To Learn Flashcards
we will learn
aprenderemos (ah-pren-day-ray-mohs)
they will learn
aprenderàn (ah-pren-day-RAHN)
you, he/she learn , learns
aprende (ah-pren-deh)
We learned
aprendimos (ah-pren-dee-mohs)
I learned
aprendí (ah- pren-DEE)
I will learn
aprenderé (ah-pren-deh-RAY)
they learn
aprenden (ah-pren-den)
you, he, she learned
aprendió (ah-pren-dee-OH)
you (familiar) will learn
aprenderás (ah-pren-deh-RAHS)
reaprender (ray-ah-pren-dehr)
we learn
aprendemos (ah-pren-DEH-mos)
aprendiendo (ah-pren-dee-ehn-doh)
you (familiar) learned
aprendiste (ah-pren-dee-stay)
you (familiar) learn
aprendes (ah-pren-des)
they learned
aprendieron (ah-pren-dee-air-rohn)
to learn
aprender (ah-pren-dair)
you, he, she will learn
aprenderá (ah-pren-deh-RAH)
I learn
aprendo (ah-PREN-doh)