Trans 27 ENT Emergencies Flashcards
Secondary complications of foreign body in ear.
Infection and mucosal erosion
When not to use irrigation in foreign body?
If organic foreign body
Foreign body in the nose symptoms?
Purulent unilateral nasal discharge
• Usually lodge on the floor of anterior or middle third
Management foreign body in the nose?
Good visualization: head lamp & nasal speculum
• Alligator forceps should be used to remove cloth, cotton, or
• Other hard FB are more easily grasped using bayonet
Most common site of lodgement of foreign body
3 anatomic constrictions which are:
Cricopharyngeus, aortic notch, hiatus. But most FB will
lodge here in the cricopharyngeus, the opening of the esophagus.
3 stages of symptoms of foreign body in the esophagus
• First stage
o Violentparoxysmsofcoughingorgagging
When they swallow, they’ll try to expel it. And if it is not
expelled, there will be a stage where you don’t feel
anything, it’s just there • Second stage
o Symptomless interval
Might not be present in most cases. When the FB is in the
esophagus, they will not be able to drink, they won’t eat
because they will vomit it out • Third stage
o Complications
True OR false Esophageal FBs require more urgent treatment than those in the tracheobronchial tree
Tree or false FBs that have reached the stomach will pass through the remainder of the GIT without difficulty
In complete obstruction, the FB must be disimpacted or alternate airway established in
4 minutes
you go behind the patient, upward thrust with your thumb. Goal is to put abdominal pressure, which will transmit into the thoracic cage and remove FB. Once you do this without success and your patient is unconscious, then start doing your CPR
heimlich maneuver
step by step what to do if there is airway obstruction?
- Heimlich meneuver- airway compromise Abdominal thrust
- Mouth-to-mouth resuscitation 3. Cricothyrotomy
- Tracheostomy
how to know if the FB is in the larynx or trachea?
• Discomfort, hoarseness, cough, dysnea FB LODGED IN TRACHEA
• Audible slap, palpable thud
how to know if the FB is in the larynx or in the trachea?
• Discomfort, hoarseness, cough, dysnea FB LODGED IN TRACHEA
• Audible slap, palpable thud
A foreign body lodged in the tracheobronchial tree, not totally occluding the airway, is not as great an emergency as one that is lodged in the esophagus unless:
o It is sharp
o Uncooked
o Dehydrated
which can absorb fluids and swell within the lumen