Train Incidents Flashcards
What are the Service Manager and Controller actions when being advised of an incident that requires investigation
Controllers Actions
Tell the SM
Tell the LUCC
Service Manager Actions
Appoint an incident manager
Incident Managers actions
Attend the incident
Investigate incident
Identify and record details
Ensure essential evidence is preserved
How quickly should data be downloaded from the train data recoding system after an incident
Within 24 hours
If investigating a safety system failure on a train what should you ensure
Preserve as much evidence as possible
Record details of any train equipment operated
Do not shut the train down
Do not operate any MCBs or change fuses
Interview the train operator immediately
What is a code red
An instruction to all train operators or train operators within a specified area to stop their trains immediately using group call
What are a train operators actions on receipt of a code red
If at a station sound the train whistle to attract station staff
If on a running line stop the train immediately and do not move until authorised
What is a code amber message
A code amber is an instruction to all train operators or train operators within a specified area to move to the next station and await further instruction.
What are a train operators actions on receipt of a code amber
If at a station wait there, blow the station whistle to attract station staff
If between stations move as far as signalling allows.
Once at a station do not move until authorised to do so
What is an emergency code evacuation message
This is a general evacuation of the underground.on hearing this trains should move Upto stations as signalling or controlling instructions allow and detrain
If a train operator passes a signal
at danger without authority he must
Assist train to a stop
Secure train
Identify signal type
Identify location of the train
Immediately tell the controller
If a SPAD has happened at an auto station starting signal you must
Not move your train until advised
Tell the controller and act on the instructions given
If a SPAD has happened on an auto running signal you must
Contact the controller and act on the instructions given
IF you cannot get hold of the controller or signaller and you are sure the signal is an auto you may
Continue without authority
Carry out the instructions for passing an auto signal at danger
Report the incident at the next station
If a SPAD has occurred at a semi-automatic signal or the operator cannot identify the signal type
Tell the train operator not to move until authorised
Tell signaller and CSS if points need to be secured
a signaller is the only person who can authorise you to pass a semi automatic signal at danger
What are the controllers actions of a train operator has passed a signal at danger
Arrange for a fitness to continue check at the next station
Tell the train operator not to move his train at the next station until authorised to do so
If a train operator discovers fire, arcing or fusing on his train, what are his actions
Try to reach the next station
Keep customers informed and stay calm
Tell the controller
Where you are
What is happening
That you require assistance at the next station
What are the controllers actions when discovering a train is arcin, fusing or on fire?
Inform the SM
Inform LUCC
arrange for emergency services to attend
Arrange for ERU to attend
Tell the CSM/CSS at the station ahead
When a train suffering from Arcing, fusing or fire arrives at a station what are the train operators actions
Sound the whistle to attract station staff
Tell customers to leave the train immediately
Check there are no customers left on the train
If the train operator cannot identify or isolate the cause of the fire, arc or fusing what should he do
Ask the controller to switch of traction current and confirm when this is done
Place SCD’s
But do not put yourself in danger
What is the tailored response to fire, arcing and fusing
If a tailored response is appropriate it is not necessary for the fire brigade to attend the incident
If a rail gap indicator is illuminated you must
Try and stop your train at the RGI
If you cannot stop the train you must
Continue across the gap to the next station or as far as signalling allows
In all cases when your train has stopped
Inform the controller
Carry out instructions given
Inform Customers what is happening
If your train stops and tou become aware you a bridging a gap you must
Try to continue across the gap
Ask the controller to switch off the traction current for the live section and confirm
This is done
If you are bridging a gap or in a dead section on a train with regenerative brakes how should you stop the train
Use emergency brakes only
What should a controller do when he receives an unconfirmed report of persons on the track
Tell all trains in and approaching the area to proceed slowly and report any sightings of trespassers
Tell stations either side of the incident
Tell the BTP
Only stop trains if there is a risk of collision
Only if there is an immediate risk of electrocution should traction current be switched off
What are the train operators actions when seeing a person on the track
