote: ‘with a …
…flush of anger’
(ch.2)finish the quote: ‘murderous…
…mixture of timidity and boldness’
(ch.2)finish the quote: ‘an impression of…
…deformity without any nameable malformation’
(ch.2)finish the quote: ‘flush…
…of anger’
(ch.4)throughout the course of the novel, immorality is presented…
through violence
finish the quote: ‘clubbed him…
…to the earth’
finish the quote: ‘ape-like..
fnish the quote: ‘great flame…
..of anger’
finish the quote: ‘storm of…
finish the quote: ‘the bones…
…were audibly shattered’
(ch.4)throughout the course of the novel, immorality is presented…
through the setting of soho
finish the quote: ‘dismal..
finish the quote: ‘its muddy..
finish the quote: ‘slatternly….
finish the quote: ‘like the district…
..of some city in a nightmare’
finish the quote: ‘many women…
..of different nationalities passing out’
finish the quote : ‘blackguardly..
(ch.5) throughout the course of the novel, immorality is presented…
through jekyll’s secretive laboratory
finish the quote: ‘dissecting…
finish the quote: ‘first…
‘dissecting rooms’
‘first time’
- reference to grave robbing - for medical science - duplicity of society-secrecy presented through sinful and illicit activities -> backdoor to jekyll’s -> allusion to jekyll being involved in grave robbing -> hypocrisy of society
- first time that jekyll - one of his oldest friends- came into this part- hidden from him - presents secrecy through utterson’s lack of knowledge - not omnicient
(ch.6)throughout the course of the novel, immorality is presented…
as fatal
finish the quote: ‘death-warrant…
…written legibly upon his face’
finish the quote: ‘the rosy man…
..had grown pale’
finish the quote: ‘his flesh…
..had fallen away’
(ch.7)throughout the course of the novel, immorality is presented…
as frightening
finish the quote: ‘the smile was…
..struck out of his face’
finish the quote: ‘succeeded by… expression of… abject terror and despair’
finish the quote: ‘froze…
..the very blood’
finish the quote: ‘they were both…
finish the quote: ‘answering…
finish the quote: ‘god…
…forgive us. god forgive us’
(ch.8)finally, immorality is presented…
as punishable through death
finish the quote: ‘sorely…
..contorted and still twitching’
finish the quote: ‘self..
finally, immorality is presented…
through the rejection of religion
finish the quote: ‘copy of…
…pious work’
finish the quote: ‘a great…
finish the quote: ‘startling…
(ch.10)finally, immorality is presented…
as freeing
finish the quote: ‘younger…
..lighter, happier’
finish the quote: ‘plod in the public..
finish the quote: ‘spring..
‘plod in the public eye’
‘spring headlong’
- dull ‘p’ sound - heavy tiresome manner
- juxtaposed with a dynamic freedom in ‘spring’
finish the quote: ‘strip off….
…these lendings’
finish the quote: ‘like a…
‘like a schoolboy’
- images of youth, excitement and vitality
- sense of freedom unburdened by adult conventions
finish the quote: ‘sea…
..of liberty’
(ch.10)finally, immorality is presented…
as intoxicating
finish the quote: ‘braced and…
..delighted me like wine’