Train Knowledge Flashcards
What 2 keys are used by CJCT?
- Operator Key (Crew Key)
- Train Key
What is the line voltage for MTS Metro?
1500v DC
(Minimum 1000v DC)
What are the Passenger, and crush capacities?
- 1,164 capacity
- 1,540 crush
How many doors per train?
36 Total
How many passenger seats per train?
What is the train length?
What is the max design speed and max service speed?
- 110 kph Design
- 100 kph Service
What is the net weight of a trainset?
230.4 t
What are the UTO / RM lights?
What do the different colour illuminations indicate?
- Blue = UTO (Unattended Train Operation)
- Amber = RM (Restricted Manual mode)
- Not illuminated = PM (Partial Manual)
What is the EDD?
Emergency Detrainment Door
Located at either end of the train, it allows for emergency evacuation of the train.
What is the ODDD?
Explain what it is / how it works
Obstruction & Derailment Detection Device
Located at the front of the train just above the rail, it engages emergency breaks and an evacuation zone around the train if The ODDD engages when it strikes an obstruction of at least 7kg and 115mm above the rail head.
What does the ‘Crew Switch’ do?
How is it activated?
Where are they located?
The crew switch allows CJCT staff to open or close train doors with the crew key manually.
There are 4 switchs on both the outside & inside of the DTC2 and DTC2 at doors 1 & 2
Train must be awake for switches to operate.
What and where is the EDR?
Emergency Door Release
Allows for train doors to be opened in an emergency. Also allows staff to access a powered-down train.
12 external EDR’s are located at:
* DTC cars near doors 1 and 2
* MC and MPC cars near doors 3 and 4
When does the side indicator light illuminate?
- A door is not fully closed on that car
- EDR has been activated
- PEA has been activated
What does the Isolation & Earth Switch (IES) do?
Allows switching the HV power from Collector to Earth position, allowing a safer 50v voltage for routine maintenance to be performed.
What is the ‘Pan Head’ on the pantograph?
The part of the pantograph that touches the overhead wires. CJCT must monitor and report if the carbon has worn off to prevent damage to the overhead wires.
What are the different ways to raise/lower the pantographs?
- Pantograph Switch (external, next to crew switch)
- Driver Desk UTO Panel (red emergency pantograph down button)
- TCMS screen
- Pantoraph Isolation Switch - MPC cars next to door 4 (can lower only)
- Manual hand crank - located in the internal frame in the roof space in MPC car
- AUX on/off on UTO Control Panel
How are the train doors numbered / what is the layout?
- Facing the front of the train (in the first three carriages) doors 1, 3, 5 are on the left.
- Doors 2, 4, 6 are on the right.
The last three carriages will be in the reverse order.
What is a PEA? What does it do?
Where are they located?
Passenger Emergency Alarm
An emergency call button for passengers connecting them to the OCC. The emergency breaks will activate if the train has just left a station.
Located at the RHS of all doors except door 4 (30 total)
How many CCTV cameras are on each train?
- 36 inside (6 per car)
- 2 outside (at either end of train)
- 38 cameras total
How many Fire Extinguishers are on each train?
Where are they located?
- 12 (2 per car)
- DTC- on side of DDU, and under seat near door 6
- MC & MPC - Under seats near doors 1 and 6
What are the 3 different types of Passenger Communication Equipment on the train?
- DRM - Dynamic Route Map
- PID - Passenger Information Display
- Destination Display
If a door has been mechanically isolated, can the door be manually opened via the ‘Crew Switch’
Once a door has been mechanically isolated, it has been physically locked and can not be opened.
Where are the electrical and mechanical door isolation switches located?
- Electrical is located to the LHS, on the top frame above the door.
- Mechanical is located in the middle of the frame above the door.
What are the 9 sections of the DDU?
- Passenger Announcement, CCTV & Information System (PACIS) HMI
- Radio Control Box
- Train Control Management System (TCMS) or DDU Screen
- Bypass/Override Control Switch Panel
- Pressure Guage Panel
- Master Controller + Mode Selector
- Door Open/Close Indicator Panel.
- UTO Control Panel
- Driver Control Handle with PACIS Handset Panel
What is the ‘overall’ function of the Car-Bourne Controller?
Continually communicating with the signalling system, it shares all information it gathers from the on-board subsystems.
What are the main functions of the Carbon Controller?
(try to remember at least 6)
- UTO train wake-up and sleep functions
- Localisation through beacons & odometer
- Adhere to network restrictions (FSR, TSR, PSR, WZ)
- Self-initialisation and test procedures
- Adhere to the route set and end of authority information
- Opening and closing of the doors
- Train Motion
- Precise station stops and departure management
- Handling of faults and failures
- Train Speed
- Process movement authorities
- Generation of status alarms for ATS & MSS
What is a buffer stop?
The end of a section of track, with a physical ‘buffer’ in place to stop an out-of-control train
What does the Electrical & Mechanical Coupler do?
Allows two trains to be joined to rescue a train by pulling or pushing a non-operative train.
(like a towbar)
What is the Crash Box?
Two sections at the front and rear of the train. It prevents the train from buckling up in a collision and acts as a shock absorber.