Midterm - Multiple choice Flashcards
What city did God call Jonah to go and preach repentance to?
Humanity is ___________ because of the act of Jesus’ death and resurrection, which broke through the separation of sin and reunited humanity with God.
What does it mean to be seen as guilt-free and pure before God?
To be restored back to our original created state:
The confidence in claiming that we are pure in the eyes of God by our faith:
Who did Jesus interact with to show us an example of true love?
The Samaritan woman
What did Jesus say He DID NOT come into the world to do?
Condemn it
In Romans 2, it is written that the consequences for those who “are self-seeking and who reject the truth and who follow evil” is “wrath and anger”, who is the one responsible for this?
Which was NOT one of the ways that Satan tempted Jesus?
What verse is “Delight yourself in the Lord and he will grant you the desires of your heart?”
Psalm 37:4
Which lesson was NOT taught by Jesus’ either immediately prior or after his teaching on prayer in Matthew 7?
The parables
In the beginning, who was with God?
Jesus, The Word, the Holy Spirit
The ultimate purpose of the Old Testament is to:
Prepare the way for the coming Messiah
What does it mean “to have the fear of God before your eyes”?
Being humble
The reason the teaching in James 1 and Romans 5 states that we are to respond to problems in this manner is:
Our character and maturity will develop
What does Romans, chapter 3 teach as the beginning of knowledge?
What is the consequence given in Romans, chapter 3 about what happens when people do not fear God?
They don’t have peace
What verse is “All of sinned and fallen short of the glory of God?”
Romans 3:23
The desire to cause pain, injury, or distress to another
Being rude or impolite: having or showing a lack of respect for other people:
Having no pity: cruel or merciless:
What does it mean to “worship”?
What we promote to others, what we spend money on, and what we pay attention to
Why does Paul describe a life without displaying love to others as “nothing”?
Because loving is the only purpose of our life
Maturity is defined in James, chapter 1 as :
Fully complete, not lacking
At the beginning of the Book of Acts, j and subs teaches his disciples to receive __________________ and be his witnesses in Jerusalem, all of Judaea, and Samaria and the ends of the earth.
Holy Spirit
What is the job that Jesus gives each of us to do while on earth:
To act right and set a good example
According to Romans, people who have not heard the word of God will have this consequence at their death:
Will be judged by the secrets of their heart
The teaching in James 1 and Romans 5, stat s that we are to respond to problems:
With joy
In any given moment, this is choosing to please yourself rather than doing something you’re supposed to do?
Instant gratification
In any given moment, this is choosing to put aside the pleasure you want and do the responsibility you don’t feel like at that moment?
Delayed Gratification
Romans 2:24 states “God’s name is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you.” - what is the significance of this verse
You can use it to be self-aware
What did Paul mean when teaching in the Book of Acts that God determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live.
God’s purpose for our lives is not circumstantial, the people in our lives are there for a reason, the situations of our lives are not random, they hold significance
When Jesus said he didn’t want affirmation from man, what did he know was in a man?
They were only looking to give the affirmation so they could get something
What did Eve have to believe when she was tempted by the serpent?
God was a liar, she would become equal with God, she would not be happy the way she was originally created
Paul called the people he spoke to in Athens as very “religious” because they:
Were consistent in their worship of the latest ideas of they day
When an individual attempts to justify themselves by works, they will:
Think they are worthy and valuable because of their accomplishments, think they are worthy and valuable because of their wealth and power, think they are worthy and valuable because of the praise and attention they receive from others
Why was the Jewish ruling council so upset about Jesus preaching that he was the messiah?
They didn’t want to lose control of the Jewish church
What did Paul mean when he taught that God does not live in temples built by human hands?
God is beyond the understanding of humans beings and should be humbly sought after
Why are we considered “co-heirs” with Jesus Christ?
Through the death of Jesus, we become sons and daughters of God
In Romans 8:12, it states that “we have an obligation” to do what?
To love God by being all that He created us to be
In Romans 8:18, it states that “our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.” The significance of this verse is :
Focus on how present problems are an opportunity to love God and love others.
Don’t complain about the present, temporary life
No matter what happens in this life, it will not equal eternity in heaven with God
How does the spirit help us in our weakness, especially in prayer?
It intercedes for us and reveals to us what we need
What is the significance of Romans 8:8 “those controlled by the sinful nature cannot please God”?
We don’t focused upon who wins or loses, because we know Christ has already conquered all.
What did Jesus say He DID NOT come into the world to do?
