topic 10 Flashcards
properties of pollution
mutagenic action-UV-cancer
teratogenic-birth abnormalities
solubility in lipids+water
environmental features affecting pollution degradation
light levels
oxygen-sewage-water decompostition of DOM
pH-affects solubility
factors affecting dispersalin general
wind and water currents -direction
temperature inversions- warm effluent spreads around as it rises as it is war,mer than surroudong air by wind paths
factors that allow for temperature inversions
valleys-colder dense air rises
low wimd velocity
cloudless skies
mist or fog
CPA-wat does it assess
p[redicts movement of pollutats +severity-properties
radioactive discharge main use
CGM-critical group monitoring
assessing public exposure to most vulnerable
principles if pollution control
polluter pays principle - damage caused by pollution
Precautionary principle-assume waste causes problem dont release
Prevention of release-Catalytic converters-n0x
efficiency pollution control-ALAR+BATNEEC
expensive -may be too expensive to get net 0 emissions-
as low as reasonably achievavable
best available technology not entailing excessive costs
small particles-higher persistance
synergism-sulfur dioxide
Reduces photosynthesis
Damage buildings -acids
Reduce temps-low albedo-nuclear winter-death of crops
depletes ozone
london smog-1952-anticyclonic conditiond
how to control smoke pollution-
clean air at-1956in responise to the 1952 london smog-no coal used in homes
Alternative energy-nat. gas in households
DPF installed in diesel cars traps 80% of smoke pm
how to control industrial smoke
bag filters-trap ppm in fabric
elctrostatic preciptartors-
effluent gas passes through chamber-charged wires attracts effluent- is used as fly ash for cement
more efficient combustion technology
increased oxygen levels in in engines fully combust organic matter
how does n0x form
n0x-exhaust gases-nitrogen and oxygen raet under high temperatiure +pressure in car engine/industrial plants forming n0x
photochemical effects
respiratory disease-bronchitis +asthma
cities more likely to have smog-warmer+increase car use -l.a. beijing
control of photochemical smog
catalytic converters-reduces n0x to nitrogen + oxygen
activated carbon filters -hydrocarbons adsorb adsorb to carbon particulates prevents secondary pollutant forming
acid rain how does it form
sulfur dioxide oxidised by ozone=sulfur trioxide -producing sulfuric acid when dissolved
direct impacts of phto chemcial somg
corrodes metals /infastructure rail lines
denature proteins(enzymes) low pH-
lichens sensitive to acid+dissolves exo-skeleton
indirect impacts of acid rain
more soluble at lower ph
causing leachate of metal ions-toxic ions absorbed by root hair cells-reduces enzyme activity-lead+alluminium-nuerotoxins
control of acid rain
nitrogen +sulfur
coal desulfurisation-
wash and stream away solid iron pyrites which contains sulfur
urea sprays removes nitrogen
catalytic converters-n0x-nitrogen +oxygen reduction
tropospheri ozone effects
bronchittis-toxic to plants-reduces growth rate
source of tropospheric ozone + control
secondary pollutant-photochemical reactions with nitrous oxides
reduce levels of nitrous oxides-catalytic converters
carbon monoxide effects
binds to haemoglobin-carries less oxygen -brain damage
catalytic converters oxidise carbon moxide to carbon dioxide
factors affecting dilution
effluent quantity
volume of water
residence time-less likely to build up if shorter
factors affecting degradation
removal rate-less of a problem if they adsorb to sediment like pesticides
dispersal-makes it seem as thouggh pollutants have gone-high persistance pollution stays in the water
effects of thermal pollution in water
dissolved 02 levels determined by temperature
-death to sensitive organisms which are close to range of tolerance already -denature proteins in aquatic life
non indiginous species introduced to the are a-warmer climate
pollutant toxicity greater as they are metabolised faster
control of thermal pollution
cooling towers -cool power stations effluent-into atmosphere-spray hot water from shower floor onto the ground -causing it to evaporate out
causes of oil pollution
oiltamker accidents crashes
oil pipeline leaks
effects of oil pollution
benzene-toxic kills plankton near surface of water
brids drowning-feathers stick together losing insualtive properties=hypotermia
control of oil pollution
prevention of oil release
improved tanker operation
recycling oil lubricants
better navigation systems -gps-auto identification system-is=dentify where ships are
tank washing procedures-wash out tar build up -used to use seawater now use recirculating oil
improved tanker designs
twin enginesif one breaks down other can be used-less likely to be carried to rocks by wind
double hull-2m between sea and oil-less likely spill
treatment of oil spills
absorbent materials-high s.a. absorb oil-incinerated or landfill
booms-inflatable devices restrict movement of oil -skirt retains oil if there is a current -no open water too strong
pesticide pollution oroperties
specificty-mdaf-always fatal-target species
mdnf -never fatal-non target species
direct+indirect effects of pesticides
non target species toxic -ill health even if they re are non lethal-ddt stetile
species interdepemdance less pollinators
impacts on environemnts of organichlorines+features
DDT-high persistence -long terrm protection
killed lots of bees and beetles+biomagnify up food chain
impacts on environment of organophosphates+features
neurotoxins-acetylcholine esterase inactivaitng enzyme activity-nerve function
low persistemce +liposolubility-less biomagnification
farmers overexposure may cause alzheimers
neonicotinoids features+impact
neurotoxins-reduce acetylcholine activity-bee population decrease -affects immune system -brkoen doewn by sunlight-may enetr aquifers
relatively persistent
reducing pesticides pollution
restrictions on use -banned -DDT
