Topic 2: Course Of The War Flashcards
When was the Airlift?
29th July 1936
What happened at the Airlift?
- aircraft began to carry the Army of Africa from Morocco to Spain
- performed by Germany in support of nationalist forces
When was the Siege of Alcazar?
September 1936
What was the Siege of Alcazar?
- symbol of nationalists determination and courage at the start of the war
- nationalists won
When was the Nationalists end assault on Madrid?
October- December 1936
What was the Nationalists end assault on Madrid?
- nationalists began heavy artillery and aerial bombardment on Madrid
- International Brigade halted nationalist advance
- Nationalists won
When was the Battle of Jarama?
6th-27th February 1937
What was the Battle of Jarama?
- attempt by Franco’s nationalists to dislodge the Republican lines across the river Jarama
- Republican win
When was the Fall of Malaga?
February 1937
What was the Fall of Malaga?
- Malaga surrounded in 3 sides- vulnerable
- city was isolated
- Italian advance (10,000 troops)- successful
When was Guernica?
April 1937
What was Guernica?
- German airforce attack
- limited strategic significance
- occupied one of the main routes to the North
- horrified Republicans in Spain/ world
- symbolised cruelty it racism military tactics
When was Brunete?
July 1937
What was Brunete?
- Republicans launch first major offensive
- help to relieve Madrid by breaking part of Nationalists siege and cut off one of their main supply routes to north
When was the Ebro Offensive?
November 1938
What was the Ebro Offensive?
- strategic aim was to force nationalists troops to divert north
- govt know if would not be enough to win- PM focused on prolonging war
When was the Fall of Barcelona?
February 1939
What was the Fall of Barcelona?
- 2 million people isolated
- cut from Republican Spain/ food shortages
When was the Fall of Madrid?
February- March 1939
What was the Fall of Madrid?
- Republican get resistance vanished
- Azana resigned and went into exile
- on 27th March Nationalist groups occupied Madrid
- Nationalists won- Franco had Spain