EM2 Flashcards
How to correct hyponatremia + coma/seizures
150 mL 3% NS bolus over 5 min (or 1 amp bicarb) (may repeat X 1)
Repeat serum sodium (goal is no more than 6 mmol/6h)
Saline lock IV
Foley –> u/o >100mL/h? –>if yes, 1 mcg DDAVP
Goals of correction of hyponatremia
6 in 6 hours for severe symptoms, then no faster than 6 mmol/day (up to 12/day safe by some sources)
Necrotizing Soft Tissue Infections
- Type I: Polymicrobial, most common.
- Type II: Monomicrobial (MRSA, GAS, clostridium)
- Type III: V. vulnificus (seawater)
- Can spread as quickly as 1”/h
- Pain out of proportion.
- Pain/edema beyond area of redness
- Crepitus (30%)
- Xray shows superficial gas but not deep
- CT with contrast ~ 90% but 20% false-positive
- non-enhancing deep tissues
Chance of successful passage of ureteral stone based on size
98% stones <5 mm pass within 4 weeks
60% stones 5-7 mm pass within 4 weeks
39% stones >7 mm pass within 4 weeks
Incubation ~30 days, but with partial chemoprophylaxis and incomplete immunity, can show up even 1 year after travel (~1% cases)
Often periodic fevers preceded by myalgias, headaches, and almost any other symptom. Classically Q48h, but can present very atypically.
Normocytic anemia (hemolysis), may have mild LFT/Cr, WBC elevation or depletion
Dx: thick + thin smear for malaria Q 12-24h for three sets
LP will be nonspecific
Opioid Equivalencies
Morphine 5 mg IV = 15 mg PO (MS Contin Q8-12h)
Dilaudid 0.75 mg IV = 3.75 mg PO
Oxycodone 10 mg PO (oxycontin Q8-12h)
Codeine 100 mg PO
Composition of Tylenol #1,2,3,4
T#1 = tylenol 300 mg + codeine 8 mg + caffeine 15 mg T#2 = tylenol 300 mg + codeine 15 mg + caffeine 15 mg T#3 = tylenol 300 mg + codeine 30 mg + caffeine 15 mg T#4 = tylenol 300 mg + codeine 60 mg
Composition of percocet
Percocet = 325 mg/5 mg oxycodone
Dosing of Tramadol, Tramacet (composition)
Tramadol 50-100 mg PO Q6h or 100 mg ER daily max 300 mg/day, adjust by 100 mg no quicker than q5 days
Tramacet (325 mg Tylenol + 37.5 mg Tramadol) i-ii tabs Q4-6h
ABRS Tx Algorithm
Sinusitis Steroid Nasal Spray Dosing
INCS Mometasone furoate (Nasonex)
50 mcg/spray 17g (120 sprays) per bottle
Age 3-11: 1 spray each nostril once daily
Age >=12: 2 sprays each nostril BID, increase to 4 BID if inadequate response
Oral Candidiasis Treatment
Nystatin swish and swallow: 400,000-600,000 units QID X 7-14d (adults & children, different for infants); response within 24-48 hours.
if no response/poorly tolerated then fluconazole 200 mg day 1, then 100 mg daily X 14 d
Apthous Stomatitis Treatment
oracort dental paste 0.1% TID X 7-14 days m: 5 g
Insulin Correction Factor
100/Total Daily Dose
Antibiotics for acute cholecystitis
Flagyl 500 mg IV (Q6h)
Ceftriaxone 1 g IV (Q24h)
3 I’s (causes) of DKA
Infection, Infarction, Insulin
Dose of PO morphine for acute pain
Morphine, 0.3 milligram/kg PO
Dose of PO Dilaudid for acute pain
Hydromorphone, 0.06–0.08 milligram/kg PO
(4-5 mg PO)
Doesn’t matter if new or old.
If CHF or HD instability –> cath/lytic
If stable, apply Sgarbossa criteria
A. Concordant STE 1 mm in any lead (~90% accurate, take to cath)
B. Concordant STD 1 mm in V1-V3, only need 1 lead (~90%, take to cath)
Modified C (Smith’s). ST discordance >25% (cath)
MI & Pacemaker (LBBB pattern)
Doesn’t matter if new or old.
If CHF or HD instability –> cath/lytic
If stable, apply Sgarbossa criteria
A. Concordant STE 1 mm in any lead (~90% accurate, take to cath)
B. Concordant STD 1 mm in V1-V3, only need 1 lead (~90%, take to cath)
C. Discordant STE >5 mm any lead (~60%, consider other factors, speak with cardio) applies also and is even more specific than other criteria.
