Topic 1: Spain 1930-31 Flashcards
Who supported the Second Republic?
- Spanish Republicans
- Catalans and Church
- anti-clerics
Who opposed the Second Republic?
- landowners and some workers
- Church
- Monarchists
- Anarchists
- Army
- Industrialists
Why was the Second Republic created?
- growth of Republicanism and socialism
- Elections of 1931
- Pact of San Sebastian
- the army
- failure of Primo De Rivera’s dictatorship
What was/ what happened at the Pact of San Sebastian?
- leading opponents of military dictatorship met in San Sebastian
- co-ordinate opposition to military regime
What did the Pact of San Sebastain lead to?
- military coup against the gvt
- coup failed as it was initiated earlier than what was planned
- Spain’s socialist and liberal leaders continued to work to end military rule
What were the Elections of 1931?
- some parts of Spain’s gvt was democratic- even though Spain was a dictatorship
- results of election showed republican movement
- Republican’s had majority of Spain’s urban areas
What did the king do and therefore result in from the 1931 elections?
- King refusal to acknowledge results led to violence
- King was advised by PM he could not continue without Spain’s full support
- he refused to restore order by using the army
- King fled Spain 2 days after the election
- opening for foundation of a Republic
Why was Primo De Rivera’s dictatorship a failure?
- he was very unpopular
- economic policies had caused growing hardship
- new PM ended some of Rivera’s most repressive policies- hoping to diffuse opposition to the regime
Why did the army lead to the Second Republic being created?
- dominated by conservatives, supporters of monarchy, officers who supported Primo De Rivera
- Spanish people had little faith in military leaders
- leading members of army had small understanding of lives and needs of the poor
- military gvt failed to improve lives of the poor
In what years did the military gvt exist?
What was life like for Industrial workers in Spain?
- early stages of development
- few pockets of industry
- Catalonia - textile and shipping
- Basque- iron
What was life like for Agricultural workers in Spain?
- people only hired for short periods of time (harvest time)
- lead to unemployment and financial issues
- 1/2 the population worked on land
- North- farmers survived, full time employment, did not make much money but still comfortable
How was Spain governed?
- constitutional monarchy until 1923
- King Alfonso XIII was head of the Spanish state
What was the army dominated by?
Why was the army decreasing in faith?
- leading members had little understanding of the lives, needs, concerns of the poor
- military gvt failed to improve lives of the poor
- military was considered to be a drain on Spain’s economy- reasons for poverty of many people
What was the main role of the church?
Who was the church financed by?
the state
it had close relations between king and church
What views did the Pope have?
extreme right-wing
What did the church initially support?
the monarchy
What was the army dominated by?
Why was the army decreasing in faith?
- leading members had little understanding of the lives and concerns for the poor
- military gvt. failed to improve lives of poor
- military was a drain on Spain’s economy- reason for poverty for many people
What was the impact of WW1 on Spain?
Spain was neutral during WW1
it meant they could sell items during the war to keep the economy up
What was the Pact Of San Sebastián a crucial part of and what did it create?
- it was crucial part to the fall of military gvt and establishment of the Republic
- created united revolutionary committee that planned to overthrow gvt
Why did Spanish republicans support the second Republic?
- supported Soviet Union
- happy the monarchy was gone
Who ed the Spanish Republicans?
Francisco Largo Caballero
Why did the PSOE support the Second Republic?
- had large amount of seats in parliament
What did the PSOE want?
Voice for the working class
Why did the anti-clerics support the Second Republic?
Against church having role in gvt
Why did Catalans And Basques support the Second Republic?
Better chance of independence with it
Why did Landowners not support the Second Republic?
- Didn’t want poor workers asking for more rights
- didn’t want it to lead to socialism and communism
Why did monarchists not support the Second republic?
Meant there was no monarchy
Why did the Church not support the Second Republic?
It would take away power as republic wasted to reduce influence of church