Maneuvers Flashcards
Turn Pattern
Configuration: 150 KIAS on any numbered heading
Clear Area:
- Clear the area
- 30* AOB for 90*x2
- Clear the area
- 45* for 180x2
- Clear the area
- 60* for 360x2
- All turns done concurrently
Level Speed Change
- Establish in the normal cruise configuration 200 KIAS on any numbered heading
- Reduce power IDL - 10% to 120, Gear Down, Flaps Up–> Stabilize
- 31% 4* Nose High
- “Below 150, Gear” “Clear” –> hammer down the gear
- Trim
- 120 KIAS, Gear Down, Flaps Landing
- 52% 1* Nose High
- Maintain 120
- Trim
- Conduct before Landing Checklist
Advance power to maximum, check airspeed below 150 KIAS
- Gear up, Flaps up at ____ Knots
- 200 KIAS 50% + Altitude
Power On Stalls
- ***Turning Stall setup is the same, except 20-30* of AOB in either direction is added
- General: Entry speed of 150 KIAS results in 1500-2000 feet of altitude gain
- Configuration: Slow Cruise or Higher, Clean. Establish aircraft in the clean configuration. Complete manuever abover 6k’. Any heading
- Checklist: Perform PSA
- Clear Area: Clear working area with visual scan, TCAS, and clearing turns as required
Straight-Ahead Stall: Adjust the PCL to 30-60% torque. Raise the nose to a pitch attitude between 15-40*
- Only recover after uncommanded nose drop
- Relax back-stick pressure
- Max PCL
- Level wings
- Ball center the ball during recovery
- Use max AOA 14-17.9 AOA to min altitude loss
Landing Pattern (Approach Turn) Stall
- Configuration: 120 KIAS gear down, flaps as required
- Checklist: PSA and Before Landing Checklist
- Clear Area: Clear working area with visual scan, TCAS, and clearing turns as required
Simulate transition near abeam pos IAW contact FTI landing pattern procedures
- Power 14/15/18% with airspeed 120/115/110 KIAS
- “BBXXX, 180, Gear Down, Full Stop”
- 30* AOB turn to simulate the approach turn to final
- Once stabilized at 120/115/110 KIAS raise nose 5-10* nose high and reduce power to idle.
- Maintain between 20-45* AOB and hold pitch attitude
- At first indication of stall recover with min altitude loss
Simulate transition near abeam pos IAW contact FTI landing pattern procedures
Landing Attitude Stall
- Configuration: Establish a simulated final approach at 5 to 10 knots above final approach airspeed commensurate with flap setting. Altitude >6000’
- Checklist: PSA and before landing checklist
- Clear Area: Clear working area with visual scan, TCAS, and clearing turns as required
- Execute simulated landing transition
- Hold landing attitude constant (8* or less)
- Recover on first indication of landing pattern stall
Power Off Stall
General: Flown to practice recovery from dangerous low airspeed conditions prior to high key and during the ELP ***LOSE 800’***
- Ensure you have plenty of airspace will lose at least 1500 during recovery and 1000 - 2000 during setup
- Configuration: Clean, 150 KIAS, Altitude > 6K
- Checklists: PSA
- Clearing: Visual, TCAS, Clearing turns as required
Roll wings level, reduce power 4-6% and begin decelerating towards best glide speed, 125 KIAS
- If > 150 zoom glide to 125
- Check for 1350 - 1500 FPM
- Simulate high key and lower landing gear, capture 120 and start 15-20* AOB to Low Key
- Make HK call
- Complete the Before Landing Checklist
- Raise nose 5-10* nose high and allow airspeed to decay until first indication of impending stall (stick shaker or airframe buffet)
- Recover by lowering nose to 8* nose low (prop arc on horizon) and recapture 120 KIAS whil maintaining turn ground track
- ~800’ Lost
Roll wings level, reduce power 4-6% and begin decelerating towards best glide speed, 125 KIAS
Spin Entry
- Configuration: Slow cruise 150 KIAS. 13,500’ - 22,000’ entry. Must be recovered before 10k’
- Checklist: PSA
- Clear Area: Clear of aircraft and clouds especially below. TCAS below mode may be used
- Roll out on clearing turn, reduce power setting to IDLE
- Check wings level and roll nose 30* above horizon
- Acknowledge gear warning horn when it activates
- At stick shaker, lead stall with slight amount of rudder in desired direction of spin—> Spin will be conducted in same direction as the the last half of the clearing turn
- When the a/c stalls (nose pitches down)
- Smoothly apply full rudder in the direction of spin and full back stick pressure Do not use aileron for spin entry
- Call out:
- Altitude
- Airspeed
- Turn needle deflection/direction
Incipient Spin Recovery
Inadvertent Departure From Controlled Flight
Steady State Spin Recovery
Occurs after 3 spins of aircraft. Spins at rate of 1 spin per 2 to 3 seconds.
