Intro & Romans 1-2 Flashcards
Who was the author that wrote the excerpt?
Our Father in Heaven
Acknowledging the existence of God
Hallowed be your Name
Acknowledging the authority of God
Your kingdom come
Heaven (eternity) is the long-range goal of our life
Your will be done
Serving others by Loving God and Loving Others is the daily goal of our life
On Earth
Where we serve
As it is in Heaven
How we serve (in love)
Give us today our daily bread
all of our physical, emotional, intellectual needs are met by God
And forgive us our trespasses
reminder that we are sinful and have been forgiven (so we don’t fall into the temptation of depression, feeling we’re less than).
As we forgive those who trespass against us
reminder that others aren’t perfect either (so we don’t fall into the temptation of arrogance, feeling we’re better than).
Lead us not into temptation
of being self-centered/selfish
And deliver us from evil
there is a real devil who will try to tempt us (but must stand down when we call the name of Jesus)
What were the lessons discussed in class that Jesus’ taught prior and after the Lord’s Prayer?
a. Do not pray so that everyone can see you
b. Do not worry
Where did Paul speak to the people in Athens?
What were the people in Athens “religious” towards?
The latest ideas of the day
What is the lesson taught by Paul in the Book of Acts when speaking to the people in Athens?
That the “unknown God” they heard about and built an idol to is not just one of the thoughts they’ve heard, but THE TRUTH. Explaining to them that God’s Truth is the way (whether they accept it or not).
What is significant about Acts 17:26 “..God determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live.”
That no moment is circumstantial. Each moment is created by God and the reason of each moment is clear – if we seek to understand God
When the devil offered Jesus all the kingdoms world and their splendor if Jesus would bow down to him in worship, what appeal to emotion was the devil using as temptation?
What are the two invisible qualities that God has made plain to man so that they are without excuse?
God’s divine nature a d eternal power
When the devil used scripture verses to tempt Jesus to throw himself down from the temple, what emotional ploy was the devil using as temptation?
When tempting Jesus to turn the stone to bread, what appeal to emotion was the devil using as temptation?
What does the above-mentioned phrase “without excuse” refer to?
There is more than an abundant amount of clear evidence for the reality of God within His creation, that we are without any excuses for choosing to reject the Truth.
What does Romans, Chapter 1 state that man exchanged the truth of God for?
What does Romans, Chapter 1 state that man exchanged the Creator for?
Created things
How does Romans, 1:28 define what having a “depraved mind” is?
Choosing not to retain the knowledge of God
What we choose to give our attention to (thus what we choose to make time for)
Freedom from external control
Why does Paul state in Romans 2:24 that “God’s name is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you?
Because those believing in God are to set an example of love to others. When they don’t love, others don’t have a desire to seek out the ways of God
What happens to people who die without ever hearing the gospel of Christ?
They will be judged by what’s written on their hearts
What lesson does Paul teach in Romans regarding what happens when you judge others?
You are judging yourself
List the 16 ways of LOVE that Paul outlined in 1 Corinthians 13.
Patient, kind, does not envy, does not boast, is not proud, not easily angered, is not self seeking, keeps no records of wrongs, does not dishonor others, does not delight in evil, rejoices in truth, always hopes, protects, perseveres, always trusts, never fails
Why is significant about the teaching in Romans and the gospels to “not seek praises from man”?
Because others are selfish and will only use their praises and approval of you for their own selfish ends
How did the Jewish leaders fail to display an example of leadership?
By holding on to their power by any means necessary
bitter sometimes violent conflict or dissension
rude or impolite. Showing or having a lack of respect for others
to make false statements that causes people to have a bad opinion of someone
a desire to cause harm to another person
having no pity, cruel and merciless
How did John the Baptist display an example of leadership?
By giving up his power and elevating Jesus
dishonest behavior that is meant to fool or trick someone
What is the purpose of the Old Testament?
To tell of the coming Messiah
What was Nicodemus searching for?
Truth (verifying if Jesus was the Messiah)
How did Jesus show love to Nicodemus?
By telling him the truth (must be born again into Spirit and Truth)
What was the Samaritan Woman “thirsty” for?
Significance and Purpose
How did Jesus show love to the Samaritan Woman?
That our significance and purpose is found in God, not the approval and acceptance of others
What was the author’s primary point in this excerpt?
Concept of Innocence Lost