Miscellaneous Words 14 Flashcards
gray haired man, woman
canoso, canosa (can-oh-soh), (can-oh-sah)
already, beforehand
ya (yah)
contract; legal contract
el contrato; el contrato legal
(cohn-trah-toh); (cohn-trah-toh) (ley-gahl)
deal (noun)
el acuerdo (ah-kware-doh)
having breakfast
desayunando (deh-sigh-you-nahn-doh)
last night
anoche (ah-noh-cheh)
order (noun)
el pedido (peh-dee-doh)
el efectivo (eh-feck-tee-voh)
el vocabulario (voh-cab-ooh-lahr-dee-oh)
having lunch
almorzando (ahl-mohr-zahn-doh)
slow (adjective… the slow turtle)
lento / lenta (lehn-toh) / (lehn-tah)
standing still
parada , parado
(pah-rah-dah), (pah-rah-doh)
gracioso / graciosa OR cómico / cómica
(grah-see-oh-soh) (koh-mee-koh)
topic, subject
el tema (teh-mah)
having dinner
cenando (say-nahn-doh)
dark skinned
moreno / morena (moh-reh-noh) / (moh-reh-nah)
equal, the same (2 options)
igual OR mismo
(ee - gwall) OR (me-smoh)