General Orders - Deadly Force Flashcards
Graham V. Connor
Officers shall use only the degree of force control deemed objectively reasonable and necessary under the totality of the circumstances
Officers decision to use force control must allow for the fact
That police officers are forced to make split-second judgements and decisions in circumstances that are tens, uncertain and rapidly evolving.
Justification for the use of deadly force must be limited to
What reasonably appears to be the facts known or perceived by an officer at the time. Facts known to an officer, no matter how compelling, cannot be considered in later determining whether the use of deadly force was justified.
Duty to intervene
Use of force control that is not lawful, reasonable, and appropriate will not be tolerated. Any officer who witnesses inappropriate, unnecessary, unreasonable, or excessive use of force by another officer shall take immediate action to intervene and report it immediately to a command or supervisory officer.
Injury which creates a substantial risk of death, or which causes serious permanent disfigurement, unconsciousness, extreme pain or permanent loss or impairment of any bodily member or organ, bone fracture or impairment of air flow or blood floor to the brain or lungs
Serious bodily injury
Without bias or being influenced by personal feelings and beliefs
Facts or circumstances which cause an ordinary and prudent to act or think in a similar manner
Reasonable belief
No reasonable effective alternative exists
Non covered by policy however remain reasonable and necessary use of force standards
Last resort
A form of temporary amnesia subsequent to a sympathetic nervous system (SNS) mass discharge
Critical Incident Amnesia
Sanctity of life
The Warren Police Department recognizes and respects the integrity and value of human life
Confrontation Situation
Defense of self or others
Immediate threat of death or serious injury
No apparent alternative
Bystanders not unreasonably jeopardized
Verbal warning whenever possible
Fleeing Felon
No apparent alternative
Bystanders not unreasonably jeopardized
Officer believes that the felony included the use of or threatened deadly force or there is a substantial risk that the suspect will cause death or serious bodily harm if apprehension is delayed
Choke Hold, Strangle Hold, Shoulder Pin, Resipiratory Neck Restraint, Vascular Neck Restraint
All prohibited unless last used as last resort
Immediate threat needs the following
Ability, opportunity, and jeopardy
Deadly force with juvenile
Shall not use lethal force unless:
Fleeing felon and poses a threat of mortal harm to others
When can firearms be drawn and displayed
Confronted with a potentially life endangering situation
When can you shoot an animal
To protect himself or the public
Ordered by a court of law
Animal is seriously injured and all alternatives have been exhausted.
When safe, medical aid is to be rendered when:
When the subject requests it
Subject complains of injury or continual pain
Any officer observes an injury
Directed by a supervisor
Officers that provide aid shall document the nature of the treatment, along with the nature of injury or complaint of injury, in the incident report and _______ ______
Blue Team
Officers shall provide first aid and continuously monitor until relieved and transport or arrange to transport to a medical facility for treatment
If the subject is already in the jail and medical aid may be necessary who will be notified
Detention Supervisor or Watch Commander
Detention Supervisor or Watch Commander shall evaluate an injury of a person in the jail
Transporting suspects in the prone position
Officers are required to obtain written release forms from the medical staff
After using deadly force from an officer
Must verbally report incident to their immediate supervisor
Final report after two sleep periods generally 48 hours
Off duty lethal force policy
Mirrors on duty policy
Commissioner or his designee will conduct an annual analysis of the department’s use of force activities, policies or practices. To determine:
Compliance with applicable law and department procedures
Applicability of department procedures
Determine department equipment needs if available
Officers will receive deadly force training how often
Every year
Topics to be covered in deadly force training
Review of GO’s
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