use of systematic pesticides -abd=sorbed by roots and translocated less spraying-as it wont be washed off
application timing-in evenign less bees flying
cultural eutrophication-process
phosphates +nitartes enter unpolluted lake from farmland
algae shaes macrophytes-less photosynthesis
breaks down with aerobic respiration deoxygenates water
cyanobacetria may release toxins -kills livestock
algae dies out when nutrients are lost+food web collapse
lake victoria
effects of nitrates to humans
carcinogens of stomach conacer and blue baby sydrome
control of inorganic nutrients
reduce ploughing in heavy rain
Reduce reliance on artificial fertilisers-leguminous crops
Soluble rapid release fertilisers
effects of organic nutrient pollution
treatment of organic effluent
pre treatment-removal of solids with screens
Primary treatment
faecal matter left to sink to bottom
secondary treatment
aeration tanks-DOM broken down by bacteria
tertiary treatment-used if area is of ecological sensitivity-sterliisiation using uv
sludge treatment
during primary sedimattaation
very smelly
used as agricuktura l feryiliser-heat treatment kill any bacteria
acid mine drainage effects+control
leachate through soil-toxic
crushed limetsone neutralsies water
heavy metal properties
soluble at low ph
inhibt enzyme function on nervous sytem
lead pollution cause + control
industrial workers -inhale dust brain damage
fishing weights-may be lost or discarded - eaten by swans -replaced with tungsten less toxic
paint-accelerates drying +durability dusty flakes inhaled-hot air guns safer removing old paint
mercury pollutant sources
disposal of batteries
different chemical forms of mercury + effects
liquid-not easily sborbed by skin/gut
organic mercury-easily absorbed by skin + inhaled-liposoluble - blood brain barrier + placenta
control of mercury pollution
alchol thermometres instead of mercury
tin effect+control
antifouling at bottom of boats-(TBT) toxic to marine organisms
endocrine distruptor-reproductive growth chamge
copper replaced
iron effect+control
deoxygenates water -soluble-iron mine dispersal heaps -leachate-oxidises becomes insoluble
mesh screens iron oxidises deposits on them
solid waste sources
mine heaps+ spooil
properties of solid waste
degradability -flammability
increased watse strategoies
built in obsolescence –short lifespan
factors affecting wate disposal methods
mass of waste
land availabilty
community cooperation-recycling etc
good+bad landfill features
collection of methane -fuel
impermeable cap-less leachate
perimeter fence less wind
loss of materials-metals
toxic leachate
habitat loss
spoil heaps managemnt
Stability-vegetation reduces landslides
Toxic leachate-collected and treated preventing them entering water systems
flammable waste-coal -reduced by regular layers fine material reducing air flow redcuing chances of spontaneous combustion
incineration advantages
volume of ash is less than original waste mass
heat produced can be used in district heating
disadvantages if incineration
valuable recyclable material lost
fuel used to combust inflammable material is expensive
good features of incineration
recyclable material removed before incineration
heat produced harnessed for use-district heating
waste inciberated at high temp but waste gas cooled rapidly reducing liklihood of dioxins
inert and persistent scaring of lungs causes mesothelioma
requires specialsist handling -must be encapsulated
heavy metal+cement in cotsiner immobilises waste
molten glass + radioactive material seabed in stainless steel containers-in well ventilated chamber reduces temperature released by waste
aircraft engien design
high bypass ratio designs-have 2 cowlings instead of 1 smooths airflow reducing noise
engine acoustic liners-put on the inner/outer cowling to reduce noise
aircraft body design
lighter aircraft-carbon fibre -less engine thrust needed
aerodynamics-welding panels creates less turbulence.
aircraft operation
night flight restrictions-
restrict number of night flights path planning-aboid densely populated areas
control of noisier aircraft
restricted night flights
charges for noisier aircraft
£500 per db gtg
railway noise control+ Where cosa it come from
wheel noise-good carriage suspnesioin
engine squeal on corners-lubrication
where does road traffic noise come from ane how to reduce
engine noise-acoustic insulatioin atound engine
general road noise -redirected traffic routes
industrial noise
metal conveyors-use wheels inbetween
use ear protection
sound absorbing surfasces in the room
domestic noise
domestic appliances woith acoustic absorbers
volume limiters on music equipment
measuring noise pollution
modifyoing the db scale-human hearing weighting sounds between 1000-4000hz as we are most sensitive to that
measuring road traffic noise
TNI-makes representative data using LA90 and LA10
measuring aircraft noise levels
LEQ 57 dB- average sound level over a particular period of time
effects of ionisation radiation
damage to nucleus-more mutations
somatic cells -general body cells
exposure and contamination difference
exposure-close to radiation to reach them
contaminated-direct contact
activation products
exposure of many types of products does not cause the affect
ionising radiation
risk benefit analysis
pest control
x ray
symptoms may take along time to develo-low doses
accurate data on exposure
medical ecpsoure -x ray bones
nuclear elecricty generation
factors that affect ionising radiation+effects
half life-release all radiation a lot faster-short term effects-
gonadic effects-testes
somatic cells- geenral body cells
damage to nucleus
principle +strategies controls of ionsing radiation
as low as reasonably achievable
decontamination-washing,scrubbing and removeing exfoliating surface contamination-
wearing protective clothing
cpa factors
effect on soulbility by oh
bio accumulation in food chain contamination
critical group m factors
where people live in relation to radioactive substance-
time spent outside