To Put Flashcards
he, she, you (formal) put (past tense)
puso (poo-soh)
they put (past tense)
pusieron (poo-see-air-rohn)
we will put
pondremos (pohn-dray-mohs)
you (familiar) put (past tense)
pusiste (poo-see-stay)
To put
poner (poh-nair)
poniendo (poh-nee-ehn-doh)
you (familiar) put (present tense)
pones (poh-nehs)
he, she, you (formal) will put
pondrá (pohn-DRAH)
we put (past tense)
pusimos (poo-see-mohs)
I put (present tense)
pongo (pawn-goh)
you (familiar) will put
pondrás (pohn-DRAHS)
I put (past tense)
puse (poo-seh)
they will put
pondrán (pohn-DRAHN)
they put (present tense)
ponen (poh-nehn)
I will put
pondré (pohn-DRAY)
we put (present tense)
ponemos (poh-neh-mohs)
you (formal), he, she put (present tense)
pone (poh-neh)