STE in aVR + aVL = 95% specific for LMCA stenosis
STE in aVR + V1 = LMCA or prox. LAD stenosis
If STE in aVR > STE in V1 then LMCA stenosis
If STE in aVR > 1.5 mm then >75% mortality
LMCA stenosis has 70% mortality, no medical therapy is effective, time to cath is crucial, PCI decreases mortality to 40%
Diagnosis of Acute Pericarditis
Two of:
- Chest pain consistent with pericarditis (pleuritic, worse with lying down, relieved with leaning forward)
- Pericardial friction rub
- Typical ECG changes
- Pericardial effusion of more than trivial size
Disposition of Acute Pericarditis
Consider admission if:
- temp >38.5, trauma, troponin (myopericarditis), OAC, immunosuppressed, or large effusion
- Competitive athletes: no sports until 3 months (6 months for myopericarditis) after resolution symptoms and cleared by MD
- Regular athletes: no sports until resolution symptoms
Flomax Dosing, precautions
Tamsulosin 0.4 mg PO daily (may increase to 0.8 mg daily after 2-4 weeks if poor response).
Watch for hypotension with first dose and after interrupting therapy.
Do not start if planned eye surgery (floppy iris syndrome).
Avoid with severe sulfa allergy.
- assume infectious –> airborne isolation, negative pressure, N95 for visitors, surgical mask for patient outside of room, call IPAC
- outpatient: home isolation pending lab results + call PH
- active TB –> specialist referral
- sputum X 3 for TB (AFB smear - 24h), NAAT (48h), and culture (1-4 weeks). May collect sputum on same day 1h apart.
- If CAP but suspecting TB, use Amox/Clav, do not use quinolones (they are active against TB and may mask test results)
- test for HIV if +ve
HIV Testing
HIV Ab test
95% sensitive within 30 days
5% will take up to 3 months
HIV Ag/Ab Combo EIA
reduces time to detection to 0-20 days, lab dependent
Sens/Spec 99.8%/99.5% at 3 months post-exposure
Workup for fever in the returning traveler
CBC, diff, malaria thick/thin Q12-24h X 3, LFT’s, culture everything for typhoid, NP swab for influenza, urinalysis, CXR, serology (hold red top or specify for dengue, chikungunya, Rickettsia, etc.)
QTc Calculation
Qt (ms)/square root of preceding r-r (ms)
Lead II or V5 best
CAUTI Definition
Catheter in more than 2 days (or intermittent catheterization) and change in symptoms/condition + positive urine culture
When to change catheter for suspected CAUTI
- Do not remove catheters placed post-op for GU surgery or for GU trauma
- If catheter has been in >2 weeks, take it out, replace it, and draw culture from new catheter
How long to treat CAUTI for?
7 days
Adult dose of Atarax (hydroxyzine)
Scabies Treatment
Permethrin 5% Cream from neck down (or whole body for immune compromise/kids)
m: 30 g
Apply at bedtime, wash off in morning. Wash linens + clothes in hot water in AM, treat all household contacts.
Ivermectin 200 mcgs/kg PO, repeat X 1 in 2 weeks
Atarax, Hydrocortisone 1 or 2.5% 60 g
Itching may last up to 6 weeks but should progressively get better.
Name for bees, wasps, ants.
Name for Poison Ivy
de Winter T waves
Proximal LAD occlusion –> STEMI equivalent, call cath lab

When to treat influenza in pregnant women.
- treat all pregnant and postpartum women (up to 2 weeks) on spec with oseltamivir 75 mg PO BID x 5 days
- rapid testing not sufficiently sensitive to rule out
Treatment for epiglottitis
Ceftriaxone 2 g IV
Solu-medrol 125 mg IV
Humidified O2
DDx of Altered LOC
- A — Alcohol/Acidosis
- E — Endocrine
- Epilepsy
- Electrolytes
- Encephalopathy
- I — Infection
- O — Opiates, Overdose
- U — Uremia
- T — Trauma
- I — Insulin
- P — Poisoning/Psychosis
- S — Stroke/Seizure/syncope
How many primary teeth?
When do primary teeth erupt?
8-33 months
How many permanent teeth?
When do permanent teeth erupt?
7-13 years (wisdom up to early 20’s)
When do primary teeth fall out?
5-7 years
How to tell a primary tooth from a permanent tooth?
