topic 2.3: term paper Flashcards
A ___ is a public or private road built to connect an origin to a destination such as towns to cities.
How does highway relate to the economy of a country?
Highways are the quickest path.
Because time is money, the shortest, most direct path will be the most profitable.
_____ is a branch of Civil Engineering, more specifically specialized field of Transportation Enginnering, that focuses on and with the scope of (1) planning, development and location of ways, (2) design of highways including the geometric design and structure, (3) traffic management and performance insurance, (4) materials, construction, operation, and maintenance of roads, bridges, and tunnels to ensure safe and efficient transportation of people and goods, and (5) security of economic, financial, and administrative benefits.
highway engineering
What are the 5 scope of highway engineering?
- planning, development and location of ways
- design of highways including the geometric design and structure
- traffic management and performance insurance
- materials, construction, operation, and maintenance of roads, bridges, and tunnels to ensure safe and efficient transportation of people and goods
- security of economic, financial, and administrative benefits.
_____ examine traffic numbers and patterns to identify the best techniques for reducing traffic, preventing collusions, and limiting vehicle damage to road structures.
highway engineers
What is the goal of highway engineers?
improving traffic flow and safety for all vehicles that use the highways.
_____ includes calculating present and projected traffic flows on a road network.
highway planning
What are the 4 objectives of highway planning?
- the volume of daily traffic flow from a certain path should be considered while planning a roadway
- highways that are to be built must be efficient while also being affordable, particularly in emerging and poor countries
- safe and secure highways are essential
- to plan maintenance, renewal, and widening phases, the planning must contain a forecast for the next many years
What are the 4 data types in highway planning?
- traffic data
- social data
- environment data
- roads inventory and condition survey
This is advantageous for the route to be built with the most often used type of road (MDR, NH, SH).
traffic data
This comprises surveys such as traffic volume, origin-destination surveys, and vehicle damage surveys (vdf), among others.
traffic data
The surveyors gather information on the villages, hold discussions about the project, and request cooperation during the building years.
social data
Another essential aspect to consider while building a roadway is the ____.
A report on the impact of construction on the quantity of trees, flora, and fauna around building sites, as well as pollutants generated during construction in the air and water mist, should be created and submitted to the environment ministry to receive the green signal for development.
environment data
The condition of the pavement and
infrastructure (bridges and culverts) along the road is assessed in this study.
roads inventory and condition surveys
What are the 4 goals of highway planning?
- to plan a highway network for reliable, safe, and quick mobility of goods and services as well as people
- minimizing the toal expenditures in designing and planning a road system
- modifying the existing roadway for better use and reducing the negative influence does not just for the economy but also environmental concerns
- working for financial aid in constructing the roadway
What are the 3 ways for the fulfillment of the goals of highway planning?
- the suggested road connection must be included on the road design projects for a country
- the road should follow the standard classification and must be constructed in consideration fo the traffic demand
- highway engineers should remember that the legal aspects for traffic order and maintenance should be established
What are the 5 importance of highway development and planning?
- to design a road system that enables reliable and practical traffic flow while keeping expenditures to a minimum
- to determine the road system and lengths of different types of roads that would give the greatest economic utulity and could be built within the available resources through the building period
- establishing timelines for the development of each road link based on utility as the prime factor or phasing the road development program
- to plan for future needs and road improvements in light of expected changes
- to figure up a funding system
The expenses of pavement layer creation, maintenance, and renewal,
as well as vehicle operation costs, must be factored in.
to design a road system that enables reliable and practical traffic flow while keeping expenditures to a minimum
The interactive planning of land use and traffic is required while designing a transportation system.
to determine the road system and lengths of different types of roads that would give the greatest economic utulity and could be built within the available resources through the building period
It determines the accurate position of the highway, the zones required for the highway, intersections of highways and private roads, and solutions for other road connections, alternatives for pedestrian movement traffic, and mass transit, as well as other detailed solutions such as measures recommended to reduce negative traffic implications.
establishing timelines for the development of each road link based on utility as the prime factor or phasing the road
Highways are modified to fulfill general traffic needs, to remove or lessen detrimental traffic impacts, or when vegetation needs it.
to plan for future needs and road improvements in light of expected changes
Major road network major projects are drafted administratively, with
implementation decisions made by Parliament during budget debates.
to figure up a funding system
A _______divides and classifies the roads into various classes relying upon the sort of administration every road is needed to give.
Road Classification or Road Classification System
What are the 3 types of roads in classification system?
- arterial road
- collector road
- local road
This road gathers its traffic from the collector roads.
arteial roads
____ permit higher vehicular speed and ordinarily have
bunches of convergences and traffic signals.
