topic 6: design on triz Flashcards
______ is a technology-based, systematic methodology that aims to overcome “psychological inertia” and generate a large range of solution concepts.
With the use of a contradiction matrix, it provides a framework and toolbox for systematic, inventive problem solving.
TRIZ stands for ______.
Teoria Resheneya Isobretatelskih Zadach
TRIZ (Altshuller, 1984) is a Russian acronym for Teoria Resheneya Isobretatelskih Zadach, which can be translated to the _____.
Theory of Inventive Problem Solving
_____ represents short-cut
to experience because it is a method of transforming a specific problem into a general problem.
What are the 6 steps in the TRIZ process?
- specific problem
- abstraction
- general problem
- general solutions
- analogy
- solution to specific problem
From the initial research, Altshuller found that there were only ____ generic parameters(sometimes referred to as properties or features) which either improve or degrade.
A common characteristic of problem solving is that in trying to improve one desirable parameter or property, another desirable property degrades.
trade-off or contradiction
Conventional problem solving generally leads to a ‘_____’ solution.
What are the 39 generic parameters of TRIZ?
- weight of moving object
- weight of stationary object
- length of moving object
- length of stationary object
- area of moving object
- area of stationary object
- volume of moving object
- volume of stationary object
- speed
- force
- stress or pressure
- shape stability of the object’s composition
- strength
- duration of action by a moving object
- duration of action by a stationary object
- temperature
- illumination intensity
- use of energy by moving object
- use of energy by stationary object
- power
- loss of energy
- loss of substance
- loss of information
- loss of time
- quantity of substance/the matter
- reliability
- measurement accuracy
- manufacturing precision
- external harm affects the object
- object-generated harmful factors
- ease of manufacture
- ease of operation
- ease of repair
- adaptability or versatility
- device complexity
- difficulty of detecting and measuring
- extent of automation
- productivity.
Objects which can easily change position in space, either on
their own, or as a result of external forces. Vehicles and
objects designed to be portable are the basic members of this
moving objects
Objects which do not change position in space, either on their
own, or as a result of external forces. Consider the conditions
under which the object is being used.
stationary objects
Altshuller found that the principles used to resolve ‘problem solving contradictions’ could be described in a list of just ____ principles.
What are the 40 principles of TRIZ for resolving design contradiction?
- segmentation
- extraction
- local quantity
- asymmetry
- combining
- universality
- nesting
- counter-weight
- prior counter-action
- prior action
- cushion in advance
- equi-potentiality
- inversion
- spheroidality
- dynamics
- partial or excessive action
- transition into another dimention
- mechanical vibration
- periodic action
- continuity of useful action
- rushing through
- concert harm into benefit
- feedback
- mediator
- self-service
- copying
- inexpensive short life
- mechanical substitution
- pneumatics and hydraulic construction
- flexible membranes and thin films
- porous materials
- colour change
- homogeneity
- discard and renewal
- transforming the physical or chemical state of an object
- phase change
- thermal expansion
- strong oxidants
- inert environment
- composite materials
Each ____ represents the improving parameter.
Each ___ represents the worsening parameter.