Training Areas Flashcards
North MOA Block Altitude
12,000 MSL - 17,999 MSL
North MOA Frequencies
JAX C Discrete: CH16
JAX Center: CH17
MOA Common: CH15
North MOA Transition Block
East: 11,700
West: 11,200
Dynamic Manuevers shall be planned for completion between ___?
12,500’ - 17,500’
North MOA Entry Procedure VFR
- File NSE 2 stereo route
- use appropriate departure headings
- Expect to climb and maintain 4500’ MSL and expect higher (10,000’)
- At or below 10,000’ MSL, TRACON will direct aircraft to contact JAX center on CH16
- “JAX center, BBXXX, request (block)”
Caution: If comms is delayed to JAX Center for clearance into NMOA while VFR, a/c should maintain last assigned heading and altitude until intercepting the NE line that divides B and C Blocks. Fly NE along the line and make an advisory call on CH12. Once in contact with JAX Center make request and continue
- Once cleared into NMOA by JAX, climb to appropriate transition altitude
- Proceed to lateral confines of assigned block, climb to block working altitudes and switch to NMOA Common CH15
NMOA Exit Procedures
- “JAX center, BBXXX, request random descent VFR”
- JC: “BBXXX, roger, report leaving 12,000’ MSL’
- Pilot: “JAX center, BBXXX, leaving 12,000’ MSL”
- JC: “BBXXX, squawk 1200, frequency change approved”
- Transit in in the high transition layer and monitor appropriate freq
- May depart laterally, through unused pelican block, or 1B and 4C
Pelican Block Altitudes
- 6000 - 11000’ MSL
Pelican Transition Block
- East: 5700’ MSL
- West: 5200’ MSL
Pelican Frequencies
- Pelican and Fox Common: CH12
- Evergreen: CH14
- Brewton: CH13
- Bay Minette: CH27
- Monroeville: 123.0 CTAF
- Area 2T: CH 12
Pelican Entry and Exit Procedure
- Enter and Exit via the transition layer
- Transit along block borders and make traffic calls on the common before transversing the borders
- Radio calls
- “Anyone working 3A?”
- “BBXXX established 3A”
- “BBXXX transiting 1B/2B at 7500’ MSL”
Warning: If more than one block is needed avoid using a B and C together
When exiting a Pelican block an advisory call may be made but is not required
South MOA and ATCAA Block Altitude
11,000’ - FL230
- A/c operating in Gator Area shall use the local altimeter setting
- When below 29.92, 22,000’ MSL is the highest useable working altitude
South MOA Transition Block
East: 9,500’ MSL—-> shall transit along block lines or the clear the applicable Wahoo blocks
West: 10,500’ MSL
South MOA Gator Frequencies
- Pensacola Approach: CH28
- South MOA Common: CH29
Gator VFR Entry
- NSE 4/5 from KNSE
- Local Altimeter
- PNS App will transition a/c to/from assigned blocks and issue GATOR clearance
- Gator clearance authorizes:
- Climb/Descend from assigned alt only once established in the lateral confines of the assigned working block
- Stay below 11,000’ MSL until in working block
- Monitor CH29 while in Gator Block
Gator Area VFR Exit
- Contact PNS App: CH28
- “Pensacola APP, BBXXX, complete in block ___, cancel radar advisories”
- Remain within assigned block until given instruction by PNS App (MOA Monitor)
- Aircraft requesting VFR flight following after departing GATOR will do so 10 min prior to departure
- Aircraft desiring to transit at altitudes other than those listed above should do so at an appropriate altitude in accordance with VFR semi-circular rules and may transit through unused Wahoo blocks or along Wahoo border lines
- Continue to monitor on CH29
- Make traffic call to Wahoo Common CH8 if transiting unused Wahoo blocks or along block lines
- A/C transiting east shall transit along block lines at 9,500’ or clear the applicable Wahoo blocks
Wahoo Working Area Block Altitudes
6,000’ - 9,500’ MSL
Area 1 Working Block Altitudes
SFC - 6,000’ MSL
Wahoo Operations
- Blocks 1 A and 2A will be priority TW-6
- Aerobatics: Squawk 4700
- No Aerobatics over congested areas
Wahoo Transition Layer
- East: 9,500’ MSL
- West: 10,500’ MSL
- Aircraft transiting eastbound shall transit along block lines at 9,500’ or clear the applicable Wahoo blocks
Area 1 Operations
- Area 1 H used for HELO training below 5k’
- Standard VFR Transit altitudes (West 4500/East 5500’)
- Caution near the beach line for NPA course rules traffic
- Aerobatics are prohibited in Area 1 including 1E