topic 2.2: highway planning and development Flashcards
_____ plays a vital role for the transportation of people and goods from one place to another even with the farthest possible distance or expansion to cover.
____ is a branch of Civil Engineering, more specifically a specialized field of Transportation Engineering.
highway engineering
What are the 3 scope of highway engineering?
design, construction, maintenance
___ is a fundamental requirement for highway development. It is beneficial to a highway project’s success.
highway planning
____ always be in the inital stage in each project.
highway planning
____ critical when financial and materials resources grow scarce.
highway planning
_____ is securing the services of appropriate professionals, specialists, and experts is a must.
highway planning
What are the 5 importance of highway planning?
- to design a road system that enables for reliable and practical traffic flow while keeping expenditures to a minimum
- to determine the road system and length of different types of roads
- estbalishing timelines for the development of each road link
- to plan for future deemands and road improvements
- to figure up a funding system
What are the 8 classification of roads?
- depending on weather
- depending on the type of carriage way
- depending upon the pavement surface
- depending on rigidity
- based on topography
- based on economy
- based on traffic volume
- based on traffic type
____ divides and classifies the roads into various classes relying upon the sort of administration every road is needed to give.
classification of roads or road classification system
What are the 2 classifications of roads depending on weather?
- all weather roads
- fair weather roads
What are the 2 classifications of roads depending on the type of carriage way?
- paved roads
- unpaved roads
What are the 2 classifications of roads depending on upon the pavement surface?
- surface roads
- unsurfaced roads
What are the 2 classifications of roads depending on rigidity?
- flexible roads
- rigid roads
What are the 2 classifications of roads depending on topography?
- hilling roads
- plain area roads
What are the 3 classifications of roads depending on economy?
- meduim-cost roads
- low-cost roads
- high-cost roads
What are the 3 classifications of roads depending on traffic volume?
- heavy
- medium
- light
What are the 3 classifications of roads depending on traffic type?
- pedestrian track
- bicycle lane
- motor vehicle lane
What are the 3 types of road classification?
- arterial roads
- collector roads
- local roads
An ____ road joins the central business point to the outside residential areas.
arterial roads
____ collect and deliver the traffic to and from local streets and arterials.
collector roads
_____ don’t carry a large volume of traffic like arterials.
local roads
What are the road classifications in the Philippines?
national roads, local roads
What are the 3 under nationals roads?
- national primary road
- national secondary road
- national tertiary road
____ are a contiguous length of significant road sections extending linearly without any breaks or forks hat connect major cities (at least around 100,000 population) comprising the main trunk line or the backbone of the national road system.
national primary roads
____ directly connect cities to national primary roads, except in metropolitan areas.
national secondary roads
_____ are roads that divert through traffic away from the city/municipality business centers (with affirmative feasibility study).
bypass/diversion roads
____ refers to other existing roads under DPWH which perform a local function.
national tertiary road
What are the 4 under local roads?
- provincial roads
- municipal and city roads
- barangay roads
- expressways
____ connect cities and municipalities without traversing National Roads.
provincial roads
____ are roads that connect to Provincial and National Roads.
municipal and city roads
____ are other public roads (officially turned over to LGUs) within the barangay and not covered in the above definitions.
barangay roads
_____are highways with limited access, normally with interchanges; may include facilities for levying tolls for passage in an open or closed system.
_____ reduces time travel for emergency vehicles and manages traffic.
road patterns
What are the 6 types of road patterns?
- rectangular/block pattern
- radial or star & block pattern
- radial or star & circular pattern
- radial or star & grid pattern
- hexagonal pattern
- minimum travel pattern
_____ roads are perpendicularly organized into grids or blocks.
rectangular/block pattern
____ are roads forming radial and block patterns.
radial or star & block pattern
___ refers to roads that radiate from the center outwardly.
radial or star & block pattern
____ has a radial and circular pattern.
radial or star & circular pattern
In ____, main roads radiate from the center point and are connected by ring roads radiated outwardly.
radial or star & circular pattern
____ roads radiate from the center outwardly, radial and grid pattern.
radial or star & grid pattern
___ entire area is divided into hexagonal patterns.
hexagonal pattern
____ roads grow linearly in one direction due to the presence of natural forces (sea or ocean).
minimum travel pattern
What are the 2 planning surveys?
