Topic 13 Flashcards
3 types of protein filaments
actin, intermediate and microtubules
predominant cytoskeletal protein of cells
filamentous actin
thin, flexible and consists of head to tail arrangement of g actin polymerized into filaments (helical structure)
actin polymerization is…
actin filaments are also known as…
globular actin
actin monomer that has tight binding sites
pointed (-) end of actin filament
slow monomer addition
barbed (+) end of actin filament
rapid monomer addition
ATP actin
associates with filaments more readily
ADP actin
dissociates from filaments more readily
equilibrium between rate of addition and removal of monomers; occurs in vitro
stabilization, polymerization, depolymerization are all regulated by….
several actin binding proteins
catalyze initiation of actin filaments
rate limiting step on initiation
initial polymerization of three actin monomers
stimulates exchange of ADP for ATP; associated with formin
When branching, formin and Arp 2/3 complex add actin monomers to which end of the chain?
barbed (+)
actin networks
actin filaments cross-linked that form 3D meshwork’s with properties of semisolid gels
actin bundles
actin filaments are cross-linked into closely packed arrays
alpha actinin
in contractile bundles
in non-contractile bundles
actin bundling proteins
alpha actinic and fimbrin
actin network forming proteins
have two flexible arms that interact with separate actin filaments to form a mesh structure
cortical cytoskeleton
spectrin and actin
Association of the ______________ with the plasma membrane proteins determines cell shape.
RBC cortical cytoskeleton
stress fibres
bundles of contractile actin filaments; allows cells to exert force
________________ play an important role in formation of cell projections and cell motility
actin microfilaments
molecular motor
a protein that converts chemical energy in the form of ATP to mechanical energy, thus generating force and movement
forms a network extending out from nucleus to cell periphery
connects contractile elements in muscle cells