Tox Flashcards
Correction factor for ETOH when correcting Osmolar Gap
ETOH X 1.25
Classic CO-Hgb SpO2 reading
Opioid toxicity toxidrome
Respiratory and mental status depression, analgesia, miosis, orthostatic hypotension, nausea and vomiting (especially in opioid-naïve patients), histamine release resulting in localized urticaria and bronchospasm, ileus, and urinary retention secondary to increased vesical sphincter tone.
Naloxone onset
1-2 minutes
Naloxone duration of action
20-90 minutes
Naloxone dosing
- * mild decrease LOC, minimal resp depression: 0.05-0.4 mg IV increments
* apnea/near-apnea/cyanosis: 2 mg IV —> 4 mg IV —> 8 mg IV Q3min, max 12 mg if no response
* infusion (if responded to bolus, and required repeat dosing): 2/3 of “wake-up dose” per hour
Opioid withdrawal syndrome
- Hours: anxiety, yawning, craving, lacrimation, rhinorrhea, diaphoresis, myalgias
- 12 hours: irritability, tremor, piloerection, mydriasis
- 24-36 hours: insomnia, muscle spasms, abdo pain, nxvxdx
- peak on day 3, resolve by day 5/6
Opioid withdrawal treatment
- see Evernote “Opioid Overdose”
ETOH Withdrawal, Delerium Tremens
Read Evernote “ETOH”
Acetaminophen Toxicity
Review Evernote
Isoniazid Overdose
- nx, LOC, ataxia
- seizures, metabolic acidosis, protracted coma
- seizures refractory to usual therapy, occur from vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) depletion
- tx with benzo’s +
- pyridoxine (gram for gram equivalent to isoniazid ingested)
- for unknown, give 5 g IV (70 mg/kg peds) @ 1 g Q2-3 min until sz stop or 5 g dose reached
- after sz stop give rest of dose over 4-6 hours
- for unknown, give 5 g IV (70 mg/kg peds) @ 1 g Q2-3 min until sz stop or 5 g dose reached
Anticholinergic Toxidrome
- Dry as a bone
- Red as a beet
- Hot as a hare
- Blind as a bat
- dilated pupils may not appear for 12-24h
- Mad as a hatter
- Stuffed as a pipe
Anticholinergic Toxicity
Review Evernote
Anticonvulsant Overdose
Review Evernote
Antihypertensive Overdose
Review Evernote
Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome Tetrad
How to differentiate from Serotonin Syndrome
- usually shortly after starting/adjusting dose
- not usually from OD
- tetrad
- fever
- lead-pipe/cogwheel rigidity
- autonomic dysfunction
- altered LOC
- develops over 1-3 days
- *NMS vs SS
- SS usually no multiorgan failure
- NMS usually no diarrhea, myoclonus, hyperreflexia, or mydriasis
Antipsychotic Overdose/Side-effects
Review Evernote
Benzo Overdose
Review Evernote
Beta Blocker Overdose
Review Evernote
Calcium Channel Blocker Overdose
Review Evernote
Caustic Ingestions
Review Evernote
Cocaine/Amphetamine Overdose
Review Evernote
Cyclinc Antidepressant Overdose
Review Evernote
Digitalis Toxicity
Review Evernote
Review Evernote
Gastric Lavage
- 36-40F adult
- 22-24F children
- OG insertion from chin to xiphoid
- Left lateral decubitus, HOB tilted down 20 degrees
- Small amounts 200-300 mL adult, 10 mL/kg children to avoid pushing into duodenum
- Warm/room temp saline or tap water
- Continue until clear
- Instill charcoal if indicated, before removing tube
- Usually only helpful within 1 h ingestion of life-threatening toxins
Dose of Activated Charcoal
- Benefit within 1 h of ingestion, but possibly longer
- Dose is 10:1 ratio of charcoal to drug or 1 g/kg, whichever is larger
- Multidose: for substances that have prolonger absorption. 1 g/kg then 0.25-0.50 g/kg x 1-3 times Q 1-4 hours
Whole Bowel Irrigation
- PEG through NG or PO 1.5-2 L/h adult, 1L/h children 6-12, 0.5 L/h children <6 until clear rectal effluent.
- May be useful for toxic substances not known to adsorb well to charcoal. No evidence.
- Give Zofran or Maxeran to relieve nausea from gastric distension
Urinary Alkalanization
- Common: ASA, phenobarb
- correct hypo K+
- 1-2 mEq/kg sodium bicarb IV bolus over 1 hour
- may need to repeat
- infusion of 100 mEq bicarb/1L D5W @ 250 mL/h
- add 20-40 K+ to solution as needed
- Check urine pH q15-30 min, target 7.5-8.5
- check lytes Q 2-4h
- Keep serum pH <7.55, correct hypokalemia
Hallucinogen Overdose
Review Evernote
Hydrocarbon Toxicity
Review Evernote
Industrial Toxin Overdose
Review Evernote
Iron Overdose
Review Evernote
Lithium Overdose
Review Evernote
Marine & Diving Injuries
Review Evernote
Metals & Metalloid Overdose
Review Evernote
MAOI Overdose
Review Evernote
NSAID Overdose
Review Evernote
Cholinergic Syndrome
- Defecation
- Urination
- Muslcle weakness/fasciculations, miosis
- Bradycardia, bronchorrhea, bronchospasm
- Emesis
- Lacrimation
- Salivation, seizures
Pesticide Poisoning
See Evernote
Salicylate Overdose
Review Evernote
SSRI & Atypical Antidepressant Overdose
Review Evernote
Elimination rate of ETOH, legal limit
- legal limit = 17 mmol/L
- Zero Order elimination
- ~4 mmol/L/h in naive to 6 mmol/L/h in habituated drinkers
Toxic Alcohol Poisoning
Review Evernote
Antibioticl Overdose/Toxicity
Review Evernote
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Review Evernote