- surveying
- urban planning
_____ is the process of taking precise measurements of the Earth’s surfaces on a massive scale.
____ plan, design, and distribute spaces to promote health and social outcomes.
urban planners
What are the 4 you must consider in urban planning?
- physical shape
- economic functions
- social consequences
- positioning of various activities
What are the 4 planning survey studies?
- economic studies
- financial studies
- traffic or road use studies
- engineering studies
___ is a selection of the best possible strategy, among various alternatives, necessities understanding the economics of highway projects.
economic studies
____ are essential to study the financial aspects like sources of income and the manner in which funds for the project may be mobilized.
financial studies
____ generally depends on the sources of income and estimated revenue from taxation on road transport.
financial studies
____ provide insightful information during the planning and design phases of projects.
traffic or road use studies
These studies can help determine the impact of phased developments, determine if traffic signals are needed, and determine if service and emergency vehicles can properly access the site.
traffic or road use studies
____ is defined as those activities involved in the planning and execution of surveys for the location, design, construction, operation, and maintenance of civil and other engineered projects.
engineering studies
What are the 2 classifications of planning surveys?
- pre-planning survey
- post-planning survey
What are the 4 types of planning survey?
- civic socio-economic survey
- town survey
- regional survey
- national survey
____ is performed at the local level for redevelopment schemes, slum improvement schemes, and master plans.
civic socio-economic survey
_____ is the foundation stone of the planning framework.
civic socio-economic survey
____ is smaller scale and in addition to the data gathered through regional surveys.
town survey
Physical, Sociological, and Economic Surveys are all part of the process.
town survey
What are the 4 parts of physical survey under town survey?
- natural features
- conditions of the buildings
- land use
- communication
What are the 3 parts of the social survey under town survey?
- population
- housing
- community facilities
What are the 3 factors of regional survey?
- physical factors
- physical economic
- social economic variables
Data on natural resources and their potential is being collected.
national survey
Heavy industries are the subject of this study.
national survey
_____ considers the present and the future utilization of transportation systems to maximize transport services with minimal operation, maintenance, and environmental cost.
route planning
To establish specific goals and to prescriptions for developing road networks is the main goal of ____.
route planning
____ is the position occupied by the center line of a highway in plan.
highway alignment
What are the 5 requirements of an Ideal Highway Alignment?
- directness
- ease of construction, maintenance and operation
- safety
- economy
- special considerations
What are the 2 types of highway alignment?
- horizontal alignment
- vertical alignment
____ deals with the change of direction.
horizontal alignment
What are the 3 that consists of horizontal alignment?
- straight points
- curved paths
- horizontal deviators
____ deals with the change of longitudinal gradients.
vertical alignment
What are the 7 factors controlling highway alignment?
- obligatory points
- topographical features
- geometrical design aspects
- cross-drainage needs
- proximity to materials and labours
- economic considerations
- political considerations
______ determines the highway alignment to maximize its utilization.
obligatory points
What are the 2 obligatory points?
- positive obligitary points
- negative obligatory points
____ indicates where the alignment should pass.
positive obligitary points
____ indicates where the alignment should NOT pass.
negative obligatory points
Road alignments, as much as possible should avoid passing through ______ that may cause more construction cost, labor, and danger to the transportations.
topographical features
___ factors include the determination of the radius of the curve, longitudinal gradients, sight distances, road intersections, design speed, lateral friction, and super-elevation.
geometrical design aspect
If in this case, the alignment should be in a way that bridges are located at right angles to the direction of flow of the stream or river.
cross-drainage needs
In road making, it is important to consider the proximity of the resources needed and the availability of the materials.
proximity to materials and labours
Before finalizing the alignment, the construction cost, maintenance cost, and operation cost should be considered.
economic considerations
In some cases, political factors are considered and may affect the decision of alignment.
political considerations
What are the 4 engineering surveys for highway location?
- map study
- reconnaissance survey
- preliminary survey
- final location and detailed survey
_____ provides a view of the important topogrpahic features such as mountains, valleys, hills, rivers, and ridges.
map study
____ examine the possible alignments observed during the study of topographical maps.
reconnaissance survey
This survey is done by using simple surveying instruments.
reconnaissance survey
____ collect all the necessary physical information about the proposed highway alignment.
preliminary survey
The highway is finalized and translated on the ground.
final location and detailed survey
Road alignment should consider ____ to a greater degree to facilitate maneuvering of vehicles easily and safely.
geometric design aspect