TP Lessons 5 & 7 Flashcards
__________ used an appeal to the emotion of ________ and _____________ language to state that “all human beings are a part of an evolving universe.”
Sagan, wonder, assumptive
_________ used an appeal to the emotion of ________ and ____________ language to state that “only people who are honest will see that the universe was created.”
Tackett, wonder, assumptive
The Oxford Dictionary defined _________ as the systematic study of _________ and __________ of the physical and natural world through ______________ and experiment
Science, structure, behavior, observation, experiment
Differences in attempting to understand the world through science and philosophy found in __________ painting
Used philosophy to understand the world through the study of the realm of the universals
Used science to understand the world through the study of the realm of the particulars
Ignoring that the world was Created is the response of man’s _________________
Sinful nature
“The ________ says in his heart that there is no __________.”
Fool, God, Psalm 53:1
Psalm 53
The fool says in his heart that there is no God
“Man ___________ created things rather than the ___________.”
Worships, Creator, Romans 1
Romans 1
Man worships created things rather than the creator
The great __________ question
Cosmic / cosmological
Where did the _________ come from?
Option 1 - there was a ___________
Therefore, there as a transcendent _________
Option 2 - they have _______________
Always existed
There, it ____________
Created itself
Through __________________, the cosmos can ….
Scientific study
Reveal that there is a transcendent ____________
Reveal that it _____________
Self existed
Scientific process will reveal scientific ________________, (like the law of gravity)
Laws and truths
____________ - An early assumption based upon basic ____________ date
Hypothesis, observed
_____________ - observations that have _______ the original assumption
Theory, confirmed
The ________ in reality will match the ________ claim
Data, truth
_________ - the observation will _______ produce the same result
Law, always
____________ argument for design. No one would look at a watch and say that I could be made by anything other than its __________
Paley’s, designer
___________ answer in the ____________________
Even thought the watch has the ___________ that it’s designed on purpose, it actually has only ____________ over time.
Dawkin’s, Blind Watchmaker, appearance, evolved
Testing ___________ statement: “evolution is a fact amply demonstrated by the __________ record and contemporary ___________.”
Carl Sagan’s, fossil, molecular biology
The _________ record
Is there evidence in _____________ of morphological changes to show missing links?
In his book _________________, Darwin himself said that if the fossil record does not support his claims, one can rightly __________ his theory of evolution.
Origin of Slecies, reject
_____________ stated that there was an estimated 50,000 changes needed to change from a sea creature to a land creature. The fossil record shows _______ of those changes.
Berlinski, two
Gould’s theory of ________________ states that there were immediate changes in species, that is why there isn’t evidence of missing links
Punctuated Equilibrium
Crick’s theory of _______________ states that the first living cell was placed on earth by ___________.
Directed panspermia, aliens
Contemporary _________________
Molecular biology
Shows that the _______, once viewed as a glob of plasma, is actually filled with exquisite machinery,nth at if even one part is missing, the ______ cannot exist.
Cell, cell
The video Unlocking the Mysteries of Life, it gave the example of the possibility of creating the complexity of a cell’s _________ as being less likely than dropping _______________ on a table and coming up with two lines of _____________
DNA, Scrabble letters, Shakespeare
How long did it take in the __________ process for the blood-clotting system to work properly?
____________________ quoted Darwin himself in the book Darwin’s Black Box to question the validity of evolution
Dr Michael Behe
If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed which could not possibly have been formed by _________, __________, ______________ _____________, ,y theory would absolutely break down. This is known as _____________
Numerous, successive, slight modifications, irreducible complexity
______________ believed that “one day the Darwinian myth will be ranked as the greatest ____________ in the history of __________ .”
S. Lovtrup, science
Outdated _________ of evolution also show that the theory is not holding true:
___________ ultimate icon of the process of an ____ becoming man
__________ embryos proved to be fake
Homology in _____________ limbs is used only because they look alike, there’s no scientific evidence
The ___________________ were actually tacked to trees, not an evolved form
Peppered moths
There is no evidence for Darwin’s ______ of ________
Tree of life
Darwin’s _______ do not show the same species depending on the amount of rainfall
Ultimately, this is a _________ battle, because evolution destroys any foundation for a standard of _______ or __________
Worldview, ethics, morality
Sociology (the study of ________: _____________)
Society, the divine imprint
This is where the _____ of ______ vs. ________ is played out
Battle, truth, lies
The _________ of society are found in whom they _________
Values, admire
Listening (chicken egg): to learn is to _________, which is __________ accepting that there is value in learning vs thinking that you _______________
Listen, humbly,know everything
Shows _________
Evolution states that ________ has come from __________
Everything, nothing
________ and ____________ create disorder because it focuses on _______ rather than __________ James :
Selfish ambition, self, service, James 3:16
Social order: the ________ structures
Father, son, Holy Spirit
Husband, wife, children
Christ, leader, members
Our world-
Physical, spiritual, social
Understanding these _______ is to understand the truth of God’s Creation
Social institutions are to reflect __________, and thus will work better.
God’s nature
Recognizing how each ___________ has a relationship to others (Jupiter ex.)
Being / entity
Genesis outlines the brokenness of the established relationships.
God and man, man and man, God and creation
God makes an __________ about his nature when saying that it is not good to be alone
Ethical statement
Since the structure of the social orders has been changed by original sin, the definition of them has been changed so that people won’t experience __________
Following an order determined by _______ is an act of choosing not to retain the knowledge of God and reflects a __________[___
Humans, depraved mind
The consequence of this behavior is a society of _________
A Christian is to _________
As __________ gave himself up, we are to give _________ up
Christ, ourselves
The process of transforming the world for Jesus Christ starts with _________ (Acts :)
Us, 1:8
You cannot ______ others in their ____________ until you accept your own ________
Serve, sinful nature, sin
Understanding God’s direction within the social spheres we live, tells us ____ is supposed to do _______ in any given circumstance
Who, what
Illustrate who we are to influence
Illustrate what we are to do
Illustrates who is to make the decision
Illustrates how we are to respond
Is the result of humans working together
Science: What Is ________?