To Have (Helping Verb) Flashcards
we will have (taught for 30 years at the end of this year)
habremos (ah-bray-mohs)
he, she, you (formal) have (seen this before)
ha (ah)
I had (taken the train)
hube (oo-beh)
they had (taken the train)
hubieron (ooh-bee-ehr-ohn))
you (informal) have (seen this before)
has (ahs)
you (informal) had (taken the train…)
hubiste (ooh-bis-teh)
we have (seen this before)
hemos (ā-mohs)
they, you all (formal) have (seen this before)
han (ahn)
To have (helping verb)
haber (ah-behr)
I have (I have seen that girl before)
he (Ā)
they, you all (formal) will have (sold all of the cookies be tomorrow)
habrán (ahb-RAHN)
he, she, you (formal) had (taken the train…)
hubo (ooh-boh)
he, she, you (formal) will have (taught for 30 years in this June)
habrá (ahb-RAH)
I will have (taught 30 years come this June)
habré (ahb-RAY)
you (informal) will have (taught for 30 years in June)
habrás (ahb-RAHS)
we had (taken the train)
hubimos (ooh-bee-mohs)