the emergence of the new right Flashcards
the new right emerged in the 1970s in reaction to what its proponents perceived as
one nation cons excessive concessions to socialist policies and ideas
the new right became associated with and implemented by
Margaret Thatcher in Britain and Ronald Reagan in the USA
the new right positioned itself as the revival of ‘ true ‘ conservatism arguing that
one nation cons had strayed to far away from fundamental conservative principles
however the new rights philosophy and policy approach can be seen in many ways as alligning more closely with
classical liberalism
with its emphasis on individual freedom and free market economy
the new right is a combination of
neo liberalism and neo conservatism
neoliberalism with its roots in classical liberal thought advocates for
minimal state intervention in the economy emphasis free markers and individual enterprise
neoconservatism while sharing some principles with traditional conservatism ie focus on traditional values and strong national defence and law and order diverged in its
approach to social policy and welfare
important to recognise that the advocates of the new right such as Thatcher and Reagan were both neolibs and neocons at the same time , they supportered
decreasing the states involvement economically and extending it in the realms of maintaining order and national defence
a key departure of the new right from earlier conservative traditions is its support for atomism over an organic view of society , traditional cons viewed society as
an interconnected evolving organism where each part has a role in the larger whole
in contrast the new right perceives society as
a collection of individuals each pursing their own interests , leading to the best outcomes when allowed maximum freedom without excessive state intervention
this perspective by the new right rejects the notions of
hierarchy and paternalism which are key principles of conservative thought
the new right supports the view that humans are rational beings in a meritocratic system where individuals succeed based on
their own efforts and talents that shouldn’t be interfered with
this perspective (humans are rational ) rejects the human imperfections and support for hierarchy and paternalism which are
key principles of conservative thoughts
unlike traditional and one nation cons which value pragmatism and tradition the new right is more ideologically driven focusing on
the principles of freedom and individualism
the shift to the new right marks a significant transformation in the conservative landscape moving away from the cautious stability focused approach of earlier cons to a
more dynamic , market driven and individualistic ideology
thus while the new right maintains some conservative elements its core beliefs and priorities represent a break from
traditional cons , with many questioning whether they should be considered cons at all
neo liberalism is an economic and political ideology that supports laissez faire capitalism ;
free markets , low public spending , low taxation and minimal government intervention in the economy
for example Ayn Rand was strongly opposed to the welfare state seeing it as curtailing individual freedom and as a step towards authoritarianism , in her book
’ the virtue of selfishness ‘ she stated “ the difference between a welfare state and a totalilatarian state is a matter of time “