Parables, Romans 8, Jesus, Pilate, And Jewish Leaders Denate On TRUTH Flashcards
That we are caretakers and not owners of our lives God has provided for us
Parable of the tenants
That we are valuable to God and He seeks after us.
Parable of the Lost Sheep
That we have need forgiven by God and are therefore called to forgive others.
Parable pf the Unmerciful Servant
That actions speak louder than words in showing who really will repent of selfishness and live by faith.
Parable of the Two Sons
The recognition of the incredible value of knowing and applying God’s wisdom, rather than spending our time and talents in other selfish pursuits.
Parable of the Hidden Treasure / Pearl
That God will accept all people into heaven equally the moment they repent, whether it’s the beginning, middle, or end of their lives.
Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard
Where the Angels are described as gathering all of humanity and separating the wicked from the righteous.
Parable of the Net
That upon Christ’s return, those who live in Christ will shine, while those who love evil will be exposed and suffer eternal separation from God.
Parable of the Weeds
That despite all being given the opportunity to partake in the glory of life, many would rather choose the comfort of remaining in the limited conditions they are in.
Parable of the wedding banquet
Wisdom of living in a manner where one is able to meet the daily call of loving others while eagerly anticipating living in eternity with God.
Parable of the ten virgins
The amazing truth about how just a little bit of faith can produce wonders due to the power of God.
Parable of the Mustard Seed/Yeast
On the clear consequences of choosing to develop or waste the opportunities we’ve been given.
Parable of the talents
What did Jesus tell his disciples when they asked him why he taught in parables?
That they contained the knowledge of the secrets of heaven
In between which two parables did Jesus teach the lesson on relationship reconciliation in Matthew 18?
Parable of the Lost Sheep and Parable of the Unmerciful Servant
What are the three steps of relationship reconciliation described in Matthew 18?
1) go to the other to restore the relationship
2) being one with you that the other respects to restore the relationship
3) being the conflict before the church (authority) to restore the relationship
Why does the start of chapter 8 conclude that “therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus”?
Because the law of the spirit set us free from the law of sin
Humans who live according to the sinful nature have their minds set on what?
Their selfish desires
Humans who live according to the spirit have their minds set on what?
Loving God/others
Why does it state as fact in Romans 8:8 that “those controlled by the sinful nature cannot please God”?
Because they are not focused on Goe, they are focused upon themselves
Why does Romans 8 describe us as “co-heirs” with Jesus?
Because we have been reconciled to God as brothers and sisters of Christ
What is the obligation in Romans 8:12 “therefore, brothers, we have an obligation…”
To live by the spirit
What is the significance of Romans 8:18 “I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us”?
That our lives are but a mist compared to eternity - so stop complaining about the conditions of the moment.
How does the spirit help us in our weakness, especially in prayer?
The spirit intercedes for us in ways that we cannot express, but is exactly what we need
Explain why we are placing our hope in the glory of God?
Since we do not have the glory of God, it is something we are called to wait patiently for
What does it mean to be “more than a conqueror”?
We have ALREADY defeated whatever may come against us
What was Pilate’s job?
Roman governor
Did Pilate believe that Jesus was an innocent man?
Who did Jesus say was primarily responsible for this death?
Jewish leaders
What did Jesus say was his purpose of being sent to earth?
To being truth
What did Pilate believe about truth?
That it was relative - that there isn’t a truth that applies to all
What was the primary motivation of the Jewish leaders?
To maintain their power
Who did Pilate agree to give Jesus’ body to?
Joseph of Arimathea
Which Jewish leader clearly believed Jesus was the messiah, based upon the evidence of his presence at claiming Jesus’ body?
What are the 6 ways in which Pilate tries to absolve himself from accepting responsibility for Jesus being sentenced to death?
1) send Jesus to Herod
2) the choice of Jesus or Barabbus
3) flogging / whipping Jesus
4) giving Jesus to the Jewish leaders
5) washing his hands of responsibility
6) the sign above the cross
What was Pilate’s primary motivation to set Jesus free?
To keep the peace
What is the primary reason Pilate had fear?
The emotion came upon him in a foreign manner (by the holt spirit)
How did Jesus calm Pilate’s fear?
By communicating that the Jewish leaders were ultimately responsible
Who warned Pilate not the have anything to do with Jesus?
His wife
Who did the Jewish leaders say was their King?
What sign did Pilate place Jesus’ cross?
King of the Jews
What was the language on the sign that was meant for the Jewish people?
On how we receive the word of God
Parable of the Sower
What was the language on the sign that was meant for the culture of the day?
What was the language on the sign that was meant for the intellectuals, wealthy, and powerful of the day?
What type of thinking do we display when we:
Follow Jesus
An attitude of humility that seek to develop our talents and use them for others
What type of thinking do we display when we:
Follow the Jewish Leaders
An attitude of arrogance that will protect our selfish desires at all costs
What type of thinking do we display when we:
Follow Pilate
An attitude of compromising in order to protect and promote oneself