To Have To , Must Flashcards
To have to , must
tener que (teh-nair) (kay)
I have to, I must
tengo que (tehn-goh) (kay)
you, he/she has to , must
tiene que (tee-eh-nay) (kay)
we have to, we must
tenemos que (teh-knee-mohs) (kay)
they have to, they must
tienen que (tee-ehn-en) (kay)
I had to, must have
tuve que (too-veh) (kay)
you, he, she had to, must have
tuvo que (too-voh) (kay)
we had to, must have
tuvimos que (too-vee-mohs) (kay)
they had to, must have
tuvieron que (too-vee-air-rohn) (kay)
I will have to, must (future)
tendré que (ten-dRAY) (kay)
you (familiar) will have to, must (future)
tendrás que (ten-dRAHS) (kay)
you (formal), he, she will have to, must (future)
tendrá que (ten-dRAH) (kay)
we will have to, must (future)
tendremos que (ten-dray-mohs) (kay)
they will have to, must (future)
tendrán que (ten-dRAHN) (kay)