Condemn it
What did Jesus say He DID come into the world to do?
Bring truth
Who or what did Jesus identify as being primarily responsible for His death?
Jewish Leaders
In any given moment, what is it called when choosing to please yourself rather than doing something you’re supposed to do?
Instant gratification
In any given moment, what is it called when you choose to put aside the pleasure you want and do the responsibility you don’t feel like at the moment ?
Delayed Gratification
What is the “wretched condition” described in Romans 7 that all humans need muses to save us from?
Our struggle with sin
What was the primary motivation of the Jewish ruling council in seeking the crucifixion of Jesus?
To maintain power
Who was the rich Jewish man whom Pilate allowed to claim and bury Jesus’ body?
Joseph of Arimathea
Who was the former member of the Jewish ruling council that believed Jesus was the messiah because he was there assisting in the burial of Jesus’ body?
Who did the Jewish leaders ay was their king?
Warned Pilate “not to have anything to do with this innocent man” when he was deciding about Jesus?
Pilate’s wife
Caused Pilate great fear while he was deciding about jesus?
The holt spirit
Who was responsible for making and attaching the sign on Jesus’ cross stating “King of Jews” in three languages?
The language on the sign “King of the Jews” that was meant for the popular culture to understand.
The language on the sign “King of Jews” that was meant for the Jewish people to understand:
We are modeling this individuals thinking when we have an attitude of compromising in order to prot drew and promo are oneself
We are modeling this individuals thinking when we have an attitude of humility that seeks to develop our talents and use them for others
We are modeling this individuals thinking when we have an attitude of arrogance that will protect our selfish desires at all costs.
The Jewish leaders
In Romans 12:12, Paul teaches that we are to be faithful in:
How long was the decree affecting Daniel that no one could worship any God or man except the king?
30 days
What was the na,e of the king that was ruling when the above-mentioned decree was put into place?
What was the name of the king when his nation conquered Daniel’s people?
In Romans 12:20, what does the author teach about who’s responsibility it is to avenge the wrongs done to us?
We are to forgive the offense and allow God to avenge.
What was the name of the king who made Daniel the third highest ruler in his nation?
What was the name of the king who made a new decree after Daniel came out of the lion’s den about all in his kingdom towards Daniel’s God?
Paul states that faith comes from hearing the message, and that hearing the message comes from where?
The word
How did the king respond to his administrators and satraps who accused Daniel of disloyalty to the king?
They and their families were placed in the lion’s den
In Romans 12:2 it states “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world” - what is the pattern of this world?
In Romans 12:12, Paul teaches that we are to be patient in:
In Romans 12:13, Paul teaches that relief from dwelling in our problems is found in what action?
Serving the needs of others
In Romans 12:2, Paul stat s that you will be transformed by the renewing of what?
Your mind
In Romans 12:2, Paul teaches that we are to be joyful in:
In Romans 12:20, why are you “heaping burning coals” on your enemy if you feed them or give the, something to drink?
Because they are not expecting you to love them
In Romans 12:1-2, Paul teaches that you will be able to do what ACT when you are renewed?
Test and approve God’s will
What adjectives describe God’s will?
Perfect, pleasing, good
In Romans 12:3-8, why does Paul use the human body to describe the spiritual gifts that each of us have?
Because each part has an important role to play
Because we are stronger when United together
We are not in competition for the same roles
Romans 9:20, stat s “Who are you, O man, to talk back to God.” This verse in in reference to future generations thinking they have the authority to question God’s choose to use this individual to play a role in the history of man?
What increases as our sin increase?
God’s grace
According to Romans 9:-4, God’s justice “does not depend on man’s desire or effort but on ____________________.”
God’s mercy
Romans 12 teaches that “we are to overcome evil with ______________”
The intrinsic gifts and call that have been placed within you and your life.
Can never be taken away
What does Paul use to describe how we are to connect people to God through the grace of Jesus?
The in grafted branch
What does Paul use to describe how there are those chosen to share the gospel of the grade of Jesus?
The remnant
When we choose to rebel against the authority that God has instituted we:
Are bringing judgement on ourselves
In Romans 12, Paul teaches that relief from dwelling in our own problems is found in?
Sharing ourselves with people in need
When you have a goal to please God, you are showing that you have faith in ______________________
What word does Paul use to describe the passion the Jews have for God, but also stating the passion in not based in knowledge?
What is the false god of gratifying selfish behavior mentioned in Romans 11?
Who is one of the signors of the Humanist Manifesto and influence government schooling in the United States?
