Midterm - Matching Flashcards
Gave an example of finding one’s VALUE and WORTH through self-justification.
Who provided a great example of knowing when to lead others and when to support others?
John the Baptist
Who provided an example of frustration and anger because they wanted to live their own way?
In what city did Paul make his address about Christian philosophy?
This is known as freedom from external control
Who wrote the fable of the tortoise and the hare?
In what manner does God call us to treat other people?
Who was the member of the Jewish ruling council who came to see Jesus at night?
What is known as choosing NOT to retain the knowledge of God?
The name given that describes the people humans surround themselves with to support their thinking.
Abraham’s son who became the forefather of the Jewish faith
No one has been declared ____________ by following the law of God?
What did God provide for us to make us aware of our sin?
They were the political ruling government during the time of Jesus.
Who was Abraham’s wife?
Gave an example of being justified by having faith that God will provide an answer even when the circumstances don’t look like it.
Abraham’s son who became the forefather of the Islamic faith?
The simplistic manner in which humans try to understand the world.
The “wretched condition” that Jesus saves humans from.
War with sin
God will accept all people into heaven equally the moment they repent, whether it’s at the beginning, middle, or end of their lives.
Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard
Upon the return of Christ, those who live in Christ will shine, while those who love evil will be exposed and suffer eternal separation from God.
Parable of the Weeds
The Angels are described as gathering all of humanity and separating the wicked from the righteous.
Parable of the Net
We are forgiven by God for our great amount of wrongdoing, therefore we are to forgive others for the wrongs that are done to us.
Parable the Unmerciful Servant
Showing that actions speak louder than words in displaying who really repents of selfishness and lives by faith.
Parable of the Two Sons
When given the opportunity to partake in the glory of life, many would rather choose the comfort of remaining in the limited conditions they are in
Parable of the Wedding Banquet
The recognition of the incredible value of knowing and applying God’s wisdom. Rather than spending our time and talents in other selfish pursuits.
Parable of the Hidden Treasure / Pearl
Wisdom of living in a manner being able to meet the daily call of loving God, and loving others and eagerly anticipating that one day we will live in eternity with God, either by Jesus’ return or our physical death.
Parable of the Ten Virgins
The amazing truth about how just a little bit of faith can produce wonders due to the power of God.
Parable of the Mustard Seed / Yeast
The clear consequences of choosing to develop or waste the opportunities and abilities we’ve been given.
Parable of the Talents
How valuable we are to God, and how intensely He will seek after us.
Parable of the Lost Sheep
The understanding that we are merely caretakers of the life God has provided us, not the owners of it.
Parable of the Tenants
The wages of sin is _____________
How individuals receive and apply the Word of God into their lives
Parable of the Sower
The captain of the guard who bought Joseph from the Ishmaelites.
The country in which Esther became the queen.
He was a talented Israelite that was put into slavery when Babylon besieged Judah.
Actively promoting others to do wrong.
The cupbearer spoke well of his ability to interpret dreams, which ended up releasing him from jail.
The king who chose Esther as queen.
The land in which the people of Joseph were enslaved in.
He was sold into slavery by his own brothers.
Freedom from external control.
He enslaved the Israelites because he didn’t remember Joseph or what Joseph had done for his people.
He showed great leadership by modeling the behavior of becoming less so that another can become greater.
John the Baptist
The king who cared for Daniel and was joyful when he came out from the lion’s den.
The caretaker of Esther who discovered the plot to kill the king.
The person who persuaded the king that killing all of the Jews in their land was necessary.
His wife tried to seduce Joseph, which cause him to run away from his owner and be thrown into jail.
He was brought to a place of power when interpreting a dream about an upcoming famine.
He was brought to a place of power due to “his ability to understand visions and dreams of all kinds.”
Knowing what is right and choosing to do wrong anyways
The nation who conquered Daniel’s people.
Influence the king not to kill all the Jewish people in the king’s land.
The belief that matter is the only reality.
“The fool says in his heart there is no God”
Psalm 14:1
The belief in the pursuit of pleasure and avoidance of pain.
“Our lives will not change until our minds change”
Romans 12:2
The belief that there isn’t any real knowledge - only reactions to stimuli.
We are to treat people who do not know the truth of God with “wisdom” and “grace of speech”
Colossians 4:5,6
The belief that knowledge only comes from scientific study.
“Delight ourselves in the Lord and He will grant ha the desires of our hearts”
Psalm 37:4
The belief that there are no absolutes.
What verse warms us against consuming philosophies that are contrary to God.
Romans 14:23
The question that Jesus posed to the Jewish leaders when they were asking by “who’s and what authority” Jesus was led by, was centered around this person.
John the Baptist
Who caused the Jewish leaders to be indignant during Jesus’ triumphant entry?
The children
Into what city did Jesus make his triumphant entry?
The individual that the chief priests plotted to kill so that the people would not remember the great deeds of Jesus.
After Jesus made his triumphant entry, they wanted to know more about the teachings of Christ.
The Greeks
Upon Jesus’ triumphant entry, who’s actions were a testimony showing their belief that Jesus was the messiah.
Those laying Palm branches
Who tried to manipulate a situation involving Jesus to make it look like they were concerned about “giving” to the poor, when they were actually motivated by greed.
Who designed a religion that had a stated purpose of being for the people, but really it was designed as a set of rules to control the people
The Jewish leaders
The place where Jesus overturned the tables and cleared the temples
What action are we performing when we contribute to being a solution to the needs of our age
He showed great leadership by modeling the behavior of becoming less so that another can become greater.
John the Baptist
What word is defined as “being able to understand a situation from another person’s perspective”?
Who decided to kill Jesus in order to deal with the amount of people following Jesus ?
The Jewish leaders
When we choose to follow God and authority in a God-centered manner, we critique the people and problems with __________