Topic 5: Performing with others Flashcards
what did Tuckman study
theory of group development
social cohesion def
the extent to which team members like each other, and the degree of satisfaction they get from team membership
task cohesion def
the amount team members work together to achieve shared goals
Tuckman 4 stages
coming together of members
members seek to accept others/be accepted
vie for position in group
have to learn new systems
most important
team agree goals/find their roles
conflicts resolved
team becomes focused/can function effectively
what did Stogdil research
great man theory of leadership
Stogdil aims
.to see if great leaders are born or made
.to identify traits of successful leaders
Stogdil method
.reviewed studies which had attempted to investigate trait theory of leadership
.used: Self Report, Questionnaires, Interviews
Stogdil results
several characteristics shown in 1 or more studies relating to leadership:
.chronical age
Stogdil’s 5 suggested categories
capacity (intelligence) achievement (accomplishments) responsibility (dependability) participation (cooperation) status (popularity)
all consistently associated
what did Chelladurai research
multidimensional model of leadership
Chelladurai: preferred leader behaviour
type of behaviour team would choose for their leader to perform
Chelladurai: actual leader behaviour
how the leader does behave
Chelladurai: prescribed leader behaviour
behaviour leader is required to perform
what did Senecal research
team goal setting
Senecal aim
to increase task cohesion by giving players more responsibility for deciding team goals
Senecal sample
86 females
senior womens’ basketball
8 different teams
Senecal procedure
.randomly assigned to control or experimental group
.completed Group Environment Questionnaire at start and end of season
.E.condition: decided on 4 most important aspects for team to work on
.coaches reminded players of goals and worked them in training
.after 3 games goals reviewed
Senecal results
.no difference in group cohesion after first questionnaire
.goal setting group = sig higher both social and task cohesion by end of season
what did Smith study
coach effectiveness training
Smith aim
to est effectiveness of Coach Effectiveness Training
Smith predictions
.CET would increase positive interactions between coaches, players and teammates
.Performers with low self esteem would benefit most from trained coaches
Smith sample
34 male
little league baseball coaches
18 experimental condition
13 control condition (3 had dropped out)
Smith procedure
coaches invited to 2hr CET session
given guidelines on dos/donts
Smith DO’s
.encourage immediately after mistakes
.give instructions on how to correct
.emphasise good that will come if performed correctly, rather than bad things that happened
Smith DONT’s
punish after doing something wrong
Smith variables
behavioural observation
player attitudes
player self esteem
Smith observation measurement
observed behaviours during games
done by 16 trained undergraduates using CBAS system
Smith player attitudes measurement
.at end of season, players all interviewed at home
.structured interview
.rating scale from never - always
Smith self esteem measurement
after interview completed a general self esteem test
no general differences between control/experimental
sig dif - experimental used reinforcement a lot more
experimental used more encouragement/ less punishment
higher self esteem in experimental