traffic Flashcards
raining cats and dogs
lloviendo a cantaros
la bruma era tan densa
the fog was so thick
una calle muy transitada
very busy street
al pie de la letra
down to the last detail
to the letter
crossing the avenue
atravesando la avenida
los podia ver cuando los tenia ya encima
I could see them when they were just in front of me
ni bien los vi cruzar
as soon as i see them cross
no sooner had i seen them cross
estoy chueco en este pais
i am illegally in this country
un cuate de mi pueblo
a buddy from my home town
the motion filed
el pedimento cursado
to file a motion
cursar un pedimento
promover un pedimento
presentar un pedimento
motion to continue
pedimento de aplazamiento
que dejara de chingar (joder)
to stop bitching
mentar la madre
to cuss someone out,
to swear at someone