Holding Flashcards
Standard Pattern
Right turns
Nonstandard Pattern
Left turns
Holding Course
Magnetic course used to track inbound to the holding fix
Outbound Leg
Portion of pattern flow outbound from the holding fix.
Heading are flown during the outbound leg.
Holding Side
The side of the holding course about which the holding pattern is oriented. The holding side conatins the majorits of safe airspace.
Non-Holding Side
The side of the holding course opposite the holding side.
Abeam Position
- Best indcator is TO-FROM indicator. BP passing through 90 is also good indication
- When defined by RADIAL/DME, DME is is abeam def
- RNAV/GPS - On outbound leg GPS Along Track Distance is at min distance
- If abeam pos cannot be determined start any required timing when wings level after the outbound turn
No wind heading
A mag heading flown during the outbound leg equal to the reciprocal of the holding course.
Holding Airspeeds
- T6B normal holding speed 150 or ME (4.4 AOA) if fuel is factor.
- Within 3 minutes or 5 minutes from a clearance limit and clearance beyond the fix has not been recieved.
- Min Holding Alt - 6k’: 200
- 6,001-14k: 230
- 14,001 - and Above: 265
- Holding patterns from 6001 - 14k may be restricted to a max of 210 (on approach plate)
- USAF fields may be flown up to 310 KIAS
- USN may be flown up to 230 KIAS
Inbound Leg Length Timing
- <=14k - 1 minute
- >14k - 1.5 minutes
Holding Orbits
- Entry Orbit: First passage of the holding fix with an initial turn to an outbound heading with a turn to inbound heading to fix.
- No-wind Orbit: Flown to determine wind direction and calc the heading/timing corrections needed to compensate for wind effects
- Correction Orbit: Flown to account for wind
Standard Pattern Entries
- Use reicprocal of holding course to determine entry
- Parrallel
- Teardrop
- Direct Entry
- If reciprocal of holding course is within 5* of a boundary either entry can be used
Draw a Standard and Non Standard Pattern Entry
Holding Procedure
Pre Entry
- Copy and Readback the holding clearance
- Determine the required direction and heading for the entry turn
- Based on where the outbound heading falls (use heading bug and hand rule)
- Slow to 150 KIAS within 3 minutes or 5 nm of the holding fix
Entry Orbit
- Time - Note the GMT you crossed the holding fix (need for reporting)
- Turn- To appropriate entry heading
- Time - Start outbound timing if required
- Transition - Ensure you are at 150 KIAS, and comply with altitude as needed
- Twist - Set the Holding Course into the CDI
- Talk - PTA: Position, Time, Altitude
- “___, BBXXX, established in holding at FIX, TIME, ALTITUDE”
- Confirm EFC 5 minutes prior to EFC time
Upon Completion of the outbound leg
- Time - Outbound time/DME/ATD completed
- Turn - Inbound intercept the Holding Course
- Time - Start timing inbound (if req)
- Transition - If required to comply with ATC
- Twist - Ensure holding course is set in the CDI and track the holding course
- Talk - If you didn’t get the entry report accomplished on the outbound leg, do it now
No Wind Orbit
- Time - Reset elapsed time to zero
- Turn - Turn in the pattern direction a no-wind outbound heading
- Time - Start outbound timing if required
- Wings level or Abeam the holding fix
- Transition- As required to comply with ATC instructions
- Twist - Confirm holding course has been set in the CDI
- Talk - OPS check or Confirm EFC (5 min prior)
Upon completion of outbound leg
- Time - Outbound time/DME/ATD
- Turn - Inbound to intercept the holding course
- Time - Start timing inbound if required
- WIngs level, oncourse, or with an appropriate intercept to the holding course
- Transition- As required to comply with ATC
- Twist - Confirm Holding Course is set in the CDI and track
- Talk - State “Triple the Drift” heading for the next pass
Departing Holding Procedure
- Time - Not required
- Turn - As required to comply with ATC clearance
- Time
- Transition - Speed/altitude as req to comply
- Twist - Set/check CDI for course req for holding departure
- Talk - Report departing holding if required
Two clearances
“You are cleared for the ___ approach”
- Turn immediately to IAF
- Descend to published Minimum Holding Altitude (MHA)
- IF not published maintain last assigned altitude
- “at the completion of this turn in holding you are cleared for the ___ approach”
- Finish turn and track to IAF
Do not descend until on published segment of the approach
Shuttle Descent
Have min altitude of 1000’ between stacks,\
- Report leaving current altitude for assigned heading
- Reduce power to 15% torque
- Lower nose and maintain 150 KIAS
- Retrim
- Approximately 50’ prior level off altitude, begin setting 33% power
- Raise nose to set level flight
- Re-trim