Movement Of Trains In Exceptional Circumstance Flashcards
if it is established that one or more signals have failed for a period of time, it is confirmed by the signaller and authorised by the SM, what is the procedure?
It is not necessary to wait the two minutes before contacting the signaller for authority to pass the signal at danger
The number of signals to which these instructions apply will be limited to those between adjacent stations from the station starter and the innermost home signal.
If a controller or signaller becomes aware a failed signal will remain failed for a period of time, what must they do
Make an all call radio broadcast to tell operators
One or more signals have failed giving signal numbers and locations
Not to wait two minutes before carrying out the appropriate procedure for the signal type
This message should be broadcast at regular intervals
Traction Current is to be switched off whilst points are secured and unsecured using scotch and clip unless
Local arrangements apply
A local arrangement is where a validated assessment has been agreed by HSE in advance
You must record why it was necessary for staff to go on the track with traction current on
Locations of local arrangements are shown in relevant line supplements
The track retrieval device must not be used if additional protection is needed on
The bakerloo line north of Queen’s Park
District line between Putney Bridge and Wimbledon and Gunnersbury and Richmond
Additionally you must not access the track to retrieve items between these points.
If a train operator arrives at a signal known to have failed what is his procedure?
He should not wait two minutes before carrying out the procedure for the type of signal that has failed.
When the signaller has confirmed that the signal is working normally you must
Tell the service manager
Use the all calls radio function to tell operators to resume normal working
When do the instructions for settings train back by one car not apply?
District Line between Putney Bridge and Wimbledon
Network rail infrastructure
At stations with platform edge doors
When and by how much can you set a train back without changing ends?
By one car only if
the train has overrun a platform stopping mark
When a train has overrun a signal at danger
Setting back can only be carried out when?
Authorised by a service manager
Protection for the move has been arranged and put in place
Any points have been secured
A controller and signaller must both agree what before settings train back
Location and number of the train
The limit of the move
How authority will be given
Method of protection
If any points need to be secured
If protection for a movement is a train to the rear what must you confirm with the driver of that train?
The leading car number
Signal number of where he has stopped
Tell the operator the train ahead will be setting back
He will not move his train until authorised to do so
What must the controller tell the operator of the train setting back
To prepare for the movement
How authority will be given
The limit of the move
If any points have been secured
Not to move until authorised
When authorised to set back into the platform what must the train operator do?
Check doors closed is illuminated
Drive slowly in reverse
Sound a series of pop whistles
Observe in cab CCTV
Stop at the appropriate position
What must you do when setting back is completed?
Tell the signaller
Reset the tripcock
Carry out any instructions given
Additionally the controller should
Remove any protection arrangements
Resume normal working
Who can authorise a wrong direction move?
The service manager will authorise the WDM the controller will authorise the train operator to move the train.
Before a train operator commences a WDM, what must a controller confirm?
Any points have been secured
The person securing points is in a place of safety
If it is not possible to give authority over a radio what can a controller do?
Appoint a wrong direction movement person. If points need securing it is preferable that it is the wrong direction move person secure them.
When arranging a wrong direction move what should the controller do?
Obtain authority from the SM
Arrange for protection
Arrange for one train to be moved at a time
Appoint a WDM person if authority cannot be passed over the radio
What should a controller tell the train operator prior to a WDM
Prepare for WDM
How authority will be given
Any points that have been secured
What protection is in place
Not to move until authorised
What are the train operators actions in preparing for a WDM
Tell customers what is happening
Cut out Trip cock
Change ends
Display red (torch) and white lights
Inform controller you are ready and wait for authority to proceed
What should the controller tell the signaller prior to a WDM and what should the both agree
That a WDM is taking place
The train number involved
You must both agree
The location of the train
Limits of the movement
Method of protection
If any points need to be secured
If any additional protection is needed at crossovers or junctions
What kind of protection can be used for. WDM
Key protection switches
Maintain semi automatic signals at danger
A secured train
Handsignaller in a place of safety
If points need to be secured for a WDM what must you consider
Location of the train
Location of the points
Limits on the move
What must you tell the person securing points
Train number
Which points to secure
To confirm Method of protection to be used
To confirm when points are secured
To confirm When they are in a place of safety
How should the train operator move the train in a WDM
Do not exceed 15mph or 10mph over points and crossovers and when approaching the limits of the WDM
Sound a series of pop whistles
Stop the train short of any points and check they are secured correctly
Confirm with the controller that points have been secured
If arriving at a platform be aware CSDE may not be available
When the WDM has been complete what should the train operator do?
Display the correct lights for that end of the train
Carry out instructions given
If changing ends
Cut trip cock back in
Display correct lights
What are the controllers actions when the movement has been completed
Unsecure any points
Remove any protection
Resume normal working
What is single line working (train locked in)
Where one train is physically locked in to a single line section by securing points or maintaining signals at danger to prevent access to the single line.