The individual who criticized secular morality by stating that virtues is in only pleasing themselves and defining good as being loyal to only oneself
The individual who stated that “the cosmos is all there is, or ever will be. “
The individual who stated that the chains which keep humanity in bondage is organized religion.
The individual who stated that the only way to make your life meaningful was to believe in something that transcends yourself.
The philosopher who believed that truth is to be derived from the pursuit of high or lofty ideals.
The philosopher who believed that truth is to be derived from observation
The person who depicted the philosophical questions in a famous painting
The year that the first humanist manifesto was written:
The humanist manifesto was the product of what era in the united states history?
Who was the United States President during this era of reform?
Woodrow Wilson
The famous Scopes Trial also occurred during this era. In the court battle over the truth of the origins of l fe, what was the name of the law that did NOT allow the teaching of evolution in public schools?
Butler Act
Who argued in the Scopes Trial that teaching on evolution should be allowed in schools?
Clarence Darrow
Who argued in the Scopes Trial that teaching on evolution should NOT be allowed in schools?
William Jennings Bryan
Jesus came into the world to:
Bring grace and truth
The governmental system that grew out of the manifesto written by Marx and Engels promoting the elimination of religion:
The governmental system rejected by the Humanist Manifesto:
The governmental system promoted by the Humanist Manifesto
What is the political belief system that states “the law must change as the culture of society changes?”
Sociological Jurisprudence
Which philosophy relies on the contradictory that there “is no absolute truth from which we can determine right from wrong” when trying to support its own truth claims?
Relativism, secular humanism, post modernism
The Humanist Manifesto stated that traditional religion:
Gave people false hopes
What is revealed behind every truth claim of God?
The character of God
What is the primary reason that we do not hear from God?
We don’t belong to God
What is the name given to the naturalistic worldview in which all things are enclosed with the natural physical world?
The cosmic cube
What does the Humanist Manifesto promote as the “needs of humanity”?
Personal Satisfaction
The ability to understand the perspective of others, so you can relate in a loving manner
A comprehensive set of truth claims that purports to paint a picture of reality.
Formal worldview
The set of individual truth claims that one has embraced so deeply that they believe it reflects what is really real _______________.
Personal worldview
A transcendent norm of behavior (what ought to be) is known as ___________
How people behave (what is) is known as their _________
Complete Romans 14:13: “Therefore let us stop ______________ one another. Instead, makeup your mind not to put stumbling block or obstacle in your brother’s way.”
Passing judgement on
Complete Romans 14:19: “Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual ______________.”
What is the “continuing debt” described in Romans 13 that we owe each other?
When we choose to rebel against the authority that God has instituted we:
Are brining judgement on ourselves
In Romans 14, how are we to respond to people when we are involved in disputable matters?
Accept others without judgement
Complete Romans 15:5 “May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of …”
Which o of the following adjectives is NOT used in Romans 14:17 …” For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking but of ___________, __________, and ______________ in the Holy Spirit. :
What are the three lessons learned from the buyers and sellers response to Jesus?
1) Jesus doesn’t follow the authority established by humans
2) Jesus “smashes” the systems created by humans
3) Jesus opens our eyes to the truth that we are to follow his system, not humans
When the Jewish leaders challenged Jesus in Matthew 21 by asking “but what authority” and “by who’s authority” are you doing these things, what was the motivation of the Jewish leaders?
In James, Chapter 4 the teaching on “Boasting About Tomorrow” states that an individual with a God-centered view will go into each day with an attitude of :
In James, Chapter 4 the teaching on “Boasting About Tomorrow” states that an individual with an I-center e view will go into each day with an attitude of:
When you have an I-centered view of authority, how do you view God?
As a ruling God
When you have a God-centered view of authority, how do you view God?
As a loving God
Choosing to view God and authority in an -I-centered manner is an act of:
Choosing to view God and authority in a God-centered manner is an act of
In Romans 14, Paul warns against this in multiple verses?
Judging others
What action does Romans 15 describe as making us weak?
Being selfish
What action does Romans 15 describe as making us strong?
Serving others
Romans 15 t aches that the purpose of the church is what?
To create unity
In Romans 15:4 it states that “everything that was written in the past was written for” what purpose?
To teach us
Being unable to see or understand the world from outside your own self-centered viewpoint is described in Romans as:
Living in Darkness
Being aware of the grand designs and plans that God has for you beyond your selfish desires, is described in Romans as:
Living in the Armor of light