topic 5:smith & stogdill Flashcards
if coach effectiveness training CET would improve coach skills of the geese coaches
34 little league baseball coaches from seattle, 18 randomly allocated to be in experimental training CET, 16 in control condition received no training
2 hour trading session, included then being modelled examples of un/desirable coaching behaviours.
given list of dos/donts
following the training, comparison was made between coaches of had training or not, behaviour observed, 12 categories of rating behaviour (e.g communication), then structure interview
players that had CET training enjoyed okaying for them more, rated more positive relationships with team mates
stogdill carried out
review of 124 studies into characteristics of effective leaders to try and identify common trials (great man theory of leadership)
no.b trials associated with good leadership (stogdill)
e.g height = weak positive correlate between leadership ability
appearance = good leaders, better appearance, confidence, motivated etc