Topic 3 - Infection and Response Flashcards
what is a communicable disease
A disease caused by a pthogen which can be passed between animals or plants
What is a pathogen
A microorganism that causes communicable disease
How does bacteria cause disease
They rapidly divide and release toxins
How viruses cause disease
Invade and reproduce incide body cells until they urst
3 ways disease spreads ad how
Air - breathing in droplets of infected cough/sneeze
Water - bathing/ drinking contaminated water
Direct contact- touching contaminated surfaces
4 ways the spread of disease can be reduced
- Hygiene
- Destroy vectors
- Isolation
- Vaccination
Measles : Symtoms, treatment, spread and pathogen
- fever, red skin rash , light sensitivity
- Vaccination at young age
- Air
- Virus
HIV: Symtoms, treatment, spread, prevention and pathogen
- Flu like for few weeks, then immune system repressed
- Antiretrovial drugs to manage and prevent AIDS
- Sexual contact or exhange of bodily fluids
- Condoms, not sharing needles
- Viral
Tobacco mosaic virus: Symtoms, treatment, spread and pathogen
- Leaf discolouration
- Strip infected leaves and destroy
- Direct contact
- Virus
Salmonela: Symtoms, treatment, spread and pathogen
- Fever, diarrhoea, food poisning and vomiting
- Antibiotics and hydration - cook meet and vaccinate poultary
- Direct contact
- Bacteria
Gonorrhoea: Symtoms, treatment, spread and pathogen
- yellow/green discharge from penis/vagina, pain when urinating
- Antibiotics
- Sexual contact
- bacteria
Rose black spot: Symtoms, treatment, spread and pathogen
- Black/purple spots on plants
- Fungicides and stripping infected leaves
- Wind and water
- Fungus
Malaria: Symtoms, prevention, spread and pathogen
- Fever
- Mosquito nets, prevent breeding, antimalarial drugs
- Mosquitoes as vecors
- Protist
How skin prevents pathogens entering body
- Barrier
- Releases antimicrobial secretions kill pathogens
How respiratory system prevent pathogens from entering the body
- nose: Has hairs and mucus that traps pathogen and waft to back of throat to be swallowed
- same in trachea
How phagocytosis protects agains diseases
-WBC’s ingest and destroy pathogens so canot infect more cells
How antibodies protect against disease
WBC’s produce antibodies which are complementary to a specific antigen on pathogen. The bining og antibodies cause pathogens to clump together making them easier to destroy. Antibodies stay in memory cells in blood so if second infection occurs body can rapidly be produced
How antitoxins protect agains disease
Neutralise toxins from bacteria
What is vaccination
-dead/ inactive form of pathogen stimulates production of antibodies, so if infected, antibodies rapidly produced
What is heard immunity
if sufficiently high proportion of population are immune to a diseas, spread of diseae will belimited
3 Advantages of vaccinations
- eradicated some deadly diseases
- Many epidemics prevented
- Heard immunity for those that can’t be vaccinated
2 Disasvantages of vaccinations
- Not garunteed to work
- May have side effects
What are monoclonal antibodies (mAbs)
-Antibodies that are clones of one parent cell, specific to one type of antigen
Describe how mAbs are produced (5)
- Specific antigen injected into mouse
- B-lymphocytes producing complementary antibodies extracted
- B-lymphocytes fuse with myeloma cells to form hybridoma cells
- Hybridoma cells are cultured rapidly as they can divide and produce antibodies
- Monoclonal antibodies and purified
4 uses of mAbs
-Detect pathogens
-Locate cancer cells
-Treat cacer
Pregnancy kits
what are myeloma cells
Type of tumour cels
what do pregnancy kits test for
hCG in urine
What happens to test sick if woman pregnant
- hCG in urine binds to mAbs attached to a blue bead
- mAbs with hCG diffuse up dipstick
- mAbs fixed to stick bind to hCG
- Blue line forms
3 advantages of mAbs to test pathogens
- Specific to one antigen
- Very accurate
- Quick
Why mAbs used to target cancer cells
- Cancer cells have tumour marking on membrane
- mAbs specifc to one type of antigen so target tumour without harming other cells
How mAbs used to diagnose cancer (4)
- mAbs tagged to radioactive substance
- mAbs injected into patients bloodstream
- mAbs bind to tumour markers on cancer cells
- Emitted radiation detected using scanner so doctors can determine location
How mAbs used to target cancer
- mAbs attached to anti-cancer drug
- mAbs injected to bloodstream
- mAbs bind to tumour markers
- Anti cancer drug destroys cancer cells
Advantage of mAbs cancer treatments over traditional treatment
-Healthy cells are not damaged
How mAbs used to identify blod clots
- mAbs taged with radioactive substance
- mAbs target and bind to specific proteins in blood clots
- Radiation emitted by mAbs is detected, enabling location to be identified
How aphids cause damage to plants
Extract sap from phloem, weakning plant
lso act as vectors of diseases transfering diseases from diseased to healthy plants
2 ways to reduce aphid population
- Chemical pesticides
- Biological pest control - ladybirds
Why plants need nitrate ions
-To make amino acids to make proteins for growth and repair
Why plants need magnesium ions
Needed for chlorophyll synthesis, so if they don’t have, they develop chlorosis
5 symptoms of plant disease
- Stunted growth
- Spotted leaves
- Decay
- Growths
- Discolouration
3 ways to identify plant diseases
- Gardening website/manual
- Laboratory testing
- Monoclonal antibody test kit
3 physical defence responses used by plants
- Cellulose cell wall
- Tough waxy cuticle on leaves
- Bark
- Leaf fall
2 chemical defence responses used by plants
- Antibacterial chemicals
- Poisons
3 mechanical defence responses used by plants
- Thorns
- Drooping leaves
- Mimicry