Training Key - Community Oriented Policing Part 1 Flashcards
Economic, political and social pressures have forced the police to search for better ways to bring peace to their communities.
The most recent of these organizational and management models to be tested is
community policing
Evolutionary process in American policing will continue to involve
experimentation, evaluation and change.
The notion of community policing arose from
the conflict, disorder and crime of the 1960’s where the civil rights movement brought into question the performance of many important elements of the government.
agencies would operate much like a business or military organization
One of the more significant side effects was the “professional” model of policing
insulation and isolation of the police agencies from the community
The professional model suggested that the only appropriate answers to crime and disorder were those generated by the police themselves
Robert Trajanowicz and David Carter defined community policing as:
A philosophy and not a specific tactic; community policing is a proactive, decentralized approach designed to reduce crime, disorder, and by extension, fear of crime by involving the same officer in the same community on a long-term basis. Community policing can also be distinguished from other forms of policing because it derives its priorities in part from community input.
Community Policing Consortium which includes the IACP:
The foundations of successful community policing strategy are the close, mutual beneficial ties between the police and community members. Community policing consists of two complementary components. Community partnerships and problem solving. To develop community partnerships, police must develop positive relationships with the community, must involve the community in the quest for better crime control and prevention and must pool their resources with those of the community to address the most urgent concerns of the community members. Problem solving is the process through which the specific concerns of communities are identified and through which the most appropriate remedies to abate these problems are found.
In problem-oriented policing the community identifies problems and assists the police in finding solutions, but the police are the ones who choose which problems to target and they are the primary problem solvers. In community policing agencies, collaborative problem identification and problem solving is much more prevalent.
The goal of COP
to reduce crime and disorder by identifying the problems in individual neighborhoods and working with the community to find solutions.
should be a small, well-defined geographic area and should be defined in such a manner as to maintain he social and geographic uniqueness of the neighborhood while allowing for efficient and effective police services. The community should be served by one or more officers on a permanent assignment.
stressed in community policing agencies. Situations and environments are sought where officers and citizens cane be brought together in meaningful discussion or healthy interaction.
Positive, personal contact between officers and community members
Officers pursuing community policing agendas must be willing and available to
listen, talk and communicate with their neighborhood-partners and to act collaboratively toward the solutions
Concerns of the community may not be the same as the concerns of the officers or their agencies
foremost goal in efforts to form a community partnership
Establishing and maintaining trust
Conflicts should be used
to build cooperative bonds that are required to maintain order
The partnership-building process involves
involves proximity (making contact), communication, and the establishment of trust within the community
Problem solving is the second core component of community policing
It is based on a number of assumptions. First, that “crime and disorder can be reduced in a small geographic area by carefully studying the characteristics of problems in the area and then applying appropriate resources…”
There is no community-oriented policing without a
unified community police effort
Traditional police organizations and managements styles must be shaped to provide an environment that will
encourage and support community policing
Traditional police organizations can inhibit open communication
(particularly communication up and down the chain of command)
Community policing cannot become a reality without
“the empowerment, participation, input, support, and commitment, participation, input support and commitment of all shareholders who represent the affected parties in the community policing enterprise.”
Major elements of most strategic plans include
- Vision: a mental image
- Values: the underlying principals
- Mission: an agency’s ultimate purpose
- Goals: broad statements of desired outcomes
- Strategies: Actual activities that will be performed in delivering services to the public
Under COP, supervisors need to
provide officer with greater latitude in performing their jobs and in making their own decisions than has been the case under traditional styles of policing
Under COP, supervisors are free to a larger degree to
perform other formerly unanswered needs while officers become familiar and work more closely with their communities
Commanders and middle managers have to accept greater citizen involvement and get things done through
participatory and democratic managements styles
The organization should focus on the deliver of a wide range of services
Generalist patrol officers are the primary service providers
Specialists should be developed only as required and be on call by the file officers
In a community-oriented policing agency, the command structure is
“flattened” to facilitate the communication, interaction and accountability
Agencies should attempt to employ COP in
as many areas of the jurisdiction as possible and assign a sufficient number of trained COP officer to each of these locations
COP encourages cooperation and communication
which in turn increases the volume and type of information provided by the agency. This information, if properly collected and funneled to a ventral departmental analysis unit along with crime and incident data. This information should be returned to the field for use by officers in preventing and solving problems