400 - 500 feet per turn
1500 - 2000 feet for normal dive recovery
- Scan
- Sufficient altitude for recovery
- Stalled AOA 18+
- Airspeed stabilized at 120 - 135 KIAS and turn needle fully deflected in direction of spin
- Apply full rudder opposite direction of rotation
- Smooth positive forward stick to a position forward of neutral —> In some cases might need 50 pounds of push force
- Neutralize controls
- Level wings
- Commence smooth pullout
- Continue pullout until nose level (minimize altitude loss
- Check and report oil pressure (minimum 90 psi)
- Add power as required
Slow Flight
- Configuration: Above 6k’ AGL, 150 KIAS, Gear Down
- Checklist: PSA and Before Landing Checklist
- Clear Area: Visual scan, TCAS, clearing turns as required
- Lower LDG flaps
- Reduce airspeed to 85 KIAS and set 45% T
- Complete a coordinated, level 30* AOB turn for 180* of heading change
- 30* AOB in opposite direction for 180 on original heading
- PCL Max
- Airspeed below 150 KIAS
- Gear up
- Flaps TO
- At 110 KIAS flaps up
- “Gear up, flaps up at ____ Knots”
- Accelerate to normal cruise
- Configuration: 200 - 220 KIAS
- Checklists: PSA
- Clear: None
- Wings level 200 - 220 KIAS
- PCL - Max
- Roll 70 - 80* AOB
- Allow nose to drop, no more than 10*
- Slowly and smoothly pull back on stick allowing G onset rate to come one smooth
- Increase to 4 G’s for 4 to 5 breathing cycles
- For advanced aerobatic and formation GEx should be flow to 4-5Gs
General: Demonstrate various performance characteristics of the aircraft in a near-stalled condition
Configuration: >6000’ AGL, 150 KIAS, Gear down
Checklist: Before landing checklist, PSA
Clear Area: Clear working area with visual scan, TCAS, and clearing turns as required
Straight and Level
- Operation on the back side of the power curve. This is the sight picture prior to touchdown during landing
Coordination Exercise:
- Series of left and right turns, using 15-20* AOB. Right turns require twice rudder deflection, while left turns require 1/2
Adverse Yaw: Lack of coordinated rudder during a turn results in a weaving or “S-ing” on final.
- Select point in front of aircraft and one 20* to the right of the nose
- Initiate rapid right turn with 20* AOB
- Nose will want to yaw left
- After 20* of turn, roll out rapidly without using rudder
- Nose goes past selected roll out point and then comes back
- Initiate right turn, using coordinated rudder
- After 20* of turn, roll out using properly coordinated rudder and note that the nose stops on the selected rollout point.
- Torque Turns:
- Steep Turns
- Abrupt Control Movement
- Flap Retraction
- Effectiveness of Controls
ATIS/Airport Info
- Switch CH13 “Brewton status” switch to CH15 NMOA common, set landing runway in the VOR CRS (set ‘300’)
- What block am I in?
- What Pelican block / section line can I descend through to get to the low transition (TCAS below)
- Adjust BINGO
- TCAS below
- PFD bugs on transition altitude and airspeed
- Start descent, call Jax Center prior to passing 12,000’
- As directed by Jax Center, change squawk to 1200, VHF CH13 Brewton
- UHF CH12—> Clear descent path through Pelican
- Descent Checklist
- Ops Check
- Establish in low transition at 5700, transit to initial, avoiding course rules as you descend between 4500 and 1700
- UHF CH13 once below course rules and start listening for traffic
- PFD bugs on pattern/break altitude 900 and airspeed 120
- PCL as required (Not necessarily max)
- Level wings center ball
- Raise the nose and climb at 120
- Raise flaps above 110 KIAS
- Reduce power 60-70%
- Adjust flight path to side of runway
- With interval call crosswind to re-enter downwind or depart the pattern
Clearing Turn
- A clearing turn utilizing 30-60* angle of bank; 45* angle of bank max in landing config.
- Stalls normally done in direction of clearing turn.
Energy Management
- 1000’ of altitude equals 50 knots airspeed with canopy bow on horizon and max power.
- Opitmum Energy Level
- 180-200 KIAS between top and bottom
Gaining Energy
- Climb at 140 - 160 KIAS with MAX Power
- Utilize energy gainers with losers