TP L3 Outline Flashcards
The cosmic battle within _______________ vs. _________.
Sinful nature, spirit
Romans 7:14-25 & ; Galatians 5:16-26
The problem with _______. Does it even _______?
Evil, exist
Essence of truth - made in _________________
The image of God
Moral state of truth - we are _______________
Fallen & sinful
Need of truth - __________
Essence of cosmic cube - we are a ________________
Cosmic accident
Moral state of cosmic cube - we are ______________
Basically good
Need of cosmic cube - to save __________ by ___________ & _____________ ourselves
Ourselves, finding, improving
Evil is a __________ abnormality that _________ will discover solutions to
Correctable, science
This creates a culture of ________. Which means that there isn’t an admission of ____________ for one’s behavior. Because it is an _________ source that caused the behavior.
Blame, responsibility, external
“As far as I know, we don’t have ___________________ for evil.”
Intrinsic instincts
“Sick people are the cause of a sick __________.”
“People have the need for self ____________, which is getting in touch with our inner ________.”
Actualtization, nature
Hierarchy of ______
Morality, creativity, spontaneity, problem solving, lack of prejudice, acceptance of facts
Self actualtization
Self-esteem, confidence, achievement, respect of others, respect by others
Friendship, family, sexual intimacy
Security of: body, employment, resources, morality, the family, health, property
Breathing, good, water, sex, sleep. Homeostasis, excretion
The chains that keep people in bondage is __________________
Organized religion
Because there is no context or language for _______ and ______ without it.
Good, evil
Where does _______ come from?
If ______ does not exist, why do humans _________ when tragedy strikes.
Evil, feel bad
Criticized the secular morality by stating their _______ is only in pleasing oneself. They define _______ as being loyal to oneself by pleasing oneself.
Virtue, good
Believes that having something that _________ yourself is the only way to o make your life meaningful.
The is _______ to do when “I” is the center of your life.
Lesson 3 - Anthropology: ________________
Who is Man?