To Turn On Flashcards
to turn on
encender (en-sehn-dair)
I turn on
enciendo (ehn-see-ehn-doh)
you, he, she turns on
enciende (en-see-en-day)
we turn on
encendemos (en-sehn-day-mohs)
they turn on
encienden (en-see-en-den)
turning on
encendiendo (en-sehn-dee-en-doh)
I turned on
encendí (en-sehn-DEE)
you, he, she turned on
encendió (en-sehn-dee-OH)
we turned on
encendimos (en-sehn-dee-mohs)
they turned on
encendieron (en-sehn-dee-air-ohn)
you (familiar) turn on
enciendes (en-see-ehn-des)
I will turn on
encenderé (en-sehn-dair-Ā)
you (familiar) will turn on
encenderás (en-sehn-dair-AHS)
you, he, she will turn on
encenderá (en-sehn-dair-AH)
we will turn on
encenderemos (en-sehn-dair-ā-mohs)
they will turn on
encenderán (en-sehn-dair-AHN)