Trade union and labor rights - position Flashcards
What are Trade Unions?
An association of workers in a trade formed to protect their rights and interests.
What is Labour?
The workforce, as opposed to the employer or owners of a factory.
What is mediation?
Negotiations between employers and employees to resolve disputes and reach a settlement.
What is capitalism?
An economic system based on private enterprise, rather than state control, of the economy.
What is collective bargaining?
Worker’s representatives join together and negotiate over issues such as pay and conditions.
What were the issues around the position of union and labor rights?
The right for unions to exist.
Recognition of unions.
The involvement of unions in negotiations over pay and working conditions.
The establishment of systems for mediation.
The freedom of workers to withdraw their labour without fear of punishment.
What are the pros of union membership?
Better pay - more money to spend - stimulates the economy.
Better job satisfaction, from better pay, conditions and protection of rights, increases the work rate, and less sick days overall.
Better communication between employers and employees.
Maternity and paternity leave.
What are the cons of union membership?
Less profit, leads to higher prices, so the economy could constrict.
Increased unemployment.
Strained relations - increased strikes.
Less tax - less government spending.
What were the problems with labour up to 1914?
The unions that did exist in 1865 only represented skilled workers in craft industries, but the USA was undergoing rapid industrialisation, so many new workers were excluded - limiting numbers, and their representation and protection.
Employers hired unskilled workers under contracts so they could be laid off.
What were the problems with labour up to 1914 - health?
There were limited safety precautions, and no health and safety standards, as this would reduce profits through more supervision.
There was no support to those who suffered industrial injuries.
What were early unions?
The Knights of Labor, who had a membership of 20,000 in 1881 to 700,000 by 1886.
The American Federation of Labor replaced it and attempted to unite unions, so it had 2 million members in 1914.
How did the Haymarket Affair affect unions?
The violence caused the collapse of the reputation of KOL, and membership fell to 100,000.
The Industrial Workers of the World was established in 1905, but was less effective.
What was the Wobblies?
The Industrial Workers of the World was established in 1905.
Its militancy and violence meant it was disliked by employers, so not very effective.
It had 100,000 members in 1923 but this declined.
What were the divisions in the workforce?
White workers no longer enjoyed a monopoly of the market due to the arrival of ex-African American slaves.
Most accepted lower rates of pay, so employers exploited this and fired white workers.
New immigrants from Europe and Asia added to the available pool of workers.
Unions saw these as a threat and refused them to join unions - further limiting their ability to exert pressure on employers.
What progress was there up to WW1?
Little advancement in rights.
But union membership had grown to over 2 million members.
Unions had begun to pressurise candidates in elections to support worker’s rights.
What examples of no progress up to WW1 is there?
Unions represented only 20% of the non-agricultural workforce.
Many industries did not have unions.
Many unions were not legally recognised and so lacked power over negotiations.
Workers were divided by gender, skill and ethnicity.
The gains made were often limited to white, skilled males.
What happened in the first world war?
The position of workers and unions improved.
There was increased demand for products - textiles for uniforms, steel for weapons - so more opportunity to increase profits.
Employers were more willing to make concessions to the workers.
What happened in the first world war - NWLB?
The government negotiated with unions through the National War Labor Board to maintain production levels.
This limited working hours to 8, but in return, workers signed no-strike policies.
What is the boom of the 1920s?
This saw a rise in real wages and a fall in unemployment.
Employees were offered benefits like reduced working hours, pensions, insurance.
This was usually in return for no-strike agreements and no negotiations over wages.
Employers didn’t want the workers to take advantage of the low rates to demand more.
Some company unions were set up - loss of independence or union membership.
What did Henry Ford do in the 1920s?
Many employers including Ford refused to recognise unions.
He exerted tight control over the workforce, and only until 1941 did he recognise any union.
What were the rights of the Pullman Company porters?
Many were African Americans who:
Had poor working conditions.
Relied on tips for most of their income.
Promotion was denied to non-whites.
The company prevented any efforts to organise unions, they sacked leaders and sometimes assaulted.
What did the Pullman Company porters do?
They set up the Brotherhood of sleeping car porters (BSCP) union, under Randolph.
