topic 4: deign on Quality Function Development Flashcards
_____ is a method for developing a design quality aiming at satisfying the consumer and then translating the consumer’s demand into design targets and major quality assurance points to be used throughout the production phase.
Quality Function Development (QFD)
_____ is a system to deploy the voices of the customers in understanding their requirements into the appropriate technical requirements for each stage of product development and production
Quality Function Development (QFD)
____ is a tool for bringing the voice of the customer into the product development process from conceptual design through to manufacturing.
Quality Function Development (QFD)
_____ is an innovative approach bringing quality as demanded by the customer upstream in the product development
Quality Function Development (QFD)
The QFD tool can certainly be used by an individual, but its real value is as a
structured approach for team prioritization and decision making
_____ and ____ must go hand-in-hand in order to deliver customer requirements at a reasonable cost.
product planning, value engineering
______ is a process and set of tools used to effectively define customer requirements and convert them into detailed engineering specifications and plans to produce the products that fulfill those requirements.
Quality Function Deployment (QFD)
_____ is used to translate
customer requirements (or VOC) into measurable design targets and drive them from the assembly level down through the sub-assembly, component and production process
_____ methodology provides a defined set of matrices utilized to facilitate this progression.
QFD was first developed in Japan by _______ while working for Mitsubishi’s shipyard.
Yoji Akao in the late 1960s
In the early ____s, QFD was introduced in the United States mainly by the big three automotive companies and a few electronics manufacturers.
QFD is currently being used in _______.
manufacturing, healthcare and service organizations
Why impelement Quality Function Development (QFD)?
QFD methodology effectively communicates customer needs to
multiple business operations throughout the organization including design, quality, manufacturing, production, marketing and sales.
What are the 4 additional benefits to using Quality Function Development?
- customer focused
- VOC competitor analysis
- shorter development time and lower cost
- structure and documentation
QFD methodology places the emphasis on the wants and needs of the customer, not on what the company may believe the customer wants.
customer focused
The QFD “House of Quality” tool allows for direct comparison of how your design or product stacks up to the competition in meeting
the VOC.
VOC competitor analysis
QFD reduces the likelihood of late design changes by focusing on product features and improvements based on
customer requirements.
shorter development time and lower cost
QFD provides a structured method and tools for
recording decisions made and lessons learned during the product development process.
structure and documentation
QFD methodology is for
organizations committed to listening to the _____ and meeting their
Voice of the Customer
The Quality Function Deployment methodology is a ___-phase process that encompasses activities throughout the product development cycle.
What are the 4 pahses of QFD?
- product definition
- product development
- process development
- process quality control
The _______ Phase begins with collection of VOC
and translating the customer wants and needs into product specifications.
Product Definition
____ may also involve a competitive analysis to evaluate how effectively the competitor’s product fulfills the customer wants and needs.
product definition phase
The _____ is based on the particular product performance requirements and specifications.
initial design concept
During the _____ Phase, the critical parts and assemblies are identified.
Product Development
During the ______ Phase, the manufacturing and assembly processes are designed based on product and component specifications.
Process Development
During the process development phase, the _____ is developed and the critical process characteristics are identified
process flow
Prior to production launch, the QFD process identifies critical part and process characteristics.
process quality control
Effective use of QFD requires ______ and ____ in the practice of QFD, which has proven to be an excellent team-building experience.
team participation, discipline inherent
What are the 4 levels of QFD?
- level 1 QFD
- level 2 QFD
- level 3 QFD
- level 4 QFD
The ______ is an effective tool used to translate the customer wants and
needs into product or service design characteristics utilizing a relationship matrix.
House of Quality
_____ is usually the first matrix used in the QFD process.
house of quality
The _____ demonstrates the relationship between the customer wants or “Whats” and the design parameters or
House of Quality
The matrix earned the name “House of Quality” due to its _______.
structure resembling that of a house
A _____, _____, and _____
should complete the matrix.
- cross-functional team possessing thorough
knowledge of the product - the Voice of the Customer
- the company’s capabilities
What are the 8 sections of the matrix of House of Quality?
- “whats”
- importance factor
- “hows” or ceiling
- body or main room
- roof
- competitor or comparison
- relative importance
- lower level/foundation
______ is usually the first section to be completed. This column is where the VOC, or the wants and needs, of the customer are listed.
The team should rate each of the functions based on their level of importance to the customer.
importance factor
____ contains the design features and technical requirements the
product will need to align with the VOC.
“hows” or ceiling
The “Hows” are ranked according to their correlation or effectiveness of fulfilling each of the “Whats”.
body or main room
This matrix is used to indicate how the design requirements interact with each other.
