General Orders - Processing Controlled Substances Flashcards
Controlled substances shall never be left unattended
Uniformed officers after recovering a controlled substance shall
Proceed to the station without undue delay or supervisors permission
Shall retain possession unless ordered to turn over the substance by a supervisor
Officer shall mark the controlled substance for future ID
Once at the station an officer must notify the __________ __________ and notify of the recovery of a controlled substance. The officer may ask for another officer to stand by during testing
Watch Commander
If more than one person is to be charged, the drugs should be tested ________
The officer should utilize what equipment when testing narcotics
Latex Gloves
Eye protection
N95 dust mask
Ductless fume hood
When live marijuana plants are seized they should be
Placed in an evidence locker next to an evidence bag so the property officer can dry the plants
How should used testing kits be disposed of
Tied within a latex glove and disposed of in the trash
The seized controlled substance should be weighed and placed in heat sealed bag and sealed. Then placed in a __________ ________ _______
Narcotics evidence bag
If a narcotics evidence bag needs to be open it must be done in front of their _______ _______ and in the ________ ______
Immediate supervisor
Testing room
Needles, paraphernalia, and dangerous materials should be packaged in accordance with the
Property handling procedure
SID officers responsibilities
Notify the SID Supervisor
In SID request a controlled substance envelope and controlled substance evidence tag
Perform field test
Supervisor sign evidence bag
Narcotics should ________ be left in sole possession of a civilian employee
If a substance requires further testing an SID officer should contact
ETU Officer
SID supervisor shall be familiar with all active controlled substance cases
SID Supervisor shall assume the same responsibilities of the _______ ______ when controlled substance are recovered
Patrol supervisor
SID Commander assumes administrative control over all of the controlled substances held in custody of the WPD
SID Commander responsibilities
Review procedures
Periodically meet with the property room and observe the narcotics
Order immediate destruction of narcotics that have lost evidentiary value
A _________ will be present when any amount of narcotics is removed from the property room for destruction
SID Supervisor shall personally see that the ________ ________ received proper documentation of the release of the controlled substance from their custody for destruction that shows it has been desroyed
Property officer
Narcotics needs two officers for transport when the street value is over _________
SID commander ensures that the controlled substance testing room has adequate supplies
Property officer shall ________ determine if any controlled substance is in evidence and is the first priorirty in processing.
Property officer shall not allow storage of a controlled substance in an area not in their controll
Property officer needs form _______ for a controlled substance to be released
Form 116
Property room log shall contain
Item released To who released Date and Time Destination By who returned Date and Time Signature of property officer releasing
Property room keys shall be controlled by
Property officers and commander of CID
Property room officer shall retain custody of controlled substance evidence tags and evidence containers and shall issue a sufficient supply to
SID and the Patrol Watch Commander