topic 6:zajonc Flashcards
to provide evidence for drive theory using cockroaches
72 female cockroaches, week before study kept in jars and fed apple
‘runs’ 20-20-20 inch cube, one designed to be easy, one complex. cockroaches afraid of light = light shone through maze
in response to light
some ran alone= baseline measure of performance
to test drive theory some ran in pairs (predicted to increase performance)
3rd condition = 4 cockroaches placed in boxes, amy difference would be due to presence of others
easy task = completed the quickest, followed by audience task
arousal increased in cockroaches
zanjonc druve theory and michaels
support shown by michaels ‘audience effects of pool players’ ,researchers observed skill level of pool players, 4 researchers approached tables where players below average & above
results predicted by drive theory
presence of audience improved performance of above average but lowered performance of below average players