This section visualizes a comparison of the
competitor’s product in regards to fulfilling the “Whats”.
competitor or comparison
This section should be completed using direct feedback from customer surveys or other means of data collection.
competitor or comparison
This section contains the results of calculating the total of the sums of each column when multiplied by the importance factor.
relative importance
How is the data from relative importance used?
it is useful for ranking each of the “hows” and determining where to allocate the most resources
This section lists more specific target values for
technical specifications relating to the “Hows” used to satisfy VOC.
lower level/foundation
_____ is the first step in driving the VOC throughout the product or process design process.
completion of the house of quality
The ______ matrix is a used during the Design Development Phase.
Level 2 QFD
Using the _____, the team can discover which of the assemblies, systems, sub-systems and components have the most impact on meeting the product
design requirements and identify key design characteristics.
Level 2 QFD
The information produced from performing a Level 2 QFD is often used as a direct input to the _______ process.
Design Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (DFMEA)
What are the 3 levels of the Level 2 QFD?
- system level
- sub-system level
- component level
The technical specifications and functional requirements or “Hows” identified and prioritized within The House of Quality become the “Whats” for the
____ QFD.
system level
The requirements cascaded down from the system level are
re-defined to align with how the ______ contributes to the system meeting its functional requirements.
This information then becomes the “Whats” for the QFD and the components and other possible “Hows” are listed and ranked to determine
the critical components.
sub-system level
The _____ QFD is extremely helpful in identifying the key and critical characteristics or features that can be detailed on the drawings.
component level
For purchased components, this information is valuable for communication key and critical characteristics to suppliers during sourcing negotiations as an inpute to the ______ submission.
Product Part Approval Process (PPAP)
The _____ QFD is used during the Process Development Phase where we examine which of the processes or process steps have any correlation to meeting
the component or part specifications.
Level 3
In the Level 3 QFD matrix, the “Whats” are
the ______ and the “Hows” are the ______.
- component part technical specifications
- manufacturing
processes or process steps involved in producing the part
The matrix in _____ QFD highlights which of the processes or process steps have the most impact on meeting the part specifications.
Level 3
CTQ means _____.
Critical to Quality
The ____ QFD is not utilized as often as the previous three.
Level 4
_____ QFD matrix, the team should list all the critical processes or process characteristics in the “Whats” column on the left and then determine the “Hows”
for assuring quality parts are produced and list them across the top of the matrix.
Level 4
The information obtained in Level 4 QFD also be used for _____, ____ or as an input to ____.
- work instructions
- inspection sheets
- control plans
The purpose of Quality Function Deployment is not to replace an
organization’s existing design process but rather _______.
support and improve an
organization’s design process
_____ methodology is a systemic, proven means of embedding the Voice of the Customer into both the design and production process.
______ is a method of ensuring customer requirements are accurately translated into
relevant technical specifications from product definition to product design, process
development and implementation.
What are the 4 phases of Quality Function Development?
- production planning
- part development
- process planning
- production planning
Begins with customer requirements.
phase 1: product planning
Ends with prototype and production launch.
phase 4: production planning
In QFD, _____ is a measure of customer satisfaction with a product or a service. QFD is a structured method that uses the seven management and planning tools.
QFD methodology focuses on the most important product or service attributes or qualities. These are composed of ____, ____, and ____.
wows, wants, musts
What are the 6 steps of doing Quality Function Development?
- indentifying the customer(s) - list customer requirements (WHATs)
1.2. prioritizing the requirements - list technical desccriptors (HOWs)
- develop a relationship matric between WHATs and HOWs
- develop a relationship matrix between the technical descriptors
- competitive assessments
6.1. setting engineering targets for design compute the relative weight
6.2. setting engineering targets for design
6.3. competition benchmarking
The goal is to develop a list of all the customer
requirements (made up in the customer’s own words) that will affect the design. This should be accomplished with the whole design team, based on the results of customer surveys.
step 1. determining customer requirements
A weighting factor is generated for each requirement. The weighting factor will give the designer an idea of how much effort, time and money to invest in achieving each
step 1.2. prioritixing the requirements
The goal here is to develop a set of engineering requirements (design specifications) that are measurable for use in evaluating the proposed designs.
step 2. list technical descriptors (HOWs)
The last step is to determine the target values for engineering measurement.
step 6.2. setting engineering target for design
Measurements of the competition’s targets provide a basis for the _______.
development of targets
for the new product
The best targets are those set for a ______.
specific value
Less precise, but
still usable, are those targets set _____.
within a range
A ____ type of target is a value made to be as large or small as possible
The goal here is to determine how the customer perceives the competition’s ability to
meet each of the requirements.
step 6.3. competition benchmarking
This forces awareness of what already exists and points out opportunities for improving upon that which already exists.
step 6.3. competition benchmarking