Rheum Flashcards
Normal ESR
(Age + 10)/2
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome I
Formerly Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy
Neuropathic pain with associated with vasomotor changes, swelling, redness, usually along peripheral nerve distribution.
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome II
Nerve pain along nerve distribution from unknown cause.
How many mg Lidocaine in 1 mL of 1%?
10 mg
Max Lidocaine for local infiltration
- *Without Epi:** 5 mg/kg (35 cc for 70 kg), lasts ~ 1h
- *With Epi:** 7 mg/kg (~50 cc for 70 kg), lasts 2-6h
Max Bupivacaine for local infiltration
- *Without epi:** 2 mg/kg (~50 mL in 70 kg), lasts 2-4h
- *With epi:** 3 mg/kg (~90 mL in 70 kg), lasts 3-7h
Types of Immunologic Reactions
Type I: Anapylactic - IgE–>mast cells –>inflammation (asthma, allergic rhinitis)
Type II: Cytotoxic - Ab formation –>attack cells with Ag (MAHA, Grave’s, pernicious anemia)
Type III: Immune complex - Ag-Ab complexes –> complement –>attract inflammatory cells (SLE, post-strep GN, serum sickness)
Type IV: Cell-mediated/delayed hypersensitivity - release of cytokines by sensitized T-cells (contact dermatitis)
Gout vs. pseudogout crystals
Gout = monosodium urate, needle-shaped, negatively birefringent (bright yellow)
Pseudogout = calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate, rhomboid-shaped, positively birefringent (pale blue)
Hallmark radiographic findings of OA
- joint space narrowing
- subchondral sclerosis
- subchondral cysts
- osteophytes
Felty’s Syndrome
RA Syndrome
- arthritis, splenomegaly, neutropenia
RA Joint involvement, Testing, Tx
SLE Testing
ANA (98% sens) –> anti-dsDNA, anti-Sm (95-99% spec), C3, C4 (decreased)
andi-dsDNA and C3, C4 useful to monitor treatment response
antiphospholipid Ab (anticardiolipin Ab, lupus anticoagulant), VDRL
PMR Treatment
Prednisone 15-20 mg PO daily, taper slowly over 2 year period