tradition Flashcards
tradition is central to conservatism and is viewed as reflecting the
accumulated wisdom of past societies and a profound connection between generations
to conservatives , tradition is not merely a set of customs , its a reflection of collective experiences and lessons learned over time offering
invaluable guidance for how decisions should be made in society and by the state
burke saw tradition as a critical thread linking past present and future generations , creating a sense of belonging and continuity , his great opposition to the
French revolution was in part due to its disregard for the teachings of tradition
in ‘ reflections on the revolution in France ‘ burke stated that
” society is indeed a contract .. to becomes a partnership not only between those who are living , but between those who are living and those are dead , and those who are to be born “
- recognising and upholding what has been tried and rested ensuring each generation benefits from the wisdom of those who preceded it
in traditional cons , tradition is a fundamental principle , influencing their
beliefs on society , the state , human nature and economy
traditional cons view are entirely consistent with the above explanation of tradition being a
key principle of conservatism
tradition was also central to the ideas of one nation cons , who completely agreed with he view that
tradition should be listened to as the accumulated wisdom of the past
in the face of societal change under industrialisation one nation cons recognised
the need to change in order to conserve the traditional structure of society and its key instiutuions
one nation cons saw their greater use of state power to address societal inequalities was therefore
consistent with tradition and in order to protect it rather than a departure from it
the new rights ideological beliefs can be seen as opposed to tradition their views on society and how the state shouldn’t act weren’t driven by
seeking to learn from the accumulated widows of the past
neolibs especially was driven by seeking to promote
indvidual freedom and a free market economy
neocons support for anti permissiveness advocated a return to
traditional values
neocons viewed the increasing liberalisation of societal attitudes in the 1970’s especially those related to
personal and sexual freedoms as a threat to the moral and social order
neocons also believed that individualism was best pursued in a stable society rooted in the principles of
judeao christian morality and presented themselves as the defenders of conservative values in the face of these changes
central to the neocons concern was the preservation of the traditional family unit which they regarded as the bedrock of society , they believed that
permissive trends undermined this structure , weakening the societal fabric
Reagan strongly advocated for traditional family values and often spoke against the liberalisation of society , his administration support for conservative social polices like
opposition to abortion and the promotion of abstinence was a clear reflection of his commitment to ant permissiveness
Thatchers government took significant steps to curb what it saw as societal permissiveness , notably through legislation like section 28 that prohibited
the promotion of homosexuality by local authorities and in schools thereby reinforcing traditional sexual norms
this opposition to permisivesnnes also intertwined with their emphasis on national identity where
traditional values were seen as integral to preserving a unified set of cultural beliefs
Thatcher and Reagan =
the new right