night before the exam things to remember Flashcards
how many states were left to vote when sanders dropped out of pres election?
22 states
how many executive orders as of september 2021had biden passed?
example of someone spending less but gaining seat in congress
amy GcGraith raised 97£ per vote comapred to. mitch Mconnol who raised 37 but due to ideology of kentucky being rpeulbican he won
supreme court case against gerrymandering
cooper v harris
how are states disporporitonalty represented by the electoral college
one vote in wyoming is worth 3x more than california
how much did pusa spend on campainging for biden
158 million
how much did biden spend on his campaign?
1.69 billion
who are the gang of 8
groups in the senate who worked together to pass more inclusing immigration reform
sexual assault in the army
bipartisan group in 2021 passed an act to stop sexual assult
how many states are prevetning the ERA from passing
13 states making up 24% of population
what % of veto overiders are succsessful
why has biden’s build back better bill been a failures
all republicans and joe manichin blocked the bill due to ints funding of medicar and medicades, as well as mroe affordable housign ect
what is bidens current approval rating
why is biden having difficulty passing leg
the house of reps is split 50/50 with joe manchin usually voting for the republcians
american resucte plan failures
despite republican ippsition it passe dbut had fialed to reliver the £15 minimum wage