Sound train whistle immediately
If the person does not move to a place of safety
Immediately stop the train
Sound the whistle
Tell the controller
Show a danger signal to any approaching train on adjacent lines
Tell the controller the location of the trespassers, how many are on the track, a brief description, if traction current needs to be removed
If a passenger alarm is activated with a loss of door closed visuals what should an operator do
Immediately go back and investigate
When can a train remain in service if it has failed a tripcock test
The controller will decide based on if
The train is the last train at night
The first train on a branch line
If a member of staff is available to ride on the train
If a tripcock test light remains on but the train has or has not been tripped you must
Reset the tripcock (if tripped)
Proceed to stopping mark
Tell the controller
Tell station staff
Detrain customers
If the following train fails the tripcock test what can be deducted
A failed tripcock, the second train may remain in service
If a third train fails a tripcock test concurrently what must you do
Third train goes out of service, the controller must also take the second train to fail out of service
If your train fails a tripcock test and you are taken out of service what are your actions
Arrange for a second person to travel in the cab
You must tell that person
To observe all signals that apply to your train
Tell you if they are displaying a red aspect
Apply the emergency brakes if the train exceeds 15mph
Apply the emergency brake if you fail to stop at a red signal
What are your actions if a tripcock test light goes out but your train is tripped
Reset the tripcock
Proceed to normal stopping mark
Tell the controller
The controller will arrange for a train technician to meet you to check the tripcock
If a second train is tripped on a tripcock tester and the light goes out what are the controllers actions
Tell FRC
Tell all subsequent train operators to approach the tripcock tester slowly
If the tripcock test light fails to illuminate on approach what happens
The train remains in service until inspected by a technician
The operator should reset the tripcock
Proceed to normal stopping mark
Ask for a technician to meet the train
What are the drivers actions if he gets a loss of door closed usuals on leaving a station
Immediately stop the train
Tell the controller
Ask customers to stand away from the doors
If door closed visuals still do not illuminate
Tell the controller
Inform customers
Investigate the problem
If door closed visyystill fails to illuminate on leaving a station and investigation is inconclusive what are the opertors actions
Tell the controller
Tell the station staff
Tell the customers
Detrain and take the train out of service following DISI
If investigating door closed visuals not illuminated you find a door open what are your actions
Move customers away from the doors
Ask customers if anyone has fallen from the train
Switch off traction current
Try to close the door
Tell the controller
Act on instructions given
If a controller is told that a passenger may have fallen from a train to the track what are his actions
Remove traction current
Stop the movement of trains
Arrange for a track search
What are the train operators actions if he has loss of door closed visuals between stations
Tell the controller
Ask customers to stand away from the doors
If door visuals do not return
Tell customers there is a door problem push shut any door that appears open and operate a passenger alarm if any do not fully close
If no alarm is operated tell the controller move slowly to the next station tell passengers to operate an alarm if a door opens
Do not travel faster than 15mph
Always investigate if loss of door closed visuals occurs with a passenger alarm
If a train has reported a loss of door closed visuals what should the controller tell The following train
He should check the track ahead slowly not exceeding a speed of 10mph
If a door closed visual is lost with a passenger alarm what are the train operators actions
Immediately stop the train
Tell the controller
Tell the customers
Investigate the problem
If a customer has fallen from your train what must you ensure before you assist the customer
Traction current is off
Protection has been put in place
What are the train operators actions if he has a defective door which will not close between stations
Do not move the train
Tell the controller
Tell the passengers to stay away from the door
Wait for assistance
What are the actions of you have a single cell radio failure
The train may remain in service
Only one train may enter the affected area at a time
What are the actions of there is a multi cell radio failure
Arrange for trains to be detrained and worked through the affected area
Arrange for handsignallers to be placed on affected platforms
Arrange for R boards to be displayed
No trains may enter the affected area until hand signallers have been positioned on affected platforms
What are the rules regarding trains with locked wheels
Trains with locked wheels must not be moved on a running line in traffic hours