Topography Flashcards
What is the function of the brainstem?
What structures make up brainstem?
Midbrain, pons, medulla
Has tracts for motor + sensory pathways running between higher + lower centres
Cardio + respiratory centre for control of heart rate and RR
10 (of 12) cranial nerves come from brainstem
What is the function of circle of willis?
Supplies arterial blood to cerebral hemispheres
Protective feature against vaso-occlusion of large arteries: Compensatory mechanism ensure brain will not be in deficit of blood
What is the cerebral blood supply?
Anterior cerebral- Medial aspect of cerebral hemispheres
Middle cerebral – Lateral aspect of cerebral hemispheres
Posterior cerebral – Inferior aspect of cerebral hemispheres and Occipital lobe
What is the venous drainage of the brain
Superficial + deep veins of the brain drain into venous sinuses -> drain into internal jugular veins
What are the functions of the cerebellum?
Receives information on
- ipsilateral proprioception
- balance + posture (from vestibular nuclei)
- motor pyramidal tracts
Then maintains balance + co-ordiantion
What does cerebellar dysfunction cause?
What is the function of the thalamus?
Sensory relay station - contains groups of nuclei
What is the function of hypothalamus?
Main visceral control centre - essential for homeostasis
What is the homeostatic roles of the hypothalamus?
- body temp
- autonomic control
- food intake
- water balance + thirst
- sleep-wake cycle
- endocrine system