Permanent teeth have
- longer roots
- yellow colour
- mamelons (ridges –> later wear down)
Spectrum of disease in dental caries
Caries –> reversible pulpitis –> irreversible pulipits –> pulpal necrosis/death –> dental abscess
Name for dental abscess fistulizing through gingival wall
Abx Choice for Ludwig’s Angina
Clinda + Ceftriaxone
TXA solution for post-extraction dental bleeding
- 500 mg tab in 10-20 mL sterile water or
- 5 mL 100 mg/mL solution in 5 mL sterile water
Mouthwas for ANUG
Chlorhexidine 0.1% BID
Herpes Simplex (secondary infection) Treatment
Acyclovir 400 mg 5x/day X 5 days
Valacyclovir 2 g PO BID x 1 day
Helps during prodromal phase
How to estimate Uosm from Urinalysis
- Urine SG, take hundredths and thousandths spot as whole numbers and multiply by 35: (e.g. 1.005 = 5x35 = 175)
Diabetes Insipidus
- Central (damage to ADH producing neurons) or Nephrogenic (receptors to ADH)
- Acquired of congenital
- Hypernatremia
- Water-deprivation testing/ADH testing, not in ED
Goal of correction for hypernatremia
Danger of overcorrection
- <48h (acute hypernatremia): 1 mEq/L/h
- >48h (chronic hypernatremia): 0.5 mEq/L/h
- risk of cerebral edema and herniation with rapid overcorrection
K+ Replacement
- Central line: KCl 20 mEq/L in 100 mL NS over 1 h
- Peripheral line: KCl 10 mEq/L in 100 mL NS over 1 h, repeat x 3
- PO
- KCl Elixir 20 mEq/15 mL PO
- Slow-K 600 mg = 8 mEq
- Micro-K (slow-release capsule) 600 mg = 8 mEq
- K-lyte effervescent tablet = 25 mEq
- K-Dur (20 mEq tab)
- Daily max = 240 mEq/day
- *supplement Mg as well
Mg+ Replacement
- Mg Rougier 15-30mL po tid-qid
- Mg gluconate 1-2 tabs po tid-qid; 1 tab
- Mg sulfate 5 g in 250mL NS (or D5W) iv over 5h or 2 g in 100 mL over 1h
ED Treatment Hyperkalemia
- Calcium chloride 10% 5-10 mL IV (repeat up to 4x/h)
- Calcium gluconate 10% 10-20 mL IV (repeat up to 4x/h)
- NaHCO3 50-150 mEq IV
- Ventolin Neb
- Insulin 10 units regular (Humulin R) + 25 g D50W
- Lasix 40-80 mg IV + 1-2 L NS bolus
- Kayxelate 25-50 g PO/PR
PO Replacement of Phosphate
Phosphate Novartis 1-2 tabs po bid-tid
ED Treatment Hypercalcemia
- 1L NS/h for 2-4 hours, 3-4 L over first 24 hours
- Lasix 20-40 mg IV, target UO 150-200 mL/h
- For corrected Ca2+ >3.0-3.5
- zolendronic acid 4 mg IV over 15 min
ECG features favouring V-tach vs. SVT
- regular
- AV dissociation
- Capture/fusion beats
- QRS > 160 ms
- -ve concordance (V1-V6)
Vereckei Criteria for Vtach vs SVT
- any of these +ve in aVR = Vtach
- initial R wave
- initial R or Q wave > 40 ms
- notch present on initial descending limb of predominantly negative QRS
- ratio of vertical distance travelled during initial 40 ms of QRS : distal 40 ms < 1
- SVTAC if none of the above are +ve
Pava criteria for Vtach vs SVT
- VT if time from isoelectric line to peak of R wave in lead II is > 50 ms
- SVTAC if not
Vaughan-Williams Classification of Antiarrhythmic Medications
- Class I: Fast Na+ Channel Blockers
- Ia (moderate) - procainamide
- Ib (weak) - Lidocaine, phenytoin
- Ic (strong) - flecainide, propafenone
- Class II: beta-blockers
- esmolol, labetalol, metoprolol, propranolol
- Class III: K+ Channel Blockers
- Amiodarone, ibutilide, sotalol (also a BB)
- Class IV: CCB’s
- diltiazem, verapamil
- Unclassified
- digoxin, adenosine, atropine, isoproterenol, magnesium
Dose of Procainamide
- 20-50 mg/min until arrhythmia controlled, hypotension occurs, QRS widens by > 50 % original width, or 17 mg/kg is given (20 min-60 min for 70 kg patient).
- Practically: 1 g at 20-50 mg/min
- Maintenance: 1-4 mg/min
Beta 1 vs Beta 2 receptors
- beta 1: heart muscle
- beta 2: bronchi + vascular smooth muscle
- Cardioselective BB
- Onset 2-10 min, duration 10-30 min
- 500 mcg/kg bolus over 1 min then 50 mcg/kg/min infusion, increase by 50 mcg/kg/min Q4 min, max 200 mcg/kg/min
- may give two additional 500 mcg/kg boluses before increasing from 50 mcg/kg/min to 100 and from 100 to 150
- try not to discontinue abruptly
- combined a1 and non-selective beta blocker
- beta > alpha ~3:1 oral and 7:1 IV
- 20 mg IVP over 2 min
- 40-80 mg IV q 10 min (total 300 mg)
- 2 mg/min infusion (total 300 mg)
- PO
- 200 mg PO, repeat in 6- 12 h, then 400-2400 mg /day (Q6-8h)
- cardioselective BB
- 1.25 - 5 mg Q 5min IV, max 15 mg
- 25-50 mg PO BID
- cardioselective BB
- 2.5-20 mg PO daily
- Class III but has properties of all 4 classes
- lipophilic, large loading doses needed to saturate tissues until serum levels are maintained
- long half-life (55 days)
- max 30 mg/min, 2.2 g/day
- Pulseless Vtach/VF
- 300 mg IV rapid bolus, repeat 150 mg x 1 PRN
- Pulseless Vtach/VF
- Stable monomorphic VT, or polymorphic VT with normal QTc or SVT
- 150 mg IV over 10 min then 1 mg/min for 6h then 0.5 mg/min for 18h
Dihydropyridine vs. nondihydropyridine CCB’s
- nondihydropyridine (Diltiazem, Verapamil) are cardioselective and good for rate control
- dihydropyridine (amlodipine, nicardipine) are vascular selective and used for HTN