Topic 8 Space GCSE Physics Flashcards
What is a cycle of a star that is about the same size of the sun?
- cloud of dust and gas (nebula)
- protostar (force of gravity)
-main sequence star (long stable period where the outward pressure caused by the nuclear fusion balances the force of gravity pulling everything inwards - red giant (hydrogen runs out)
- white dwarf
- black dwarf
What is the cycle of a star that is much bigger than the sun?
- cloud of dust and gas (nebula)
- protostar (force of gravity)
-main sequence star (long stable period where the outward pressure caused by the nuclear fusion balances the force of gravity pulling everything inwards - red super giant
- supernova
- either neutron star or black hole
How is a protostar formed?
- force of gravity pulls the dust and gas together to form a protostar
- the temperature rises as the star gets denser and more particles collide with each other
- when the temperature gets high enough hydrogen nuclei undergo nuclear fusion to form helium nuclei
- this gives out energy so a star is formed
What is the process of a main sequence star?
- star enters a long stable period where the outward pressure caused by the nuclear fusion that tries to expand the star balances the force of gravity pulling everything inwards
What is the process of the red giant?
- hydrogen begins to run out
- the star then swells into a red giant (if it is smaller than the sun)
- it becomes red because the surface cools
What is the process of a white dwarf?
- a small to medium sized star like the sun becomes unstable and ejects its outer layer of dust and gas
- this leaves behind a hot, dense solid core called a white dwarf
What is the process of a black dwarf?
- as a white dwarf cools down it emits less and less energy
- when it no longer emits a significant amount it is called a black dwarf
How is a red super giant formed?
hydrogen begins to run out
- the star then swells into a red super giant (if its larger than the sun)
How is a supernova formed?
- big stars glow brightly again as they undergo more fusion and expand and contract several times
- they eventually explode into supernova
How is a neutron star and black hole formed?
- the exploding supernova throws the outer layers of dust and gas into space leaving a very dense core called a neutron star
- if the star is massive enough it will become a black hole
What are planets?
- large objects that orbit a star
- 8 in our solar system
What are dwarf planets?
- planet-like objects that orbit stars but don’t reach all rules for being a planet
What are moons?
- orbit planets
- type of natural satellite
What are artificial satellites?
- satellites that humans have built
- orbit the earth
What do you see when we look at light from most distant galaxies?
- the wavelength has increased
What is red shift?
- when wavelengths are shifted towards the red end of the spectrum
What does red-shift suggest?
- suggests that the source of light is moving away from us
What is the Big-Bang theory?
- all the matter in the universe occupied a very small space
- this tiny space was very dense and so was very hot
- then it exploded, space started expanding and then the expansion is still going on
What is dark matter?
- name given to an unknown substance which holds the galaxies together but does not emit any electromagnetic radiation