The company banned their meetings and did not recognise it in 1928.
BSCP only gained recognition in 1935 after Roosevelt passed the Railway Labor Act in 1934.
What is the Great Depression?
It began with the Wall Street Crash in 1929.
High unemployment meant rights suffered as employers could exploit the weak position of workers.
They took tough action against strikers.
Union membership fell, as not being able to strike undermined the position and strength.
What is the New Deal?
In 1933, Roosevelt introduced a range of legislation that benefitted the Labor movement and tackled the economic problems.
NIRA, Wagner Act, Fair Labor Standards Act were passed with varying success.
What is the NIRA?
National Industry Recovery Act encouraged firms to agree to codes that improved hours, wages and union rights.
It let workers organise unions and collective bargain.
The effects were limited as not all employers signed the code and the Supreme Court declared it unconstitutional 2 years later.
What is the Wagner Act 1935?
It established the National Labor Relations Board, which could negotiate for worker.
Workers were given the right to elect their own representatives for collective bargaining and the right to join unions.
It led to the rapid rising of membership from 3.7 million in 1933 to 9 million in 1938.
This Act was deemed constitutional.
Did companies resist the Wagner Act?
The increasing number of unionised workers increased their power.
Some firms resisted, but were soon forced to accept the change in circumstances.
The Steel Workers Organising Committee was recognised in 1937.
What is the Fair Labor Standards Act 1939?
It set the minimum wage.
Overtime must be 1.5 x regular pay.
Children under 16 cannot work during school hours.
What are the limitations of New Deal legislation?
Many unskilled workers had no rights so many in mass-production still lacked the gains.
Those at the low end of pay, the most in need of protection, did not benefit.
African Americans, immigrants, women.
Agricultural workers were not allowed to join unions.
What is the Second World War?
Wages increased by 70%.
Unemployment fell so far that there was almost a labor shortage.
Union membership grew from 9 million in 1938 to 15 million in 1944.
The position of unions had increased considerably.
But many employers were unwilling to see this as permanent.
What is the post-WW2 period?
There was a large number of strikes, leading to a decline in the position of unions.
Many in politics believed unions had become too powerful under Roosevelt.
The Taft Hartley Act limited their power.
The decline in number of blue-collar workers meant fewer workers joining unions.
Why did membership fall in the 50s?
Many new jobs were in government who signed no-strike agreements.
Many workers were so much better off, gaining paid holidays, healthcare, pensions, and pay rises, so were less interested in unions.
What is the legislation of the 1960s?
Kennedy passed the Equal pay act in 1963, giving men and women equal pay for equal work.
Johnson’s great society benefited those on the poverty line.
The civil rights act 1964 outlawed discrimination based on race, religion or sex.
The economic opportunity act protected those over 40.
What is the union merge?
The AFL and CIO merged in 1955, bringing together 85% of members, and had more influence with 16 million members.
They could bargain over conditions, wages, insurance, paid holidays and pensions, and unemployment insurance.
Why did African Americans not benefit in the 60s?
There was increased attraction for unions, and they often had 20% higher wages.
But AAs position decreased due to the increased demand for skilled workers.
AAs lacked the necessary education from living in poverty.
Who is Cesar Chavez?
Farmworkers had not previously gained.
The merging of AWOC and NFWA, founded by Chavez, in 1966, joined to become the UFW union in 1972.
Non-violence and a moral cause won them national sympathy.
What is the Salad Bowl strike?
The largest farmworker strike yet, in the 1970s.
It won higher wages for lettuce and grape growers.
How were unions attacked in the 1980s and 90s?
Both the government and employers opposed them.
Divisions within unions weakened their position.
The decline in factories and businesses meant it was more difficult to organise workers, and recruit them to unions.
Workers improvements made them see no gain in union activity.
There was an increase in women and white collar workers who less joined unions.
What is the overall impact of workers from 1865 to 1992?
Workers had the right to join unions, but there were non-union firms.
Right to collective bargaining, though the threat of unemployment weakened this.
To strike, though some were forbidden or signed no-strike agreements.
African Americans and Hispanics did not benefit.