topic 5.2 Parties Flashcards
what did the founding fathers say about political aprties
they were very wary of the tribalistic and divsive powers of parties however,
they understood that naturally people’s views would divide in 2
madison- ‘ men by their consitution are naturally divded into two parties
how are the modern political parties organised:
- both dem and rep both have national infastructure
- and obth are rogansied at state elvel with each state having their own dem and rep parties with own patfrom which are relevent to issues of a particular area
these subsections lead to broad and divrse parties
what is the overall republican view on social and moral issues
want to preserve organic society and views are based stongly on chirstianity opposing gay marriage and abortion
ex trump was first president to attend an anti abortion rally in 2020 arguing that ‘every life brings love into this world’
what is the overall democrat view on social and moral issues?
they favour progressive change and represntation of minorities
they instagates the 1964 civil rights movement
they favour rehabilitation
after geroge folyd supported the fact that insittions in america are insitutionally racism
pro choice and pro LGTBQ
overall republican view on governemnt intervention into the economy
lassiez faire economics favouring minimal intervention of state in economy
trump argues that obamas american recovery and investments act was a ny excuse to esablish unprecedented control over financial markets
overall democrat view on intervention into economy
influenced by modern liberal principles of having an enabling state giving people a hand up fincncailly
obama was a large advorcate for keynesian economicsa dn defecit spending
787 billion dollar stimulus package to help people after 2008 financial crash
overall repoblican view on soical welfare
influence by neo-conservatives
state should be a saftey net and not give out large handouts for people to depend on
trump really wanted to get rid of ‘obama care’
low tax small state
democracts v republcians on gun control
dems: tighter bakcground checks on who can biy guns
republicans protecting peoples consitutional right to bear arms
democratcs v republicans on minimum wage
democracts in 2016 wanted to see it increase to 15 dollars
republcians beleive that it is a state and local level issues
overall democract view on social welfare
keen to win the ‘war on poverty’ since president johnson
passsed the afforable care act
what limits do constitnets place upon the importance of parties
when electing represtative tot eh house of representivates voting is going ot be more based off of what they will do for the specific community issues rather than just voting on party lines
short eelction cycle means that they have to be reactive to the issues of their consitutits rather than being loyal to the party if they want to eb re-elected
what limits fo interest groups place upon the importance of parties in america?
a hidden limit that isnt obvious however, the high expense of elections means that interest groups play a large role in funding both parties and indivdual candiates.
for example if the NRA are supplying money to a democratic represtative they may vote against a the parties gun control motion
what limits do congressional causues have on inportance of parties in US
- groups of congressmen who share specific interests come together when voting despite party lines
for example the blakc caucus and womens caucus
what percentage of women voted for biden v trump
57 percent of women voted for biden
what percetnage of african americans votes for biden over trump
what % of young people voted biden
60% (18-29)