Topic 12-2 Flashcards
traits and gene expression are affected by the environment the organism develops and resides in:
gene-renvironment interaction
if both members of a twin pair have a trait, the twins are said to be ________ for that trait; if they do not share the trait they are ________
concordant, discorant
the percentage of twin pairs that are concordant for a trait
genetically influenced traits should have higher concordance rates in _______ twins than _______ twins
monozygotic, dizygotic
if a trait shows similar concordance b/w monozygotic and dizygotic twins then:
variations in the trait are likely not genetic
field provides information to patients with geentic disorders and others concerned about heredity conditions
genetic counselling
what is the goal of genetic testing?
to recognize potential genetic conditions at an early stage
true or false: genetic testing can be done either prenatal or postnatal
some prenatal genetic conditions can be visualized with:
ulstasonogrophy (ultrasound)
what is ultrasonography?
a high frequency sound is beamed into the uterus, bounding back and indicating density of tissue –> non invasive
ultrasonography can make fairly precise and detailed measurements to identify:
- neural tube defects
- skeletal abnormalities
- developmental disorders
what is amniocentesis?
traditional prenatal testing requiring amniotic fluid from the uterus of a pregnant person –> invasive
what are some disadvantages of amniocentesis?
- cannot be done until later in the pregnancy (15-18 weeks)
- culturing cells takes time
- invasive
- small increased risk of miscarriage
chorionic villus sampling:
prenatal testing which can be performed between 10-12 weeks of pregnancy
non-invasive screening:
- prenatal testing using only maternal blood
- highly desirable since it’s non-invasive
- can be performed as early as the 10th week of pregnancy
newborn screening:
posnatal testing for genetic disorders in newbord infants
postnatal genetic testing can help guide drug treatment - this is reffered to as:
pharmacogenetic testing