Arterial Roads
This road can gather traffic from any remaining roads and release them onto different collectors, or arterial roads.
collector roads
To compare, _____are lesser in width distance or has lesser lanes than arterial roads. It additionally permits a generally higher speed limit than Local Roads.
collector roads
_____ serve basically to give access to the traffic proceeding from the
properties and releasing them onto collector roads.
Local Roads
They typically have low traffic and serve a minor role.
local roads
What are the 7 road classification in the Philippines?
- national primary roads
- national secondary roads
- national tertiary roads
- provincial roads
- municipal and city roads
- barangay roads
- expressways
_____ is the primary trunk line or backbone of the national road system, consisting of a continuous length of substantial road sections that run in a straight line without any
interruptions or forks and link large cities (at least 100,000 people).
national primary roads
Within the same region, connect provincial capitals directly.
national secondary roads
Roads that redirect through traffic away from
city/municipality commercial areas are referred to as _____ (with affirmative feasibility study).
bypass/diversion roads
The Department of Public Works and Highways or DPWH-maintained roadways that serve a local purpose.
national tertiary roads
Without using National Roads, connect cities and
provincial roads
____ connect roads to provincial and national highways.
municipal and city roads
Other, legally turned over, public roads inside the barangay that are not covered by the preceding definition.
barangay roads
Highways having limited access, usually with interchanges that may contain toll collection facilities in an open or closed system.
What are the 8 classifications of roads?
- depending on weather
- depending on the type of carriage way
- depending upon the pavement surface
- depending on rigidity
- based on topography
- based on economy
- based on traffic volume
- based on traffic type
What are the 2 roads depending on weather?
- all-weather roads
- fair weather roads
What are the 2 roads depending on the type of carriage way?
- paved roads (WBM)
- unpavved roads (earth road or gravel road)
WBM stands for ____.
water bound Macadam
_____is a pavement made up of crushed or broken aggregates that are mechanically linked by rolling and filling the gaps with screening and binding material.
water bound Macadam (WBM)
In most cases, the layers in WBM are _____ thick.
12 to 15 cm
What are the 2 roads depending upon the pavement surface?
- surfaces road (bituminous or cement concrete road)
- unsurfaced road
What are the 2 roads based on rigidity?
- flexible roads
- rigid roads
What are the 2 roads based on topography?
- hilly roads
- plain area road
What are the 3 roads based on economy?
- low-cost roads
- medium-cost roads
- high-cost roads
What are the 3 roads based on traffic volume?
- heavy
- medium
- light
What are the 3 roads based on traffic type?
- cycle tracks or bicycle lane
- pedestrian tracks
- motorways or motor vehicle lane
A _____ is when roads are arranged or constructed in various patterns with the interconnection of branch roads and main roads for the proper management
of traffic.
road pattern
Aside from playing a vital role in managing the traffic, road patterns also help in ______.
reducing the time travel and distance for the emergency vehicles to reach their destination and
contributes to the expansion of a well-planned city.
What are the 6 types of road patterns?
- rectangular or block pattern
- radial pattern or star and block pattern
- radial or star and circular pattern
- radial or star and grid pattern
- hexagonal pattern
- minimum travel pattern
It is a plan where the streets and roads are organized into grids or blocks that run perpendicularly into one another, making a grid or block.
rectangular or block pattern
Give an example of rectangular or block pattern?
Chandigarh area in Pakistan
This is a network of roads where it formed a circle originating from the center of an area. This can be classified into three types depending on its layout.
radial pattern
This is a combination of roads forming radial and block patterns. The entire region is organized into a radial network of roadways radiating outwardly from the center, with block designs of roads in between.
radial or star and block pattern
Radial or star and block pattern has been the basis for the first 20-year Road Development Plan or also known as the _____.
Nagpur Road Plan
This design is made up of a mix of radial and circular road layouts.
radial or star and circular pattern
Given an example of radial or star and circular pattern.
Connaught Place area in New Delhi
The radial network of roadways spreads outwardly from the center of this layout, which is a mix of radial and grid patterns. The main radial streets are then linked together using a grid layout.
radial or star and grid pattern
The entire land is split into hexagonal patterns in this pattern, with three
roads meeting the built-up area border at every corner of the hexagon, which may be further divided into acceptable sizes by the sides of the hexagons.
hexagonal pattern
Due to the existence of certain neighboring natural factors, such as the sea or ocean on one side of the city, the roadways develop linearly in one direction in this pattern.
minimum travel pattern
The city center for this pattern relates to suburban centers and neighbor centers with the shortest roads.
minimum travel pattern
______ and _____ go hand in hand in generating effective layouts for the development and design of land use and the existing environment in establishing a sustainable society.
surveying, urban planning
_____ is the process of taking precise measurements of the Earth’s surfaces on a massive scale.
It entails determining measuring data, reducing,
and interpreting data into a useable format, and, conversely, establishing relative position and size according to the provided measurement standards.
