Senarios Flashcards
Train doors won’t open?
*Doors enable switch
*ATC Bypass is not docked correctly
Train does not depart
*Check all train doors closed and locked
*RM + ATC Bypass
Main Air Pressure falls below 6.5 / 4.5
*EB Loop Bypass if under 6.5
* Break loop bypass if under 4.5
*Sleep and wake train to attempt to reset main air pressure
Traction Motor / Pneumatic Brake Issue
- Isolate Affected Traction Motor \ Brake
- Bogie isolation switch on door 4 of affected car
Faulty DDU Screen
*Try power button
*Try other CAB - if needed to oropleanother CJCT is required
Faulty Train Door
*If known, isolate specific door
*If not known, door loop bypass
*May have to use EB Loop bypass to release rolling stock EB
When a train fault is observed that required the DDU to be accessed, what is the procedure to follow to stet diagnosing issue?
- Contact TC to advise issue
- Request authority to remove DDU
- Remove DDU Cover
- Take photos of:
- Status (health) screen
- Main Driver Screen
- Pressure Gauge Panel
- IOS & ATC messages - Report findings to TC
- Permission from TC to activate any bypass switches
- TC to attempt to move in UTO mode
- If unsuccessful, permission to change to PM mode
- If unsuccessful, permission to change to RM mode
- If unsuccessful, permission to change to RM + ATC Bypass
- Next try opposite DTC to propel with assistance of 2nd CJCT
- If unsuccessful, coupling required