The instructions for single line working train locked in do not apply on
The district line between Putney Bridge and Wimbledon
National rail infrastructure
What forms are needed for single line working (train locked in)
SLW (TLI) authority form
SLW (TLI) acknowledgment form
SLW (TLI) train register
Who authorises SLW (TLI)
The service manager
What must the SLW manager tell the signaller when preparing for SLW?
Which train is to be locked in
Which signals are to be kept at danger to protect the single line
If any points are to be permanently secured for the duration of SLW
What must the SLW manager tell the train operator of the train to be locked in
The limit of the single line
Speed limits
Any temp speed restrictions
Which points are permanently secured
Which signals are to be passed at danger
To cut out any tripcocks and associated equipment
To display red and white lights to the front of the train when travelling in the wrong direction
To sign the SLW (TLI) form
Before authorising SLW (TLI) to begin what must the SLW manager do?
Travel over the single line section walking or using the locked in train (only if the train is travelling in the right direction and no customers are aboard)
Protect the single line with detonators
Scotch and clip all points that will not move
Padlock the clips and keep the key with you
Ensure any obstruction on the blocked line is protected from all movements
Tell all CSS and CSM’s on the single line section what is happening and get their signatures on the SLW acknowledgment form
What is the final act the SLW manager has to do prior to operation of the single line
Sign the SLW (TLI) authority form and show it to the train operator. If using the train to check the line do this before commencing the check.
Who must the SLW (TLI) manager inform before SLW commences?
Signaller and controller
What are the speeds when operating a train within SLW?
Normal speed in the right direction, unless told otherwise by the SLW (TLI) manager
In the wrong direction
15 mph
10 mph over points
7 mph in ATP areas
You must also keep a special lookout for people on or about the track
Sound a series of pop whistles
What should a train operator be specially aware of when arriving at a station in the wrong direction in SLW
CSDE may not be available extreme care should be taken when operating doors.
If you cannot see mirrors or the CCTV isn’t working you must ensure staff are present for assisted dispatch
What are the SLW (TLI) managers duties whilst the single line is in operation
Keep the SLW (TLI) acknowledgment form with you at all times and get signatures of the staff involved
Arrange to record the arrival and departure times of train on the SLW (TLI) train register form
Arrange for assisted dispatch at stations where the train operator cannot see the whole PTI
What are the relief arrangements for SLW (TLI)
If you are relieved the person relieving you should
Sign the SLW(TLI) acknowledgment form
Complete a new SLW(TLI) acknowledgment form and withdraw the existing form
Give the person the keys to any padlocks securing points
Tell the service manager
You have been relieved, the time, the person relieving you
If any staff are relieved ensure understanding and get them to sign the SLW (TLI) acknowledgment form
What are the procedures when stopping SLW (TLI) and you have completed the last journey over the single line
Inform the service manager, controller and signaller
Unlock padlocks and remove scotch and clips
Remove detonators
Inform all relevant staff
Return signals to normal working and check operation
Ensure all staff and equate clear of the track
Tell the train operator to resume normal working and cut in trip cock and safety equipment
Who will be appointed to authorise trains through single line working, train not locked in?
The pilot
When authorising trains through SLW (TNLI) what must the pilot make sure
Trains travelling in the right direction are signalled normally
Trains in the wrong direction are worked over the single line one at a time
What is point to point working
Point to point working allows a train service to operate through an area where the signalling is defective or there is temporarily no signalling
How does point to point working operate?
Trains are authorised to proceed under strictly controlled conditions from the start point to the exit point, ignoring all signals in between and with the trip cock and associated safety equipment cut out
The principle of point to point working is there must be one train in the affected section at any time.
The exit point person in charge is responsible for authorising a train to enter the section once the previous train has left the exit point.
The section can start and end anywhere there are places of safety
A service manager will authorise point to point working
What are the restrictions on point to point working
Point to point instructions do not apply
Between Finchley Central and Mill Hill East
Between Kensington Olympia and Earl’s Court
Between Chalfont and Latimer and Chesham
Between Putney Bridge and Wimbledon
On network rail infrastructure
What equipment do you need for point to point working
Point to point working form
Train register for point to point working
A hand lamp or red, yellow and green flag
Scotch and clips if required
When setting up point to point what must you tell the start point person in charge
You have been authorised to carry out point to point working
Get their name
The location of the start and exit points
Arrange for a hand signaller if required
In point to point working after briefing the start point person in charge what shoukd the exit point person in charge do?
Travel with the first train through to the exit point
Tell the train operator to carry out the appropriate rules for passing each signal at danger
Check the line for obstructions
Secure any points throughout the route
What should the start point person in charge ensure when the next train arrives at the start point after the first train has departed.
Show a red hand signal to the next train and hold it at the start point.
What are the actions when the first train arrives at the exit point
Check the signal is green.