On the other hand, the physical shape, the economic functions, and the social consequences of the urban environment, as well as the positioning of various activities within it, are all considered in ____.
urban planning
They plan, design, and distribute spaces to promote health
and social outcomes. They are primarily concerned with the building’s layout and
resource distribution in all sections to achieve central, regional, and national objectives.
urban planners
In terms of physical, social, and economic elements, it covers _____ and _____.
regional, sub-regional development planning
What are the 3 relevance of planning surveys?
- based on spot observation, data and information is collected
- the survey provides a broad canvas for imagining the status of the town and suitable methods for its future growth by drawing mental images of the region, the town, and its different aspects such as residential and working regions.
- a survey of urban planning is also necessary for the following reasons.
What are the 4 planning surverys studies?
- economic studies
- financial studies
- traffic or road use studies
- engineering studies
This comprises current facilities, their usefulness, the distribution of the present people in the region, population growth patterns, existing agricultural and industrial goods, projected
development trends in these sectors, existing communication and education facilities, and per capita income.
economic studies
Various financial elements such as financing sources, anticipated revenue from vehicle taxes, toll tax, and indirect advantages of increasing people’s living standards owing to the proposed road network are considered.
financial studies
Data on road infrastructure, vehicle traffic volume each day, and traffic flow patterns are collected.
traffic or road use studies
This also includes doing studies on traffic classes such as passenger vehicles, buses, and trucks, as well as carrying load, average speeds, and expected future traffic growth patterns, among other things.
traffic or road use studies
Topography, soil, road life, and unique issues are among them. Construction, drainage, and maintenance issues if any exists.
engineering studies
What are the 2 factors obtaining the utility per length of road?
- population served by the road
- productivity served by the road network
What are the 2 under productivity served by the road network?
- agricultural product
- industrial products
The final phase in the road development plan is ______, which involves setting priorities for the building of various road linkages after determining the optimal road length for the plan period.
What are the 6 essential information that must be gathered in the collection of data?
- present land use
- population growth
- traffic system
- industrial position
- economic base
- origin, history, and growth of the town
The term that describes the human use of land which also represents
the economic and cultural practices, such as in agricultural, recreational, and residential activities, in certain area.
present land use
The trend or the increase of total number of people in an area.
population growth
A ______ is the smallest unit of traffic and comprises all things that
might physically interact.
traffic system
Relating to manufacturing processes.
industrial position
It may to produce products that
are to be transferred from one place to another, among others.
industrial position
The ____ is viewed as the driving force behind the community’s economy.
economic basis
Some of the basic information about a certain area that would be
beneficial for the survey.
origin, history, and growth of the town
What are the 2 classification of planning surveys?
- pre-planning surveys
- post-planning surveys
In this regard, the goals and objectives of planning surveys demonstrated that the survey is required prior to development.
pre-planning surveys
What are the 4 types of planning surveys?
- civic socio-economic survey
- town survey
- regional survey
- national survey
This is different from a town survey in that it is a survey performed at the
local level for redevelopment schemes, slum improvement schemes, and master plans.
civic socio-economic survey
The _____ is the foundation stone of the planning framework, and it is carried out from the house to house.
civic socio-economic survey
The town planner or urban planner may use the survey to create an accurate diagnosis of the many diseases that the town is suffering from and suggest the appropriate treatments to cure them.
civic socio-economic survey
This considers the physical features of the area that shows its geological structures, contours, rainfall and wind patterns, flood ranges, and tides.
civic socio-economic survey
This is done on a much smaller scale, and it is done in addition to the
data gathered through regional surveys.
town survey
Physical, sociological, and economic surveys are all part of the process.
town survey
The data following are to be collected either through land surveys or aerial surveys.
town survey
What are the 4 under physical survey?
- natural features
- conditions of the buildings
- land use
- communication
_____ refers to location with other major towns in the region, topography, climatology.
natural features
__ includes the conditions of the buildings with their corresponding future lives.
condistions of the buildings
___ can be for the following purposes: residential, commercial, public and semi-public, open spaces, transportation, agriculture, water-sheets, vacant, refuse disposal
areas, cemeteries, among others.
land use
_____ includes the highway connecting the town, traffic on roads, railways, and at junctions, parking surveys, and origin and destination surveys.
What are the 3 social survey?
- population
- housing
- community facilities
This also covers a demographic survey that involves ages, marital status, and the likes. Another also is the distribution, and density of population in the town.
____ includes housing conditions, the density of
accommodation, the height of the buildings, materials used, tenancy status like if rented or owned.
_____ includes the following purposes: health, education, recreational, and historical and religious ones like museums, churches, and chapels.
community facilities
Physical factors, physical-economic, and social-economic variables are
all addressed in this survey, which is conducted over an area.
regional survey
There are many townships and villages in this area.
regional survey
Data on natural resources and their potential is being collected.
national survey
This is also a survey to ensure that railway alignments, irrigation systems, and hydroelectric projects are in good working order.
national survey
Heavy industries are the subject of this study.
national survey
_____ considers the present and the future utilization of transportation systems to
maximize transport services with the minimum operation, maintenance, and
environmental cost.
route planning
_____ planning aims to establish specific goals and prescriptions for developing road networks.
route planning
This is the stage in planning when the environmental cost versus the economic
trade-offs is evaluated.
route planning
A joint and coordinated effort among the road engineers, land managers, foresters, geologists, hydrologists, biologists, and other related experts results
in more comprehensive and effective planning.
route planning
The green electricity generated by a ______ can be used for various purposes, such as public lighting, traffic management systems,
households, and electric mobility.
SolaRoad in the Netherlands
_____ is the position occupied by the centerline of a highway in a plan.
Highway alignment
Roads _____ to be aligned properly as it greatly affects the cost of construction, land
acquisition, maintenance and modifications of road structures, vehicle operations cost,
and the safety of travels.
What are the 5 requirements of an Ideal Highway Alignment?
- directness
- ease of construction, maintenance, and operation
- safety
- economy
- special considerations
The alignment of the road is designed in a way that the distance between its
two endpoints is short and linear with only a few curves.
The alignment of the road is designed in a way that is easy to construct and
maintain. There should be fewer curves and gradients.
ease of construction, maintenance, and operation
The alignment of the road is designed in a way that considers the safety of
the users especially when it is constructed at embankments, slopes, gradients, and hilly areas.
The construction cost, operation cost, and maintenance cost should be as low as possible.
Roads and highways serve different purposes and may be situated in different locations and terrains. Hence, special considerations are sometimes needed.
special consideration
What are the 2 types of highway alignment?
- horizontal alignment
- vertical alignment
_____ is an alignment of the road that connects two straight lines which are on the same level but having different directions.
horizontal alignment
This alignment smoothens the change of direction of the road path.
horizontal alignment
_____ is the line in a vertical plane of earth called a vertical curve.
Vertical alignment
This alignment smoothens the change
of longitudinal gradients.
vertical alignment
_____ should be avoided or at least minimized at areas where environmental resources are present to minimize hazardous ecological impacts.
Vertical alignments
What are the 7 factors controlling highway alignment?
- obligatory points
- topographical features
- geometrical design aspects
- cross-drainage needs
- proximity to materials and labor
- economic considerations
- political considerations
_____ are points that determine the highway alignment.
obligatory points
_____ are points that indicate where the alignment should pass such as
intermediate towns, bridges, and existing roads.
positive obligatory points
____ are points that indicate where the alignment should not pass such as
valleys, ponds, conservation, and restricted areas, among others.
negative obligatory points
Examples of _____ features are marshy and low-lying lands, flood-prone areas, and unstable hilly terrains.
topographical features
______ factors include the determination of the radius of the curve, longitudinal gradients, sight distances, road intersections, design speed, lateral friction, and super-elevation.
geometrical design aspects
The number of drainage structures should be minimal.
cross-drainage needs
Efficient and least costly materials are more
proximity to materials and labor
Before finalizing the alignment, the construction cost, maintenance cost, and
operation cost should be considered.
economic considerations
In some cases, political factors are considered and may affect the decision of alignment.
political considerations
An example of ______ is the iconic centennial acacia trees along the roads in Carcar City, Cebu are not being cut down for road widening due to public outcry.
political considerations
What are the 4 engineering surveys for highway location?
- map study
- reconnaissance survey
- preliminary survey
- first location and detailed survey
The study of topographic maps is done.
map study
Basically, _____ are contour maps with 15-30 m contour intervals that provide a view of the important topographic features such as mountains, valleys, hills, rivers, and
topographic maps
This survey aims to physically examine the possible alignments observed
during the study of topographical maps.
reconnaissance survey
This survey aims to collect all the necessary physical information about the
proposed highway alignment.
preliminary survey
It involves survey works such as primary traverse, topographical features, leveling, drainage, and hydrological studies,
soil survey, finalizing centerline, and traffic survey.
preliminary survey
_____ aims to choose the
most economic, most efficient, and the best alignment from all angles.
preliminary survey
The highway alignment is finalized and translated on the ground. It is done to fix a temporary benchmark.
final location and detailed survey
When is good highway development and planning achieved?
when expenditures are kept to a minimum, it provided safe and quick mobility to both goods and people and can modify existing roadways for better use and reducing its negative influence both in the economy and in the