Show the train operator a yellow signal
As the train departs
Check the tail lights are displayed
Check the signal returns to danger
Show a red hand signal in the direction the next train will arrive
You must not tell the start point person in charge to authorise the next train to enter the section until you have seen the tail lights of the previous train pass you and you have seen the signal return to danger
In point to point working how do you control trains through the area at the start point
Show a red hand signal to each approaching train
When a train arrives
Tell the train operator points to point working is in operation
Tell the train operator not to move until authorised
Ask the train operator to sign the train register for point to point working
Tell the exit person in charge the train number and leading car number of the next train
What is the procedure for telling train operators to proceed into a point to point working section?
Wait until the exit person in charge has told you a train can proceed
Give the train operator a signed point to point working form
Tell the train operator to cut out the trip cock and associated equipment
Tell the train operator to proceed through the section
Show a yellow hand signal to the train operator
What are the rules for travelling through a point to point section
Carry out any platform duties
Give one long train whistle
Do not exceed 15mph
Do not exceed 10mph over points
What is the procedure when a train arrives at the exit point in point to point working
Check the train number and leading car number agree with those on the train register for point to point working
Tell the train operator to cut trip cock and any associated safety equipment back in
Get the train operator to sign the point to point working form
Check the signal is green and show a green signal to the train operator
When should point to point working be suspended
You must immediately suspend point to point working and get the controller to issue a code red if
You become aware that two trains are in an affected section at one time
A train arrives at the exit point without a point to point working form
A train arrives at the exit point and the details of that train do not agree with those written on the train register for point to point working
A train stalls in the affected area
There is a communication failure between start and exit points
You must always stop at a signal at danger except when
You have been authorised to pass signals under point to point working
You are instructed to do so by a pilot when single line working is in operation
You have been authorised to pass a fixed red light when carrying out a wrong direction movement
When being authorised past a signal at danger you must
Drive slowly
Keep a lookout for trains or obstructions
You will be told if the section ahead is obstructed
You will be told if you are providing assistance to a train in the section ahead
What should you do if front tripped in the immediate vicinity of a signal
Tell the controller and act on his instructions. Try and confirm if a signal at danger has been passed
If a signal is working correctly but has a defective train stop what will the previous signal display?
Red - Danger
If a signal is working correctly but has a defective train stop what must a service manager do
Contact the signal operations manager to have the train-stop disconnected
Tell train operators about the disconnection
Tell train operators to approach the signal slowly
Carry out the appropriate instructions for passing a signal at danger
What are the train operators actions for passing an automatic signal at danger
Stop at the signal
Check the type of signal
Wait two minutes
Contact the controller and try to ascertain why the signal is remaining at danger
Act on instructions given
If you cannot get any instructions you must proceed with the instructions to pass a signal at danger on your own authority
If an auto station starter is remaining at danger and you are unable to contact the controller
Sound the train whistle to attract Station Staff
You must not move the train until
The signal clears
You are instructed to do so
What is the procedure for passing a signal at danger with authority
Tell the customers there will be a slight jolt
Give one long blast of the whistle
Move your train forward until the trip cock operates
Reset the trip cock
Always assume there is a train in the section ahead
Give another long blast of the whistle and continue slowly forward in RM until you pass two consecutive stop signals displaying a proceed aspect not including draw up signals.
Give a long blast on the whistle every 60 seconds
If you have had to pass an auto signal at danger under your own authority what should you do as soon as you are able
Tell the controller or CSM/CSS as soon as you can
When can you pass a semi automatic signal at danger without authority
Who is the only person that can authorise a train operator to pass a semi automatic signal at danger
In what ways can a signaller authorise you to pass a semi automatic signal remaining at danger
A duty manager or CSS /CSM by
in person
By direct telephone line
Showing a clearly visible hand signal
A controller using secure radio
When should a signaller not authorise a train pass a semi automatic signal remaining at danger?
If there are points that need to be secured ahead
What is route proving
Route proving allows trains to pass specific semi automatic signals at danger without the need to secure points
Who authorised route proving
The service manager
Under what circumstances should route proving be discontinued
The signal cannot be identified
Signalling equipment is not working correctly
You do not have a secure radio connection
Where can route proving be carried out
At authorised locations in the relevant line supplements
What agreements must the controller and signaller authorise before allowing route proving
Signalling equipment is working
Who will pass the instructions to the operator
Which train is used to prove the route
Which signal a train is to be held at
End of the route proving move
Pass these details to the train operator.
What should you tell the train operator of the route proving train
Route proving is being used
Number of the signal being used
To stop and wait at the signal
Do not move his train until authorised
What is the procedure for route proving after the train operator confirms he is at the proving signal
Tell him not to move his train until advised
Clear proving signal to green and confirm
This with operator
Tell him he must use the mayday call button immediately if the signal changes to any other aspect
Tell the other operator a train is proving his route the signal is green and the location of the end of route proving then authorise him to proceed
At the end of route proving contact the controller
When route proving when would you issue a code red to all trains in the area
If you receive a mayday call from either train operator
If you become aware the route proving signal has changed from a green aspect
If either of the trains move without authority
When can passengers be carried over shunt signalled moves
If authorised by a service manager
The shunt is displaying a proceed aspect
You must not use instructions for carrying passengers over a shunt signal if
A reversing move requires you to change ends